

中文摘要 透過本案輔導縣市環保局辦理機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料(含光碟資料)審查分析作業工作,以提升航空噪音監測之品質,另持續維護並更新航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局查核使用;蒐集分析我國航空噪音之風速監測限值資料,研析直昇機低頻噪音評估方法;蒐集全球民航航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展。另一方面,由於各縣市的噪音問題有著地區性與民眾感受度等地方特性,故於噪音管制法第八條及第九條中乃授權各縣市政府視轄境內必要之噪音問題進行公告管制。此外,並進行噪音相關科技群組計畫之控管作業,協助掌握各計畫執行進度、內容成果、需協助事項與下階段重點,俾利確認執行內容未與原先規劃或施政內容悖離,以提昇各計畫執行品質。本計畫有關工作內容說明如後。 一、完成研析各縣市依噪音管制法第8條及第9條以行為法或標準公告管制項目,包括: (一)分析目前各縣市噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件,分別研提可依噪音管制法第8條及第9條規定,以行為法或標準管制公告項目及內容。 (二)針對研提建議之管制項目及內容,依本署需求進行調查並評估其可行性。 (三)協助進行噪音相關施政及科技群組計畫之控管作業。 (四)協助有關科技計畫國科會網站填報資料及彙整。 (五)辦理「全國噪音管制會議」相關行政作業。 二、完成輔導縣市環保局辦理機場定期申報之航空噪音監測資料(含光碟資料)審查分析作業,以提升航空噪音監測之品質,包括: (一)針對航空噪音季報告書內容邀集專家學者召開1場次諮詢會議,輔導辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料審查分析作業,並召開監測資料審查討論會。 (二)更新全國航空噪音防制補助資料庫,蒐集國內軍民合用機場及純軍用機場航空噪音防制補助情形,並更新航空噪音防制補助資料,以供民眾查詢。 (三)調查我國內政部空中勤務總隊直昇機場飛航現況,以供縣市環保局掌握航線與架次等資訊。 (四)建立並彙整全國航空噪音監測站之「噪音監測站說明表」。 三、完成維護航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能,以供縣市環保局使用,包括: (一)檢討提高蒐集率可行性與「總計均能音量」、「事件均能音量」、 「背景均能音量」航空噪音監測資料與參數合理性範圍。 (二)提升及維護航空噪音監測資料判讀工具之功能。 (三)辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料判讀工具討論會。 四、完成蒐集分析我國航空噪音之風速監測限值資料,研析直昇機低頻噪音評估方法,包括: (一)蒐集我國機場不同風速或超過10公尺/秒時之航空噪音測值,分析風速超過10公尺/秒時對航空噪音測值之影響,研提航空噪音之風速監測限值。 (二)蒐集各國直昇機低頻噪音管理措施,包含量測方法及評估標準。 (三)依據陸軍三座直昇機場航空噪音等噪音線圖,研析納入低頻噪音管制之可行性。 (四)依據研析結果研提對應草案,並於完成草案後邀集專家學者召開諮詢會。 五、完成蒐集全球民航航空噪音環保措施與作法之最新發展,包括: (一)蒐集ICAO、歐盟、以及國外各主要國家之民航航空噪音環保政策、策略與目標;並進一步了解其最新發展與未來努力方向。 (二)蒐集國外各主要國家民用航空和環境保護主管機關對於航空噪音環境面之政策方向與範疇界定。 (三)蒐集國外各主要機場之航空噪音環保政策、目標與相關管理措施。 (四)蒐集國外各主要國家民用航空主管機關及機場所採行之相關航空噪音環保措施與行動方案。 (五)研析歐洲相關航空噪音模擬軟體使用之可行性。 (六)協助檢討相關航空噪音法規。
中文關鍵字 航空噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-F1-03-A152 經費年度 103 計畫經費 1320 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/27 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 噪音行為暨航空噪音管制計畫.pdf 31MB 噪音行為暨航空噪音管制計畫.pdf

