

中文摘要 『103年固定污染源稽查管制計畫』,在局內長官督導下,除了努力達成量化目標,並在實質的管制效益上精進,達成預期目標。至103年12月31日止,本計畫之成果摘要說明如下。 一、 統計至103年12月31日計畫執行期間,合計受理許可申請案27件,完成27件申請案之審查作業。 二、 執行期間至12月31日止計完成39張許可證查核,均與許可相符。許可查核符合率達100%。 三、 執行期間統計至103年12月31日,已執行81家610處次之固定源巡查,依巡查頻率依行業別來區分的話以非金屬礦物製品製造業(273件次)最高頻率,其次分別為其他石油及煤製品製造業(67件次)、電力供應業(49件次)、洗衣業(48件次),主要配合加強砂石堆置場管制作業加強巡查,藉由高頻率之巡查減少陳情及污染情事產生。 四、 本年度全面清查固定源資訊管理系統列管91家事業名單,查核是否使用低污染性燃料而未申報空污費之業者,並同時查核業者使否有使用廢棄物作為燃料;計有16家事業使用低污染性燃料而未申報空污費,因業者使用高級柴油且用量少1公噸,經計算空污費應繳費金額為0元,故業者並未申報空污費。另外,未發現有使用廢棄物作為燃料來源之業者。 五、 澎湖縣符合公告第一批、第二批公私場所應申報年排放量之固定污染源之廠家計有10家,排放量申報現場查核年度合約量為10廠次,截至12月31日止完成已審查102年第4季、103年第1季、第2季及第3季共四季,應申報排放量40家次,各廠家均依規定期限內完成上網申報作業,由本計畫完成審查作業,計畫執行期間亦協助廠商進行網路申報輔導及審查作業,排放量申報審查完成率達100%。 六、 計畫執行期間統計12月31日共計進行273件次巡查作業,有34件次巡查時有發現缺失計點情形,其中以進出口處車行路徑有泥沙拖出造成路面色差之缺失計有26件次,均輔導改善。 七、本年度進行8根次檢測作業,每根次包含粒狀物、SOx及NOx之檢測,煙道採樣分析工作部分,檢測結果均符合排放標準。 八、針對使用燃料油之公私場所進行含硫量檢測31件次(含3件次複查檢測),3件次油品含硫量不合格,分別為台電澎湖區營業處七美發電廠、展豐保麗龍廠及郁洲瀝青工業有限公司燃料油含硫份監測超過標準,經進行複測,皆已符合規範。 九、進行12家列管加油站之氣油比檢測作業,抽測12家加油站之71支油槍之氣油比、12家加油站的氣漏比,檢測結果均符合法令規範。 十、完成10場次固定污染源周界TSP檢測作業,檢測結果均符合法令規範結果。 十一、執行施工機具引擎使用液體燃料抽驗16件次(含3件次複驗),發現有3件次檢測未符合規範,進行複查抽測,已符合標準。 十二、本縣計有16家業者簽訂自主管理承諾書,執行污染防制措施及週邊道路認養作業共完成掃街638.4公里、洗街451公里,總洗掃長度達1089.4公里,推估削減TSP量達15.03公噸。 十三、計畫執行期間,辦理4場次固定空氣污染源法規宣導會。 十四、103年8月20日與台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠進行,並聯合防恐、空氣污染事件及水污染事件辦理「尖山發電廠空氣、水污染防治緊急應變演練」 十五、計畫執行期間每月提交2則宣導新聞稿,共提供環保局22件次新聞稿。
中文關鍵字 許可審查、許可查核、空氣污染防制費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3244 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/21 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 顏清文
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王美素 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度澎湖縣固定污染源稽查管制計畫-定稿本.pdf 5MB
英文摘要 1.During the 103 years of statistics to December 31 execution plan, totaling 27 cases accepting applications for leave to complete the review of 27 cases of a job application. 2.During the execution and ending December 31 to complete the 39 meter license check, are consistent with the license. 100% compliance with the license check. 3.During the execution statistics to 103 years on December 31, has performed 81 inspections of 610, followed by stationary sources, according to the frequency of inspections in accordance with the industry do to distinguish the words in non-metallic mineral products industry (273 times) the highest frequency, followed by for other petroleum and coal products manufacturing (67 times), electricity supply industry (49 times), Laundry (48 times), the main difference with gravel piled strengthen field operations to strengthen regulatory inspections by the high frequency of inspections reduce pollution violations petition and produce. 4.This year a comprehensive inventory of stationary sources of information management systems and tube 91 career list, check whether the use of clean fuel without air pollution fee declaration of the industry, and also check whether the industry to make use of waste as a fuel; namely, 16 without the use of less polluting fuels cause air pollution fee declaration, because the industry and the use of advanced diesel with less a tonne, air pollution fee shall be calculated payment amount is $ 0, so the industry does not declare an empty sewage fees. In addition, found no use of waste as a fuel source industry. 5.Penghu comply with the first announcement, the second batch of public and private establishments should declare stationary sources of emissions from the factory have 10 year terms, emissions reporting site to check the annual contract quantity of 10 plants times, ended December 31 completed 102 have been reviewed in the fourth quarter, 103 in the first quarter, second quarter and third quarter total of four seasons, should declare emissions 40 times within the manufacturers are following the prescribed time limit to complete the online reporting operations, plans to complete the review by the job also assisted during the execution plan network vendors declare counseling and review operations, emissions reporting review completion rate of 100%. 6.During plan execution statistics December 31 totaled 273 inspections conducted operations there have found that when the case is missing the point count 34 inspections, which import and export of sediment out of the path of the car dealers resulting color of missing road namely, 26 times, both to improve counseling. 7.conduct testing operations this year eight times, each time contain particulate matter, SOx and NOx detection, the flue sampling analysis section, the test results are in line with emission standards. 8.For the use of fuel oil sulfur content of public and private places to detect 31 times (including three times to review detection), three times the sulfur content of oil fail, Taipower Penghu area were operating at Chimei power plants, Chin-Feng Styrofoam asphalt plant and Yu Chau Industrial Co., sulfur and monitor fuel than the standard, the retest, have switched compliance. 9.Make 12 tube stations of gas-oil ratio testing operations, sampling tests and 71 gas-oil ratio of 12 stations of the oil gun, air leak than 12 test results are in line with legal regulations stations. 10.Complete the 10 screenings stationary sources TSP perimeter detection operations, the test results are in line with legal regulations the results. 11.Perform construction equipment engines use liquid fuel sampling and testing 16 times (including three times reinspection), found three times to detect not meet specifications, sampling tests for review, has met the standards. 12.The county has a 16 meter family business undertaking entered into self-management, the implementation of pollution control measures and the surrounding roads were completed job adopt 638.4 km of street sweeping, street washing 451 kilometers, with a total length of 1089.4 km wash sweep, Collocation and reduce the amount of TSP up to 15.03 tonnes. 13.During the implementation plan, for the four sessions of fixed air pollution regulations will advocacy. 14.103 on August 20 Eagle's Nest and the Taiwan Power Co. power plant and a joint counter-terrorism, air pollution and water pollution incident handling events "Eagle's Nest power plant air pollution prevention and control emergency drills." 15.During the execution plan to submit a monthly two advocacy press release, providing a total of 22 times the EPA press release.
英文關鍵字 Permit review , licensing checks , air pollution control fee