

中文摘要 本市逸散性污染源中有很大的比例來自營建工程,而工程施工帶來生活上的不便利性、噪音、污染…等是最常為民眾垢病的部分。計畫除了由巡查過程中督促業者確實做好污染防制,今年度也持續透過「出入口管制」及「重大工地專案管制」、「氣候劣化營建工地污染防制通報」做為巡查輔助措施,來提升管制品質。自嘉義市政府設置「1999」陳情專線以來,民眾可更即時的反映各項問題,使計畫需處理的陳情案件略有增加,本計畫以提升處理的滿意度為前題,做為陳情案件處理的準則,希望藉此維護市民享有良好居住環境的權利。 計畫執行完成1,712次的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地65.0%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率85.2%,TSP產生量1,795.09公噸,TSP削減量1,158.23公噸,削減率54.52%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場次營建工程污染防制協調會暨營建噪音協談會,以及1場次營建工程污染防制協調會之公共工程單位主管會議、103年度2場次優良工地評選和1場次營建工程示範觀摩會。推動10處工地道路認養洗掃達5,371.49公里,40處的圍籬綠美化及工地裸露地進行植被綠化21.46公頃,另配合環保署執行營建工程噪音管制稽巡查共65件。 處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計共達1,708件,達成率為100%(1,708件/1,300件),其中包括1,545件陳情案件處理、118件一般例行性稽查(包括空污51件、噪音17件、露天燃燒46件、營建工程3件、空污不含異味1件)、22件空氣品質預報不良稽查、23件制高點觀測巡查。而陳情案件到場平均時間為16.48分鐘,在滿意度調查部分整體得分為99.49分。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、逸散污染源、逸散粉塵、夜間陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3456 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/24 專案結束日期 2014/12/15 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李珮蓓 執行單位 詠續環保企業社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度嘉義逸散&夜間期末報告.pdf 21MB
英文摘要 The sources of fugitive particulate emissions in Chiayi city come mostly from constructions. Additionly, the inconvenience, noise, pollution, etc. that constructions cause are most commonly complained by civilians. Besides supervising constructors through inspection process to execute pollution prevention, this year we elevate quality of control by including three steps - gateway control, control of major construction sites and giving information of road-adoption on a strip of cloth. Since Chiayi city government set a special line "1999" for nuisance dispute cases, civilians have been able to raise various questions in time. Hence, nuisance petitions increase slightly. Therefore, it is our aim to elevate satisfaction concerning handling nuisance petitions. By doing that, we hope for remaining civilians' right of enjoying a good living environment. As per the project, 1,712 inspections of construction sites have been implemented. 65 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 85.2 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP production is 1,795.09 tons; the TSP reduction is 1,158.23 tons with the reduction rate 54.52 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention including coordination regarding construction noise in the second meeting, holding an election of good construction sites for the year of 2014,advancing road-adoption up to 5,371.49 kilo-meter, and greening 40 fences and 214,607.94 square meters of bare construction sites. Up to now there are1,708 cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 1,545 cases are nuisance petitions,118 general routine inspections (including 51 air pollution, 17 noise pollution, 46 open fire, 3 construction works and 1 odor-free air pollution ),22 bad forecast of air quality, and 23 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 16.48 minutes. The overall satisfaction survey is 99.49 points.
英文關鍵字 Construction Site, Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Source, Public Nuisance Dispute Processing During Evening Hours