

中文摘要 本計畫分析本縣及鄰近縣市PM2.5之時空分佈及天氣型態對高濃度PM2.5之影響,並執行麥寮與斗六兩測站之四次人工採樣及成分(陰陽離子、EC、OC及元素) 分析,另進行陰陽離子之逐時自動監測。 本計畫共分析14種天氣型態對空品之影響,結果發現高壓迴流及峰前暖區兩種天氣型態最易發生PM2.5之超標日 (≧35 μg/m3),其超標日比例在北兩種天氣型態分別高達63%及62%。將採樣期間區分成滯留型 (弱綜觀天氣型態) 及傳輸型 (冷高壓迴流天氣型態與一般冬季天氣型態) 兩類天氣型態,結果發現滯留型其優勢離子(NH4+、NO3-及SO42-) 所佔之比例明顯較傳輸型為高,而傳輸型其塵土所佔之比例則明顯較滯留型為高。由逐時之陰陽離子資料計算I、J值及銨過剩與NO3-之關係圖發現麥寮地區之NO3-及SO42-絕大部份已被NH4+所中和,而斗六地區部份呈現銨貧乏現象,而此現象又以夏季最為明顯。由以上數據建議斗六地區宜先削減移動源之NOx 之排放,而麥寮地區則宜先削減氨之排放,此將可有效降低事件日發生之頻率;若再配合直接及間接硫酸鹽之削減則將更有效降低PM2.5之濃度。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、水溶性陰陽離子、金屬元素


專案計畫編號 103-031 經費年度 103 計畫經費 4820 千元
專案開始日期 2014/09/15 專案結束日期 2015/09/14 專案主持人 郭崇義
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 吳美惠 執行單位 中山醫學大學健康科技中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 雲林縣細懸浮微粒 (PM2.5) 濃度及化學組成時空變化調查計畫-期末正式報告.pdf 20MB
英文摘要 The temporal and spatial variations of PM2.5 concentrations in Yulin, and vicinity, as well as the effects of synoptic weather types on the concentrations of PM2.5 were studied in this project. Aerosols in Mailiao and Douliou stations were collected during the four seasons. The compositions of aerosols, including water-soluble ionic components, EC, OC, and metals were analyzed. In addition, hourly water-soluble ionic components were measured by an in situ IC system. In this study, 14 synoptic weather patterns were categorized in order to explore the effects on air quality. The synoptic weather types P3 (having a high-pressure beyond 125。E longitude) and P6 (a northerly warm front with an outer perimeter just making contact with north Taiwan) showed very high probability of occurring high concentrations of PM2.5. The percentage of the episode days (daily concentrations beyond 35μg/m3) for types P3 and P6 were 63% and 62%, respectively. The four sampling periods were divided into stagnant weather conditions (weak synoptic weather type) and transport weather conditions (anticyclonic outflow and winter type). The concentrations of three dominant ionic species (NH4+、NO3-及SO42-) in PM2.5 were significantly higher in stagnant weather conditions than in transport weather conditions, while the concentrations of dust in PM2.5 were significantly higher in transport weather conditions than in stagnant weather conditions. Results of I and J ratios, and the relationships between excess NH4+ and NO3-, showed that most NO3- and SO42- were neutralized by NH4+ in the Mailiao station. However, poor ammonium was found in the Douliou station, especially in the summer season. The results suggest that the first priority strategy is to reduce the mobile emission of NOx in Douliou area, while the first priority strategy is to reduce the ammonium emission in Mailiao area, in order that the episode days will be effectively shrunk. If the strategy associates with the reduction of primary and secondary sulfate, the concentrations of PM2.5 will be effectively shrunk.
英文關鍵字 Fine particulate matter, PM2.5