

中文摘要 本計畫之形成乃建構在資訊共用共享的理念架構下,考量環境資源各種不同面向,透過結合雲端服務基礎架構,簡化資訊取得的方便性、時效性、正確性及完整性,創造我國環境資源資訊再造新契機。水利署於執行期間,依計畫需求以整合擴大水資料開放平臺應用推廣計畫為主軸,除擴增「水資料開放平臺」資料開放的類型及訊息交換機制外,並以現有E河川網、水利電子報主題網、永續公共工程專屬網站及河川復育網具公眾價值內容資料,優先開放河川名詞庫共1850筆、RSS服務共13筆(清單)、主題網站共45筆(清單)、專題文章共692筆等資訊公開政府資料集,透過分析規畫轉化成多元化資料開放格式Open Data提供給公眾加值應用,落實環境資源資訊共用共享理念。以建立跨領域環境資源資料整合之相關亮點服務,以「預知民眾需求」、「環境教育」、「公開資料加值應用」為導向,建立多樣性民眾有感服務,落實環境資源資訊通透與共用共享理念。 整體執行計畫期間,去年度以「e河川網路資訊服務」榮獲第五屆「政府服務品質獎」入圍,今年度為提升「水利知識管理」資訊服務及推廣河川環境生態知識教育,故建置E河川知識服務網除整合原E河川網站,強化名詞庫解析關鍵字,讓知識內容交互被攫取與交換,再加值、運算利用變成更有價值網頁內容外,並透過關聯技術,將水利相關文章之訊息、活動、文章、圖片、影音、電子書、河川旅遊等資料進行關聯,提供延伸閱讀給使用者查閱。另為提升發報執行效率及強化民眾對水利電子報之黏著度,故擴充電子報增修功能,以強化編報流程及發報穩定性,並配合節慶提供多元性的電子報樣貌,讓民眾有煥然一新的感受,進而作為政府與民眾主要宣導溝通橋梁,每期電子報內容含括全面性、高交流互動性的水資源知識,透過電子報知識內容傳遞,落實e河川5E概念:電子化整合(electric)、交流互動(exchange)、環境生態(environment)、河川教育(education)、親水享受(enjoyment),實際電子報訂閱戶也從百人倍增至近8千人(統計至103年10月31日止),持續性行銷計畫也讓更多民眾使用E河川知識服務網、電子報主題網之各項服務,並踴躍加入E河川水知識粉絲團及電子報訂閱。 水利署為配合行政院開放資料 (Open Data) 政策,落實資源資訊共用共享理念,故本計畫透過辦理一系列Open Data創新應用提案競賽(網站訪客瀏覽量:成長至60,000多人次,網站滿意度達92%)、專題人物邀稿10篇(慶祝電子報第100期,發送近8千份)、水利放大鏡電子報行銷活動(網站訪客瀏覽量:成長至280,000多人次,網站滿意度達92%),另因應知識服務網改版上線於9/15舉辦為期約兩個月「繽紛四季玩水FUN攝影活動」持續推廣活動(網站訪客瀏覽量:單活動衝破14萬多人次,網站滿意度達92%),期許推升水資源環境開放資料給民眾加值再利用,再者推廣民眾隨時隨地掌握環境品質、取得環境保育知識並參與環境保護,進而擴展訂戶數、刺激文章點閱人數,本計畫也以民眾角度發展多元化價值共創互動服務,以Facebook深化應用結合web 2.0服務,建構資訊多元溝通服務管道,藉由社群推播資訊,建立雙向溝通模式。 配合第四階段電子化政府計畫(101年至105年),環境整合計畫透過「環境資源資料整合運作」、「制度規範建立」、「決策分析應用」、「多元訊息傳播」與「主動客製服務」等面向,以未來環資部為軸心,以水環境資訊為核心,藉由政府與政府,以及政府與民眾間共同合作,創造隨手可得的整合性、全面性、多樣性、分析性的互動式水環境資源資訊服務及生態永續發展應用,期以提升政府行政效能,增進政府整體服務品質,提供符合民眾需求的全程創新服務。
中文關鍵字 河川名詞、河川資料集、水利、河川知識、環境教育、開放資料、水利電子報、Open Data


專案計畫編號 MOEAWRA1030108 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3480 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/20 專案結束日期 2014/12/15 專案主持人 韓怡真
主辦單位 水利署 承辦人 黃富馴 執行單位 哈瑪星科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 MOEAWRA1030108.pdf 33MB

