

中文摘要 (一) 柴油車檢測站共計完成5,048(含234輛次無負載)輛次檢測,其目標達成率為112.2%。 (二) 執行目視判煙稽查17,998輛次,車辨識系統成功辨識6,470輛次,共計完成24,468輛次,計畫目標達成率108.3%。 (三) 執行目測判煙有污染之虞通知3,832輛次,計畫目標達成率100.8%。 (四) 寄發8年以上車輛主動到檢通知6,000份,超越計畫契約訂定目標1,500份,計畫目標達成率400%。 (五) 路邊排煙稽查採嚴格篩選機制,共檢測694輛次,檢測不合格數為436輛次,檢測不合格率62.8%,工作進度達成率為100%。 前項工作雖未達到契約規範500輛次目標,但因該工作量達成有難度,因此契約中附帶條款,若路邊攔檢不合格數未達到500輛次,可以3輛動力計檢測抵換1輛路邊攔檢不合格數,故依據計算動力計檢測除完成4,500輛次檢測外,至少應在完成192輛次動力計檢測數加以抵換,截至12月10日止,動力計檢測(不含無負載)共計完成4,814輛次檢測,足以抵換64輛次路邊攔檢檢測不合格數。 (六) 到站檢測車輛抽驗油品採20件及路邊攔查採樣30件,共計50件,其中3件檢驗不合格,工作進度達成率100%。 (七) 6月6日辦理一場不透光率檢測暨自主管理宣導說明會,達成工作目標100%。 (八) 依據契約規範完成4則新聞刊登於紙本報紙,工作目標達成率100%。 (九) 完成1,000份宣導品購置。 (十) 配合辦理績優環保單位表揚活動,針對優良環保車隊等4家客貨運業者於12月11日進行表揚。 (十一) 完成5家客貨運業者加入自主管理輔導,目標達成100%。 (十二) 計畫期間每月執行1次內部稽核作業。 (十三) 依據合約規範計畫期間4、7、10月提報每季品保資料,函文環保局備查。 (十四) 103年針對長源汽車股份有限公司進行保檢合一保養廠輔導建置檢測能力,完成補助1名維修技師取得柴油車檢測證照,進行煙度計校正試片讀值及相關性比對作業,但發現煙度計讀值異常,已請長源公司送修,預計104年初完成維修後,將再進行相關比對,加以輔導該保養廠具檢測能力,提供車主檢測服務。 (十五) 針對兩座檢測站均執行15次品保品管測試,完成管制圖繪製作業,顯示檢測站測試能力及檢驗品質皆屬正常。 (十六) 完成喜樹及柳營兩個實驗室品質文件合併,並向全國認證基金會提出實驗室合併申請,完成實驗室合併作業。   (十七) 完成相關性測試比對結果得知臺南市檢測站與車輛測試研究中心及其他各縣市檢測站並無太大誤差。 (十八) 污染物削減量如下表: 里程依據 項目 TSP (公噸/年) 環保署 建議 檢測不合格改善(站內315、路檢436) 15.395 事前調修 82.779 依建議行駛里程合計減量 98.174 (十九) 建議: 1. 因應104年1月1日起施行柴油車不透光率檢測,為讓業者或車主能瞭解檢測新制改變內容,建議檢測站車主休息室製作相關看板,使業者及車主能迅速瞭解新制內容。 2. 鑒於檢測站之檢測品質,每年均須繪製品質管制圖,若車輛中途更換將使管制圖無�%9
中文關鍵字 103年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-102-AN31123 經費年度 103 計畫經費 18899 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/22 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 劉柏宏
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖佳鴻 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫期末報告書.pdf 29MB 103年度臺南市柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫 期末報告書

Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exhausts and the consultation and assessment