Noise behaviors and Aviation Noise Control Project

英文摘要 The purposes of this project include: 1) counsel and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of various counties (or cities) in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data (including data CDs) regularly submitted by various airports, in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring operation, 2) constantly maintain and update the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation to make them available for check-up by the EPB of various counties (or cities), 3) collect and analyze information on the wind speed monitoring limits regarding the aviation noise in our country and evaluate the assessment methods for low-frequency noises produced by helicopters, and 4) collect information on the latest development of the environmental protection measures and practices on civil aviation noise control around the world. On the other hand, since the noise issue in various counties (or cities) involves some localized features, such as localization and public perception, the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act authorizes the local government of various counties (or cities) to publish controlling items concerning the noise issue in their jurisdiction as necessary. In addition, this project also aims to assist with the control operation of various noise-related technology group projects, in terms of implementation progress, content & results, matters needing assistance, and highlights of the next stage of various projects in order to make sure that the execution content is not swerving from the original plans or policies, so as to enhance the implementation quality of various projects. The achievements of this project are described as follows: 1. Studied and analyzed the controlling items published as the behavior approach or standards by various counties (or cities) in accordance with the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act, including: 1) Analyzed the noise petition cases and repeated complaints currently received by various counties (or cities) and proposed controlling items and content to be published as the behavior approach or standards in accordance with the Articles 8 and 9 of the Noise Control Act. 2) Studied and evaluated the feasibility of the proposed controlling items and content based on the EPA requirements. 3) Assisted with the control operation of noise-related policies and technology group projects. 4) Helped with form filling and aggregation concerning science and technology projects on the National Science Council’s website. 5) Performed related administrative work for the National Noise Control Meeting. 2. Counseled and assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of various counties (or cities) in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data (including data CDs) regularly submitted by various airports, in order to enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring operation, including: 1) Invited experts and scholars to participate in a consultation meeting to discuss the content of Quarterly Report of Aviation Noise. Counseled and assisted the EPB of counties (or cities) where an airport is located in reviewing and analyzing the aviation noise monitoring data and organized a meeting to discuss the result of aviation noise monitoring data review. 2) Updated the “Aviation Noise Control Subsidy Database”, collected information on aviation noise control subsidy at military-civilian airports and military airports in the country, and updated data on aviation noise control subsidy for public inquiry. 3) Investigated the current situation of the air traffic at different heliports administered by the National Airborne Service Corps, MOI, to provide information on air routes and number of flights for reference by the EPB of countries (or cities). 4) Established and aggregated the “Noise Monitoring Station Description Table” of aviation noise monitoring stations around the country. 3. Maintained and updated the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation to make them available for use by the EPB of various counties (or cities), including: 1) Reviewed the feasibility of collection rate enhancement, the aviation noise monitoring data, such as total average sound level, event average sound level and background average sound level, and the reasonableness of the range of parameters. 2) Enhanced and maintained the functions of tools for aviation noise data interpretation. 3) Organized meetings to discuss the tools for aviation noise data interpretation for the EPB of counties (or cities) where an airport is located. 4. Collected and analyzed information on the wind speed monitoring limits regarding the aviation noise in our country and evaluated the assessment methods for low-frequency noises produced by helicopters, including: 1) collected aviation noise measurements at different wind speeds or at wind speeds over 10 m/s at various airports in our country, analyzed the effect of wind speeds over 10 m/s on the aviation noise measurements, and proposed wind speed monitoring limits. 2) Collected the helicopter low-frequency noise control measures adopted by various countries, including measuring methods and evaluation criteria. 3) Analyzed the feasibility of inclusion of low-frequency noise control based on the aviation noise contours of the three Army Heliports. 4) Proposed a corresponding draft based on the analysis results and held a consultation meeting participated by experts and scholars after completion of the draft. 5. Collected information on the latest development of the environmental protection measures and practices on civil aviation noise control around the world, including: 1) Collected the environmental protection policies, strategies and goals on civil aviation noises adopted by ICAO, EU and other major countries and investigated their latest development and future directions. 2) Collected information on the policy direction and scope definition of aviation noise environment adopted by the civil aviation and environmental protection authorities of major foreign countries. 3) Collected information on environmental protection policies, goals and related regulatory measures on aviation noises adopted by major foreign countries. 4) Collected information on environmental protection measures and initiatives on aviation noises adopted by civil aviation authorities of major foreign countries. 5) Analyzed the feasibility of adoption of European aviation noise simulation software. 6) Assisted with review of related aviation noise laws and regulations.
英文關鍵字 aviation noise