

中文摘要 近年來透過環保署「運作中工廠土壤及地下水含氯有機溶劑污染潛勢調查及查證計畫」、「全國高污染潛勢工業區地下水質預警監測井網規劃建置計畫」等計畫,發現本市有許多含氯污染場址,位置分布零星,且因污染調查程度不一以致於無法確認污染行為人,以致污染責任未明且造成管理不易。有鑑於此,本局擬建立含氯場址之基本調查機制,並依據調查結果規劃含氯污染場址標準列管行政流程,以利日後發現受含氯有機物污染時,得以依據此調查機制及行政流程,推動後續行政管理措施與相關求償策略。 本計畫藉本市工業區內已知不同的含氯污染類型進行探討,大發工業區四氯乙烯污染調查,已確認地下水四氯乙烯污染範圍約位於光華路與大業街路口,污染深度目前仍以7-8公尺深為主,本區域之健康風險評估在可接受範圍,且污染傳輸速度不快環境亦可能存在自然降解之條件,然而因已在土壤中檢出四氯乙烯濃度,且推測土壤中之污染在地下水位較高時會釋放至地下水中。臨海工業區伍桐公司已大致確認地下水污染範圍介於沿海三路與大業南路之間。臨海工業區台灣志氯已框定地下水中氯乙烯污染範圍於台灣志氯廠區內至中亨街邊緣。而此處之污染由各項調查結果知污染來源較為複雜,現今知污染情形可能為多種情形之綜合結果。臨海工業區外之調查,地下水氯乙烯範圍已確認位於預警網-臨海#6周遭之中油大林廠外綠帶,至沿海三路邊緣,現今污染範圍未影響大林蒲社區。此區域之污染傳輸緩慢,推測為早期於鄰近之洩漏事件。此區域之健康風險評估因污染濃度低,試算結果落於可接受之範圍。 透過兩工業區含氯污染驗證調查機制,由不同樣態污染場址進行補充調查,並回饋調查結果,確立未來本市辦理含氯碳氫化合物污染場址調查程序,此外提出含氯污染潛勢地圖概念,掌握兩工業區高污染潛勢廠商位置,並可了解現今之地下水監測缺口,以利後續有效利用資源,並透過管理方式將污染物對居民與環境影響降至最低。
中文關鍵字 高市土壤及地下水含氯調查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 14889.88 千元
專案開始日期 2014/10/23 專案結束日期 2016/10/22 專案主持人 王炳南
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 姚模林 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告基本資料.pdf 0MB

Supplementary Investigation and Management of Chlorinated- Solvent Contamination in Soil and Groundwater in Kaohsiung

英文摘要 Chlorinated solvent pollution in soil and groundwater is an important issue in Kaohsiung, especially in the industrial districts such as DaFa industrial park and LinHai industical prak. Both industrial parks had been polluted by chlorinated solvents. However the plume size and the polluters of chlorinated solvent contaminated sites were not clear, because of the limited investigation resource and complex land use history. It leads to management difficulty. In order to establish a management process and site investigation model of chlorinated solvent contaminated site, this project chose Linhai industrial park and Dafa industrial park as investigating targets and develop a plume and source tracing process. In this study, the size and depth of PCE plume in Dafa industrial park is identified that the PCE pollution distributed in 7-8 meters under groundsurface. We also found that there may exist residual PCE in soil. The healthy risk cause by soil and groundwater pollution is acceptable. And the pollution transportation model result indicate the pollution transmission is slow. Natural degradation condition is established in this site. It’s worth noting that PCE was detected in soil, and it may continuously release into ground along with the groundwater level. There are three VC contaminated sites in LinHai industrial park. In this project, we need identified the plume size of these site and try to distinguish the relationship between plumes. With comprehensive geographic survey, site investigation, and compound specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA), the plume distribution of three sites are clearly identified. CSIA results shows the difference of three plume which mean those plume might have different sources. The survey results of WT site in show the VC pollution distributed in the range between Daye S. Rd and Yanhai 3rd Rd. The pollution situation of CL site is much more complex. VC pollution distributed in plant area of Taiwan Chlorine Industries ltd., came from different sources with the CSIA evidence.. The findings of E00376 well shows VC plume distribution which is located on the isolated tree belt area of CPC Corporation, sidewalk and the road. , The groundwater flow direction and the plume transportation simulation indicate the pollution does not affect the Dalin Po community and the plume movement is very slow. The simulation model also indicated that the pollution may come from neighboring area at early stages. The health risk cause by pollution is acceptable. With the experience of this project, we propose a concept of potential map about chlorinated solvent pollution in industrial park. This map not only can illustrate the potential pollution site of exist factory, but also indicate the insufficiency of groundwater monitoring networks. In this project, a decision making protocol were developed. Through the protocol and follow the investigation methods and tools mentioned, a site manager can clearly identified a chlorinated solvent contaminated plume size, possible sources. It can also help a site manager to making a decision for site management which can minimize the impact of the population and the environment.