

中文摘要 本研究主要針對現行地方環保單位不定期於路邊執行使用中機動車輛(機車)原地噪音稽查檢測時,若道路旁檢測場地空間不完全符合CNS 5799規定,評估不同量測環境條件對使用中機車原地噪音量測結果之影響程度,以作為檢測執行方式修改或量測結果修正之參考依據。另參考國際間聲學量測規範量測環境修正因子(K2A)將其結果與原地噪音評估結果比對其關聯性,以歸納後續量測程序改善之方向。主要內容包含: 一. 蒐集分析國內外對於使用中機車之噪音量測方法與管制現況,以及研析國際間相關噪音量測規範對量測環境之要求與修正方式。 二. 調查及研析不同量測環境條件對使用中機車原地噪音量測結果之影響,及該影響情形與聲場環境修正係數之關聯性。 三. 評估於市區環境中執行使用中機車原地噪音量測之影響因素,並研提量測程序改善相關建議。 彙整研究文獻與市區實測數據,研析於市區環境中執行使用中機車原地噪音量測之影響因素,並針對測試場地要求條件、量測結果計算方式等研提測試程序改善建議;重點結論如下: 1.國際間對使用中車輛噪音檢測程序之研究,以理論觀點說明原地噪音的量測方式,在開放環境下受到反射聲波影響的程度不高,除非特定頻率聲波在該環境中產生駐波效應而放大,不然以現行近接量測方式,對使用中車輛在各種不同場地量測的重現性與穩定性應該是最適合的;本研究實測分析結果與上述一致,佐證現行測試程序之客觀合理性。 2.各場地條件所評估K2A與實車原地噪音測試值,相對於標準開放場地的差異都小於±1.5dB(A),變異幅度相當,但二者關聯趨勢則不明確。只能歸納市區不完全符合標準的場地對檢測結果影響幅度不大,可控制在一定範圍。而K2A≦2dB 的結果,佐證市區不完全標準的場地聲場範圍可視為具有近似自由音場特性。 3.以本研究累計實測數據分析,歸納在各種不完全符合CNS 5799 場地規定的環境執行原地噪音檢測,在95%信心水準下,量測不確定度為1.7dB(A);且與在標準場地的測試結果差異在±2dB(A)以內。 4.總體而言,市區場地差異對檢測結果影響不大,針對我國使用中車輛噪音測試程序,建議可修訂既有測試程序將市區檢測的不確定度以一固定值作修正;或仍維持現行程序,於裁處時考量不確定度因素作為判定。
中文關鍵字 使用中車輛噪音管制,原地噪音測試,聲功率


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-U1F1-02-108 經費年度 103 計畫經費 1320 千元
專案開始日期 2014/07/16 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 潘國良
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林慧華 執行單位 財團法人車輛研究測試中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 使用中機車原地噪音量測技術研究_期末報告_定稿本.pdf 16MB 103使用中機動車輛原地噪音量測技術研究-期末報告

The research for the stationary noise technique of in-use vehicle

英文摘要 This project focused on the test procedure of in-use vehicle noise control (for motorcycle). If the test site in urban area not fully comply with the current CNS 5799 test standard, and the local Environmental Protection Bureau needs to perform the noise test at the roadside of urban area. This project evaluates the influence of stationary noise test results carried out at various non-standard locations and applied the K2A (environmental correction factor) test to evaluate the acoustic field properties of urban test locations. Then compare the results between K2A and motorcycle’s noise test results to sum up the suggestions for result correction or further revise to improve the test procedure more appropriate for assessment of in-use motorcycle noise test. The main outlines are as follows: 1.To survey and analyze the noise test method and regulation status of in-use motor vehicle. Also, investigate the relative international noise regulations for test-site demands and correction method. 2.To investigate the effect of stationary noise of motor vehicle by measuring noise at different test-sites and sum up the relevance with environmental correction coefficient of sound field (K2A). 3.To assess the influencing factors of stationary noise results measured at the urban non-standard sites, and make recommendation for improvement of the test procedure. To organize the literature of past research and test data in the urban area, and to investigate the influencing factors of stationary noise test for recommendation of test-site demands, test procedure and data calculation process. The main conclusions are summarized in the following: 1.The reference lectures of past research in noise test procedure of motor vehicle, which evaluate the influence of sound-reflecting surfaces on a theoretical basis to explain that the close-proximity measurements setup of stationary noise were essentially unaffected by reflective surfaces in the open environment. Only if a specific frequency wave may be suffered from standing wave effect. The reproducibility and stability should be most suitable for motor vehicle testing. 2.The test-site evaluation with K2A and stationary noise of motor vehicles are compared to standard test-sites. The difference of K2A and stationary noise are less than ±1.5dB(A), the different range are fairly consistent, but the relevance trend is not clear. The results show that the influence of stationary noise tested at non-standard locations are small, and can be controlled in a specific range. As per the ISO 11201 standard, the results of K2A≦2dB showed that the non-standard urban test sites could be approximately regarded as a free-field environment. 3.By summing up all of the test results obtained at various kinds of non-standard test sites, the measurement uncertainty under 95% confidence is 1.7dB(A), and the noise difference in the test result for the standard and the non-standard sites were found to be no greater than 2dB(A) when the results were rounded according standard procedure. 4.In conclusion, measurements carried out at the non-standard locations agreed well with the corresponding test results obtained at the standard test-site. The influence is not significant. To improvement the in-use vehicle noise control, the countermeasure may either to revise the current test procedure (correct the noise test result with a fixed value for the uncertainty); or to take the uncertainty into consider while determining the penalty with current test standard.
英文關鍵字 In-use vehicle noise control, Stationary noise test, Sound power