英文摘要 (一) Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station has inspected 5,048 vehicles (included 234 no-load running vehicles) with 112.2% of the rate of target completion. (二) 17,998 vehicles have been conducted the visual determination and 6,470 vehicles have been successfully identified by the Automatic Vehicle Identification, for a grand total of 24468 vehicles and 108.3% of the rate of target completion. (三) 3,832 vehicles failed to pass the visual determination and received the notices with 100.8% of the rate of target completion。 (四) Sending out 6,000 voluntary on-site checking notices to the vehicles of the age over 8 years, which surpassed our target setting of 1,500 notices in the plan contract, with 400% of the rate of target completion. (五) With the strict selecting mechanism, 436 vehicle fail in 694 roadside emission tests with a failure rate of 62.8% and 100% of the achievement rate. Due to its workload, it has a degree of difficulty to reach the specification goal of 500 in the contract. For that reason, according to the institute clause in the contract, if we have under 500 vehicles fail to pass the roadside inspection, it enable to use 3 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer inspections in the place of 1 failure road emission test, that is to say, other than the completion of 4,500 diesel vehicles dynamometer inspection, it shall complete extra 192 diesel vehicles dynamometer inspection to do the replacement. Until the 10th of December, we have the grand total of 4,814 vehicles completed the dynamometer inspection (no-load running ones are excluded), which have enough amount to take the place of 64 vehicles of failing on the roadside inspection. (六) With regard to the oil sampling, 20 of samplings from the on-site checking vehicles and those of 30 from the e roadside inspection, for a grand total of 50 samplings. In them, 3 samplings fail to pass the inspection with 100% of the achievement rate (七) The Promotion consortium of Opacity inspection and autonomous management held on May 6 with 100% of the achievement rate. (八) Released 4 news on the newspaper in accordance with the contract specification with 100% of the achievement rate (九) The completion of purchasing 1,000 promotion products (十) The Outstanding Environmental Friendly Organization recognition activity held on December 11 to recognize 4 all-purpose Carriers like outstanding environmentally-friendly vehicle teams, etc. (十一) 5 all-purpose carriers have participated in the autonomous management guidance with 100% of the achievement rate. (十二) Inner auditing once a month during the planning period. (十三) During the planning period, shall submit the seasonal Quality Assurance information and sent inspection of records to Environment Protection Administration on April, July and October based on the contract specification. (十四) As for the training of Diesel Vehicle inspection Chang Yuan Motor Co., Ltd. have to become the car shop that can do both inspection and Maintenance, 1 vehicle mechanic has attained the diesel vehicle inspection license. While doing the smoke opacimeter correction screen reading and its relevant comparison for Chang Yuan Motor Co., Ltds, found having abnormal smoke reading, have asked the company sending for repair and will do the relevant comparison again in the beginning of 2014 after the maintenance. (十五) Two stations have been conducted 15 quality control tests and made the control chart. The result shows that the stations have normal ability to do the inspection with fine quality. (十六) Complete the integration of both Xi Shu and Liu Yi laboratories by merging their ISO files together and submitting the application of the combination of laboratories to Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation. (十七) After compared the relevant inspection, the result shows that the inspection of Tainan inspection station has no big difference with that of ARTC and the stations in other regions. (十八) The reduction amount of contamination is as follows: The basis of mileages Items TSP (Tonne/ year) The suggestion of Environmental Protection Administration The improvement for failure inspection (315 of on-site inspection, 436 of roadside inspection) 15.395 Adjust in advance 82.779 Reduced the amount based on the total mileage it suggested 98.174 (十九) Suggestion: 1. To response to the test of diesel vehicle extraction rate carry out on January 1, 2015 and help the dealer or vehicle owners understand the change of test content, we suggest to make the board and put it in the Lounge of detecting test station so that the dealer and vehicle owners can know new test content right away. 2. In consideration of the detecting quality of detecting test station, the detection test station shall draw the quality control chart every year for the detecting car. To avoid the quality control chart cannot go on due to the change of detecting car in midstream, the standard car detecting test station used will be part of evaluation criteria while environmental Protection Bureau evaluate the detecting test station. For that reason, we suggest the detecting test station shall find an appropriate car to be a standard car as soon as possible. 3. The target number of roadside pull-over emission inspection in 2014 is 500 vehicles so in addition to the special occasion or bad weathers, we will nearly have two sets of manpower to carry out the inspection, but we still unable to reach the target number of 500 vehicles. Therefore, we will start to carry out the extraction test from 2015. For the vehicles that made before December 31, 2014 and failed in the roadside pull-over emission inspection, the vehicle owners can decide to re-inspect their vehicle by Smoke Emission Inspection. If that happened it will prolong the detection time. For that matter, we suggest to decrease the target numbers that fail in the roadside pull-over emission inspection. 4. In 2014, we intended to do the joint inspection in the four counties and cities of Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan; however, due to no enough policemen to support it, we did the joint inspection way in Chiayi and Tainan instead, less manpower but still had the joint audit benefit. Therefore, we suggest to continue such operation in 2015. 5. In 2014, we promote the On-site station inspection for the buses aged more than 5 years, but didn’t have good performance without forcing to do it. Therefore, we suggest in 2015 we can randomly go to Bus dealer and depots to check it, reporting and punishment those that are failed in the inspection and force the bus dealer to go to the station to do the inspection. 6. According to the analysis of 2014 executive result, we found that the vehicles that age more than 12 years have the highest degree of contamination. In the aspect of the vehicle types, the private vehicles have the highest failure rate in the inspection. As a result, we shall give more inspection in the vehicles aged over 12 years and private vehicles. In addition, the place where have the most people reported for high-polluted vehicles are in the South and Annan Districts. Therefore, we shall give more inspections in these two districts to reduce the high-polluted vehicles.
英文關鍵字 Plan for dynamometer testing of diesel-fueled vehicle exhausts and the consultation and assessment of exhaust improvement and maintenance garage