

中文摘要 本計畫期程為103年6月12日起至104年6月11日止,主要工作為空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理、裸露地調查與輔導改善、室內空氣品質查核與輔導管理等三大主軸。 在空氣品質淨化區查核與輔導管理方面,共完成29處空氣品質淨化區之每月現場查核工作(總計:337處次),總碳匯量共計941.69公噸/年,並推動民眾認養15處空氣品質淨化區,總認養面積達10.79公頃。執行期間另輔導楊梅市公所與蘆竹市公所向環保署申請新設2處空氣品質淨化區,未來核准設置後將可擴增2.6公頃綠地面積與提升碳匯量達59.8公噸/年。而為提升提生活環境品質,及環境教育內涵,透過「蘆竹花彩節 萬花童樂會」活動,邀請大眾親身體驗轄內特色綠美化及環境教育場所,藉由親近大自然,體驗低碳訴求概念,建立環境保護觀念。 在裸露地調查與輔導改善方面,共完成12處空氣品質測站及13處空地調查作業,並利用植生綠覆完成2處裸露地改善,總綠覆面積共計2.101公頃,有效降低裸露地揚塵污染(TSP削減量:0.74382公噸、PM10削減量:0.3719公噸)及兼具環境綠美化之效。 在室內空氣品質查核及輔導管理方面,共完成210處室內場所現場查核輔導與二氧化碳巡檢作業,並針對12處二氧化碳巡檢不合格場所執行複檢與追蹤改善;此外,另委由環保署認證合格檢驗機構並採用環保署公告檢驗方法,針對桃園市30家第一批公告場所、3家醫療院所及3家幼兒園之室內場所進行室內空氣品質調查工作,以有效瞭解轄內各類型場所的室內空氣品質現況,並執行3家次醫療院所之專家現勘輔導改善作業,以有效協助室內場所進行室內空氣品質改善;另透過辦理3場次室內空氣品質會議,針對相關現行法規與室內空氣品質維護管理方法等進行說明講授,以有效提升桃園市室內場所的室內空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 6800 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/12 專案結束日期 2015/06/11 專案主持人 賴柏錡
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 傅瑋琦 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿本.pdf 56MB
英文摘要 This project started on June 12, 2014 and ended on June 11, 2015. The objectives were grouped into three main categories: Air Quality Purification Areas (AQPA) Inspection and Administrative Guidance; Survey and Improving Guidance of Areas with Few or No Vegetation (AFNV); Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Inspection and Administrative Guidance. With regard to the AQPA Inspection and Administrative Guidance, the officials concluded the monthly, onsite assessment and audit for 29 locations (total number of inspections performed: 337) with an estimated total carbon sequestration of 941.69 metric tons per year, and advocated for the public to adopt fifteen of these locations with a total area of 10.79 hectares adopted. During the effective period of this project, the officials also facilitated the Civil Affairs Offices of Yangmei District and of Luzhu District to submit applications for two new locations to be declared as AQPA with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Once these applications are approved, the AQPA would expand by 2.6 hectares of vegetated land, and the estimated total carbon sequestration would be increased to 59.8 metric tons per year. In order to increase the quality of people’s living environment, and to emphasize the core values of environmental education, the officials cordially invited the public to attend the “Luzhu Flower Festival – All Flowers Bloom Together”. The aims were to attract locals and visitors to experience firsthand the wonderful display of greenification within the jurisdiction, and its facilities for environmental education. When surrounded by nature, people experienced the concept of low-carbon economy, establishing awareness of environmental protection in the process. For the Survey and Improving Guidance of AFNV, the officials concluded the assessment of air quality from 12 air quality monitoring stations and 13 empty lots, and employed the method of afforestation, or reforestation to improve the condition of two AFNV with a total area of 2.101 hectares now covered in greenery. This approach had effectively reduced dust particle pollution (TSP reduction: 0.74382 metric tons, PM10 reduction: 0.3719 metric tons) and also achieved a desirable outcome of environmental greenification. As for the IAQ Inspection and Administrative Guidance, the officials concluded the onsite inspection guidance, , and routine inspection of carbon dioxide level of 210 indoor venues; twelve of which failed the carbon dioxide routine inspection, and were targeted for repeat inspection and follow-up on air quality improvement. Furthermore, another EPA-validated entity was appointed to oversee the IAQ inspection process of the first 30 publicly announced venues, 3 medical facilities, and 3 kindergartens in Taoyuan City, using strictly methods approved by the EPA in an attempt to effectively understand the current IAQ of various indoor venues within its jurisdiction. The officials utilized Randomized Selection and deployed specialists on three different occasions to any of the 3 medical facilities to perform onsite inspection, and administrative guidance in an attempt to effectively improve IAQ of these indoor locations. Concurrently, three IAQ conferences were conducted to elaborate and lecture on relevant laws and regulations, and on topics like the management of IAQ maintenance in order to effectively increase the IAQ of Taoyuan City’s indoor venues.
英文關鍵字 IAQ