英文摘要 |
The establishment of “Northern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center" follows the five programs of “EE Capacity” in the United States : Leadership Academy, Building Environmental Education Capacity, Technology to Support the Field, Research and Evaluation and Dissemination Partnerships. With these five programs, the center will assist with the implementation and capacity building of environmental education in Taiwan.
In the aspect of Leadership Academy, we will organize an international conference to introduce the implementation experiences of the “EE Capacity”, helping Central Regional Environmental Education Center to develop national environmental education guideline for excellence. In addition, we plan to apply for the certification in environmental education institution at the end of this year.
In the aspect of Building Environmental Education Capacity, two workshops with different topics will be hosted. Also, a co-learning platform will be established through partnership meeting monthly and environmental education resources online.
In the aspect of Technology to Support the Field, we will set up a dedicated website and develop general education curriculum framework with regional characteristics. Based on the curriculum framework, modern technology will be used to support the general education program.
In the aspect of Research and Evaluation, the sustainable management systems, management tools and performance evaluation systems will be studied and built.
In the aspect of Dissemination Partnerships, partners from local industries, government agencies, academia and non-government organizations will be convened together to participate in the monthly meetings. Furthermore, we will assist our partners to hold the capacity building workshops with particular themes, in which thematic teaching plans will be developed.