

中文摘要 一、緣起 雲林地區由於六輕離島工業區、雲林科技工業區、斗六擴大工業區、絲織工業區等之相繼引進與開發,另外濁水溪枯水季節裸露河床,在強烈東北季風吹襲下,常造成揚塵沙害等懸浮微粒之污染,所有這些環境污染問題,不僅影響雲林地區民眾之生活品質,也可能影響民眾之健康。全國30個PM2.5手動監測站102年之年平均濃度值為24.0μg/m3,其中以斗六站年平均濃度34.0μg/m3最高。科學證據顯示PM2.5的健康指標包括全死因、心血管死亡、呼吸道死亡、心肺疾病住院、肺功能及症狀。為了解雲林地區民眾暴露於空氣污染之健康風險,進而探求降低健康風險所應採取之因應策略,故有必要做好事前污染管制措施及環境持續監測,以避免或減少污染情事發生,因此提出本計畫。 二、計畫目標 (一) 蒐集分析資料,掌握雲林地區空氣污染問題特徵。 (二) 完成雲林地區PM2.5等空氣污染物健康風險評估工作,提出降低風險之因應對策。 (三) 完成PM2.5等空氣污染物之變化趨勢分析及評估方法之規劃工作。 三、執行結果 雲林三個監測站歷年PM2.5年平均濃度歷年來皆以斗六站最高、崙背次之、台西站最低,但PM10則否,斗六站與崙背站互有高低,顯示崙背站之粗顆粒PM2.5-10比例較高,而斗六站則細顆粒PM2.5較高。除境外及本土性沙塵事件外,雲林地區PM10不良多因高壓迴流,氣團過山造成下沉氣流,風速微弱,使得境內污染物沉降聚集不易擴散。斗六測站位於內陸,日間因海陸風由海洋吹向內陸,可能使得傳輸沿線之固定源、移動源、農廢燃燒等逸散源排放之原生PM2.5及衍生PM2.5前驅物(SO2、NOx 及VOC)移入內陸,當風速較低加上山坡地形之影響,可能使得PM2.5前驅污染物轉化成PM2.5過程中,因地理及氣象條件而在斗六附近山區形成較高濃度之PM2.5。而崙背及台西站分別位於郊區及沿海地區,其風速較強,污染物易被吹散,因此PM2.5濃度較斗六站低,然而這些地區污染成因尚無具體結論。 本計畫以空氣品質監測與觀測、排放源調查與排放量推估、空氣品質模式模擬、減量管制策略研擬、政策之制訂與執行等各項空氣品質管理工作,分別規劃共十項未來應該做的研究項目,包括針對雲林各地區進行長期PM2.5質量濃度與化學組成份之觀測與分析,以掌握高PM2.5污染事件與一般PM2.5濃度之化學組成份差異,並透過受體模式分析,以釐清造成高PM2.5污染之個別化學組成及可能排放來源。另外,透過雲林地區比較重要的污染源排放量的推估及確認,如六輕之揮發性有機物、濁水溪河床逸散揚塵等排放量推估方法之發展與執行,及氣象條件與空氣品質關係之了解與預測,再以先進空氣品質模式模擬配合綜合程序速率分析技術,分析探討斗六及雲林地區及附近一些其他測站高PM2.5污染之物理化學形成機制與污染來源,據以研擬並評估具體的雲林及附近地區之污染改善策略與改善效益。另外,建置雲林地區空氣品質預報預警系統,讓民眾對於空氣污染惡化事件能事先作好必要的因應措施,以及建構一個空氣品質持續改善技術與資訊平臺,讓民眾與政府可以有效且正確地傳達與溝通PM2.5相關訊息,讓各級政府或同級政府各部會或各局處有一共同的多元且正確的訊息與知識來源,也讓各種不同意見的專家學者能夠有一個開放的討論空間。 在健康風險部分將結合計畫內粒徑分布分析,進行進一步之長期性、全面性與深入性暴露健康危害效應分析,並整合與完成PM2.5之暴露健康風險評估。另外,為有效利用國內健康監測資料,建立雲林地區PM2.5對居民健康影響之資料庫,亦可探討PM2.5改善對健康之效益評估並探討PM2.5管制標準是否足以保護居民健康,彙整PM2.5之健康評估風險資料,探討細懸浮微粒PM2.5風險評估及其改善成本之探討,進而結合環境保護與公共衛生政策之實證決策重大指標性意義。 本研究為雲林地區首度的PM2.5空氣污染研究,提供地區分層時細懸浮微粒空氣污染與慢性疾病和癌症死亡率之間可能相關性的證據。此研究更加凸顯目前對於空氣污染對健康之影響在本土流行病學實證上的需求,以期提供後續制訂空氣污染相關防制規章之標的。
中文關鍵字 雲林地區、細懸浮微粒、健康風險、研究規劃


