

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為103 年1 月24 日至12 月31 日,主要工作內容為依據『空 氣污染防制費收費辦法』辦理移動污染源空氣污染防制費初審作業、依據『車用 汽柴油販賣進口許可及管理辦法』及『車用汽柴油成分管制標準』,對製造者及進 口者之廠(場)區、成品儲槽、油庫、銷售地點或其他公私場所,查核相關資料 及檢測汽柴油品質以及持續蒐集國內外油品(含生質燃料)管制相關資料。本計 畫統計103 年1~12 月全國共計徵收汽油空污費約19.83 億元,柴油空污費約9.70 億元,全國計徵收汽柴油空污費約29.53 億元,較102 年1~12 月增加約4.25 %,汽柴油月平均申報量與102 年比較均呈上昇趨勢。空污費網路申報系統方 面,本計畫除針對微軟例行性發布進行更新,另進行弱點掃瞄查核,根據下半 年弱點掃瞄結果顯示,系統並無存在任何潛在風險。本計畫彙整歷年空氣污染 指標與不良日數比率作為污染防制績效之指標,在施政績效方面,首要考量以 民眾滿意度為主,故採用歷年環保施政意向調查之「民眾對空氣品質改善之滿 意度」與「空氣污染困擾源來自汽機車廢氣比例」做為對稱污染防制績效之指 標。根據對稱性比較結果,94 年、96 年、100 年及101 年分別降低汽、柴油硫 含量管制值,並持續推動空氣品質改善與補助計畫、推廣綠色路網低碳運輸之 施政績效,已確實反映於94~102 年之污染防制績效,因此移動污染源之空氣 品質逐漸改善且獲致民眾肯定。依據總用油量分配比例推估結果計算,101 年 ~103 年10 月汽油車、機車及柴油車之徵收金額占比分布範圍約為50%~60%、 10%~15%及30%~35%。另分析業者汽油硫含量,各煉油廠1~12 月檢驗結果 介於2.2~8.5 mg/kg,各煉油廠1~12 月柴油硫含量檢驗結果介於3.2~7.4 mg/kg,均符合管制標準。於現場查核方面完成3~10 月煉油廠24 組、供油中 心之116 組及加油站270 組之汽柴油採樣,檢驗結果均符合「車用汽柴油成分 管制標準」;4 月份完成1 家生質柴油業者現場查核,並針對業者B100 生質柴 油抽樣後送檢,檢驗結果符合管制標準。為避免影響行車安全及相關爭議持續 擴大,能源局已於103 年5 月5 日公告銷售國內之車用柴油,修正為非強制性 摻配生質柴油,目前國內所銷售之車用柴油自6 月起已不再添加生質柴油,能 源局並匯集專家學者及油品業者,著手研析生質柴油之去化管道及未來生質燃 料政策之修正方向,目前暫時將生質柴油運用於工業鍋爐燃料。國外管制規範 方面,歐盟燃料品質規範之重點包含禁用含鉛汽油及降低燃料硫含量,美國環 保署則依據各項評估計畫(如新配方汽油計畫、汽油硫含量限制計畫、移動源 空氣污染物計畫等)研擬相關管制規範,亞洲國家如日本、南韓、香港特別行 政區及我國多遵循歐盟相關規範,汽、柴油硫含量均已加嚴至10mg/kg。2 場油 品稽察管制業務成果座談會議已分別於6 月27 日及11 月24 日於台北市辦理完 畢,會議中除針對目前油品稽查程序與成果進行交流外,同時就目前國內漁船 用油非法流用之防制作為及成果及我國加油站油品管理方式進行說明,根據會 議結論,若環保局於現場稽查發現油品疑似有溶劑異味或油品顏色、密度異常, 則須於現場稽查採樣紀錄表單註明,並立即多採1 瓶,檢附現場稽查採樣紀錄 影本後交付本計畫檢驗分析,以提昇整體作業效率,此外,工研院現正開發油 品硫含量檢測之快篩試劑,未來若有成果,建議可作為後續地方環保單位柴動 站及路欄之稽查運用。103 年1~3 季全國非法油品稽查案件數達53,903 件,不 合格件數21 件,不合格率為0.04%,除漁業署持續調整漁船用油優惠政策及稽 查管控漁船用油量外,環保署及各縣市環保局歷年推動非法油品加強稽查抽驗 機制亦獲明顯成效。103 年1 至12 月份僅屏東縣環保局1 組非法樣品完成成分 項目分析及圖譜比對。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費、申報量、硫含量、生質燃料、非法油品


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA13-03-D026 經費年度 103 計畫經費 8200 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/24 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 陳宇揚
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳惠琦 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


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期末報告 EPA-103-FA13-03-D026digit.pdf 5MB 期末報告

The Field Inspection for the Quality of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels

英文摘要 The project period was from Jan 24, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014. The tasks included prior auditing the air pollution control fee for mobile pollution sources based on the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”, inspecting the data and testing the quality of gasoline and diesel fuels in producers/importers’ refineries, storages, depots, retails and other distribution places based on the “Selling and Importing Permit Management of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels” and the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”, and collecting and analyzing the foreign and domestic regulations of fuels(including bio-fuel). From January to December, the air pollution control fee of both gasoline and diesel collected was 2.953 billion NT dollars. It increased about 4.25% comparing to last year. The monthly average reporting volumes of gasoline and diesel also increased. About the web reporting system of air pollution control fees, the scanning result in the second half year showed no vulnerabilities. From January to December, The average sulfur contents of gasoline and diesel produced by domestic refineries were between 2.2 ~ 8.5 mg/kg and 3.2 ~ 7.4 mg/kg respectively. All results complied with the standard. For the field inspection, the sampling number of gasoline and diesel fuels was 24 for refineries, 116 for depots, and 270 for gas stations. All the testing results complied with the “Standards for the Composition of Automobile Gasoline and Diesel Fuels”. Besides, the field inspections of 1 bio-diesel entity had been finished in April. Also the Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the automobile diesel didn’t have to add bio-diesel since May 5th. DOE has started to discuss with the experts and professors together to find a way for consumption of domestic bio-diesel and how the policy continues. However, domestic bio-diesel will be added to boiler fuel for industrial use temporary. In the aspect of foreign fuel regulations, the main purposes of the fuel quality regulations in European Union were unleaded gasoline and low sulfur content. US Environmental Protection Agency promulgated fuel regulations based on the various evaluation projects including Reformulated Gasoline project, Tier 2 project, and Mobile Source Air Toxics project. Asian countries like Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan are following the fuel regulation of European Union mostly, and have restricted the standard of sulfur contents in gasoline and diesel to 10mg/kg. The project concluded the global tendency for the fuel regulation. 2 fuel inspection tasks and achievements forums had been held in Taipei on 27th June and 24th November. In addition to sharing the experiences of fuel inspection and achievements, the preventions of illegal fishing vessel diesel from using by vehicles and their successes were interpreted during the forum. Also the domestic gas station management and its fuel quality auditing had been introduced. The unqualified rate of domestic illegal fuels auditing was 0.04% from January to September. The municipalities provided only 1 illegal fuel sample for testing from January to December. The sample’s sulfur content exceeded the standard 10mg/kg but PAH content complied with the standard 11%. The sample had been analyzed by GC/FID and GC/MS equipment, the result of the spectrum comparison was normal.
英文關鍵字 air pollution prevention fee, reporting volumes, sampling and analyzing, bio-fuel, illegal fuel