Cloud Applications Promotion Plan for Water Resources Services

英文摘要 This project has been formed and constructed under an architectural concept of common use and sharing of information that takes into account the different dimensions of environmental resources, and combines them with a cloud service infrastructure to improve the convenience, timeliness, accuracy and integrity of information access, creating new opportunities to reconstitute our country’s information on environmental resources.   During the execution of the project, the Water Resources Agency (WRA) has given priority to expansion of its integrated and enlarged open platform for water resources, following the "Working principles for Open Data of the Executive Yuan and its subordinate organs at all levels”, taking into account the characteristics of open data sets, and expanding the categories and exchange mechanisms for Open Data on the “Platform for Open data on water resources”.   In addition, the current content of public value in the e-River Online Information Service, the thematic network around the WRA Newsletter, the WRA website on Sustainable Public Works, and the River Restoration Network, were through analysis converted into Open Data, with governmental data sets that are “free resources, relevant to people’s livelihood, increasing in value through use, compatible with other data, and not available elsewhere” being made publicly available first for value-adding applications.   The platform has a comprehensive control mechanism for user and administration rights and data maintenance functions, enabling users across different sectors to build platforms to manage units and sets of Open Data, to create distinctive services through interdisciplinary integration of environmental data such as “predicting people’s needs”, “environmental education", "value-added applications based on public information”, that are diverse, welcomed by the public, and giving form and shape to the concept of transparency and sharing of public information.   During the execution of the project, the "e-Rivers Network Information Service" won the fifth "Government Service Quality Award" last year, while this year in order to enhance the information services of "Water Knowledge Management" and to implement the environmental education of river ecology systems, an “e-River Knowledge Service Network” was established. This network has an e-River Website with a glossary to define and unify key terms to make content search, content sharing and calculations more valuable. Through affiliated technologies, the network also connects any information, events, articles, visuals, video, e-books, and trips related to rivers to make it more widely available for interested users.   To improve the efficiency of the WRA Newsletter’s distribution and to enhance its ‘stickiness’ with readers, new functionalities were added to the newsletter. Thus the editorial process of the newsletter was improved and its transmission made more stable and secure. The newsletter was given different looks according to the seasons and festivities of the year to ensure readers retain a fresh feeling towards this communication platform between the government and the people. Each newsletter provides comprehensive and highly interactive water-related knowledge. The newsletter is organized by the 5E concept of the e-River Network: Electronic (platform integration], Exchange (interaction), Environment (ecology), Education (river-focused), Enjoyment (of river-related leisure). As a result, subscriptions to the e-newsletter have grown from several hundred to nearly 8,000 (October 31, 2014). A sustained marketing campaign has attracted more people to the e-River Knowledge Service Network, the thematic network around the WRA Newsletter, the e-River Knowledge Network Fan Page and the newsletter.   In line with the Open Data policy of the Executive Yuan, the WRA continued to put the concept of data and information sharing into action. Thus this project created a series of innovative Open Data applications, put out Calls for Papers, and promoted its activities through its newsletter in order to increase the general public’s value-added re-use of Open Data regarding water resources and the environment, giving the general public greater access, anytime, anywhere, to knowledge regarding environmental quality and ecological conservation and to know-how regarding participation in environmental protection. As a result, the subscriber base has expanded, the click-through rates from the articles have grown as well. In another development of creating diversified, interactive, and value-added services from the general public’s perspective, the project deepened its Web 2.0 service through its Facebook page, a diversified communication and service channel for two-way communication with our community.   In line with the fourth stage of the e-Government Program (2012-2016), and with an eye on a future Department of Environmental Data, and concentrating on water-related environmental information, this environmental integration project focuses on "integrated leverage of data on environmental resources", "developing system norms", "policy analysis applications", "diverse information dissemination" and "active customized services". Through public-public and public-private collaboration, this project will continue to build a readily available, integrated, comprehensive, diversified, analytical, and interactive service centered on water environmental resources data and information and applications for ecologically sustainable development, to enhance the government’s operational efficiency, improve the overall quality of government services, and to provide innovative end-to-end services that meet the needs of the people.
英文關鍵字 river, river data set, water resources, river knowledge, environmental education, Open Data, water conservancy newsletter