

中文摘要   本計畫已完成推估驗證民國102年移動源排放量,並更新參數及來源,而在移動源總量管制策略之部份,本計畫也針對各空品區之主要污染物貢獻來源進行管制建議;於移動源績效考評作業,則是完成1~4季之現場查核,並完成全國環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站之評鑑作業,本年度計畫工作成果項目摘述如下: (一)總量推估與管制已按合約項目完成總量推估並產出各污染物之102年排放總量,完成測站資料與總量推估之結果進行比對;本年度污染物占比部分,係以TEDS8.1總量之資料進行分析,完成各污染物在不同車種下之占比與空品區占比關係。有關車輛成長對總量之影響觀察,本計畫完成各車種各期車之車輛數分布與污染物分布之評析。SIP縣市考評中創新車速調查之執行,已於103年10月31日前完成,本團隊核對今年調查結果,發現車速普遍較去年為高,兩年車速資料皆彙整至車速調查平臺中。總量管制部分則已完成移動污染源減量目標之推算,及與各管制策略之排放量。完成評析我國大眾運輸推廣之市區公車減量成效;並完成各縣市污防書移污管制項目共255項之執行成效評析作業,最後建置9項移污管制措施共6項污染物之排放係數,並完成1場次之北部空品區交流座談會。車載量測實驗已按照合約工作項目完成所有測試條件,並進行各期車之污染排放實測與實驗室比較與地區之污染排放特性分析。 (二)完成103年度1~4季縣市移動源管理工作績效考評作業,包括每季系統數量勾稽查核、異常清單產出及現場查核工作,並將統計後之考評認定數提交給署內核定,本計畫已完成各縣市考評項目結果統計及分數計算並將排名成果公布於填報系統上,以利環保局未來精進之;二行程機車汰舊補助及烏賊車檢舉政策問卷調查作業,已於103年12月底完成,並於104年1月底完成分析,成果會議於104年4月30日順利完成。 (三)完成103年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,共完成全國19個縣市、19座排煙檢測站之評鑑工作,本計畫於現場評鑑時使用第三方公正單位校驗之器材進行溫度、壓力及試片比對,以查核掌握柴動站偵測儀器之誤差值。針對丙級之柴動站,建議該縣市可落實檢測人員教育訓練、相關文件建檔保存及儀器校正等事項,亦應建立SOP並確實執行,以進一步提升排煙檢測站檢測品質及維持穩定運作。 (四)環保署車籍介接服務,於103年7月7日正式啟用。提供環保署、環保局及基管會環保違規入案、銷案及禁動、解凍、回收註記功能及車籍資料單筆與批次查詢功能。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、車載排放量測系統、污染排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA13-03-A253 經費年度 103 計畫經費 13690 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/12 專案結束日期 2015/04/30 專案主持人 胡令賽
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 振興發科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103_總量成果報告_內文.pdf 26MB

Evaulate and Control the Total Quantity of Mmobile Emission and Survey The Implement Results of City

英文摘要 This project has accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2013 mobile source emission, refreshed parameters and parameter sources, advised Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to control major mobile pollution source in the air quality region, status audits of 2013 local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks, and performed audits of 19 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities. This project estimated the total annual emission, and also compared the monitoring stations data with predicted results. The proportions of air pollution have been calculated in different air quality regions based on TEDS 8.1. It also evaluated the changes in the pollution of various types of vehicles. The effect of vehicles growth rate and mobile source emission included: synthesized the number of all types of vehicles and traffic flow rate in Taiwan, and through which we could estimate the mobile source emission. The velocity of SIP auditing work had been finished before Oct. 31, 2014. The results showed that speeds were a little higher than year 2013. The project assembled the two years of investigation data in the same platform. In the total quantity control of Mobile sources, the reduced emission of different control strategies had been calculated. The project also held 1 forums of "Communicate with North Air Quality Area.” The project team had finished on-board Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS) test according to the contract. This project completed the 2014 Mobile Source Management Review that included: reviewing seasonal audits of vehicles, and onsite verification and a score report for the amount of the control work implemented by county/city. This part of the project had carried out a census score and submitted the results to EPA. The national annual evaluation result meeting of 2014 was held on Apr.30, 2015. The mobile source emission elimination actions held by all counties were 2-stroke engine scooter termination & scrapped 、people reported generating excessive amounts of visible exhaust emissions (“squid vehicle” in Chinese). Those two were supported by the public as evidenced through the public surveys to gather the satisfaction scores of various counties. This part of the project had completed the survey in Dec. 2014, and the statistics were analyzed in Jan. 2015. Nineteen cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited during 2014. Through this project, the third party verification system was conducted to ensure the quality of the sample films, thermocouple and pressure gauge that are used in the facilities. The recommendations for the C stations are: training operators, following SOP, and keeping good records. The Vehicle Identification data exchanging system operated on July 7, 2014. It provided vehicle identification data for EPA, EPBs and Recycling Fund Management Board.
英文關鍵字 mobile Source, on-board Portable Emission Measurement System, emission Reduction