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-H103-02-700 經費年度 103 計畫經費 940 千元
專案開始日期 2014/12/31 專案結束日期 2015/05/31 專案主持人 吳德和
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 許平和 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1-雲林地區空氣污染之健康風險分析及研究規劃期末報告(定稿)_150820final.pdf 8MB

A study planning for air pollution and health risk analysis in Yunlin area

英文摘要 1. Intriduction The annual average concentration of PM2.5 at Touliu in 2013 was 34.0μg/m3, which is highest one among 30 sites managed by EPA in Taiwan. To realize the people living in Yunlin area's health risk exposured long term on such high air pollution, and explore the improvement strategy of air pollution for reducing health risk, we have to do something in the future including air quality monotoring, composition analysis of PM2.5, emission reduction measures for various sources, health risk analysis, and etc. This study is subjected to proposed a study plan for the work to collect more information about air quality and its composition, a better understanding of the causes of air pollution, and control strategies to further impove air quality and reduce health risk caused by air pollution in Yunlin area. 2. Object (1) Collection and analysis of information about air quality data and past studies regarding Yunlin's air pollution. (2) To realize the chacteristics of Yunlin's air pollution issue, and propose a study plan for the work to collect more information about air quality and its composition, a better understanding of the causes of air pollution, and control strategies to further impove air quality in Yunlin area. (3) To realize the chacteristics of Yunlin's health risk issue, and propose a study plan for a better understanding of current health risk, and control strategies to reduce health risk caused by air pollution in Yunlin area. 3. Results (1) Among the three monitoring sites built by Taiwan EPA, the highest PM2.5 concentration ocurred at Touliu, the next on is Lunbei, and lowest on is Taisi. (2) The exact reason why PM2.5 higher at Touliu is not clear so far, but the terrain effect and fugitive dust of river surrounding Touliu could be somehow possible reason have been pointed out. (3) A procedure of air quality management have been prososed in the study including air quality monitoring and observation, source inventory and emission estimation, air quality modeling, control strategy for emision reduction, and policy decision and implementation. (4) A future study plan have been proposed for the work to collect more information about air quality and its composition, a better understanding of the causes of air pollution, and control strategies to further impove air quality in Yunlin area including long-term monitoring and obsevation of PM2.5 and its compostion, receptor model analysis, emission estimation for VOCs released by off-shore industry park, fugitive dust estimation model, integrated processes analysis for formation mechanisms of PM2.5, effectiveness assessment of control strategy, establishment of warning system for deteriorate event, and establishment of comunication platform for information exchange about PM2.5 and others. (5) A future study plan have been also proposed for a better understanding of current health risk, and strategies to reduce health risk caused by air pollution in Yunlin area including long term, totally, and deeply health risk and effect analysis for PM2.5 exposure, establishment of data bank for health effect by PM2.5 in Yunlin, exploreing the relation between PM2.5 concentration and mortality rate, and etc.
英文關鍵字 Yunlin county, PM2.5, health risk, study planing