

中文摘要 本計畫執行「嘉義市流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫」,主要工作內容包含流域污染總量管理與削減工作、許可審查及資料建檔、事業及污水下水道稽查管制、事業廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑、暗管查緝及封管、經營河川巡守隊、辦理水污染整治規劃推動小組、辦理水污染法規及生活污水減量宣導會及其他配合辦理事項,本計畫執行期程由103年6月9日至103年11月30日止,今年度執行成果摘要如下:(一)流域污染總量管理與削減工作:選定牛稠溪為本市推動總量管制之目標水體,並依現況對其進行水質模擬,結果顯示牛稠溪之水質未能達丙類水體水質標準,故需進行後續容許污染量之分配作業,擬定相關整治措施。(二)污染源許可管制:計畫期程內已完成定檢申報建檔資料審查共73件次,事業許可申請作業完成19件,事業許可發證作業完成19件,其中包含水污染防治措施新申請6件次;排放許可證審查13件次。(三)事業及污水下水道稽查管制:針對列管對象進行稽巡查作業,共深度稽查50家次,採樣50家次,採樣結果除2家不合格之外,其餘皆符合放流水標準,並完成6件次之平日稽巡查和14件次之夜間與非上班時段不定期稽巡查。並藉由水質連續自動監測系統,連續監測24小時為一點次,共計執行8點次,針對檢測項目為氫離子濃度指數、水溫及導電度數值顯示,尚未發現業者有偷排之現象發生。(四)暗管查緝及封管:已查獲3支不明管線,後續已依違反水污法第16條(事業廢(污)水利用不明排放管排放者,由主管機關公告廢止,經公告一週尚無人認領者,得予以封閉或排除該排放管線)完成封管作業。(五)事業廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑:針對轄區違反水污法之列管事業,經現場勘察廢水處理功能異常事業,依實際需求篩選2家(清震實業股份有限公司、家馨診所)辦理廢水處理設施功能評鑑工作,已於11月11日召開功能評鑑協談會,並督請業者於承諾改善期限內完成,並已於103年12月17日提送相關佐證資料,以利備查,並於103年12月18日及12月19日進行事業改善追蹤複查。(六)經營河川巡守隊:目前共有5小隊總人數71名,針對各巡守隊均已完成巡守區域的劃分,本年度已順利獲得嘉義大學土木與水資源工程學系系學會之同意成立河川巡守隊,嘉大小隊確定成立,人數共12名,其巡守範圍主要將以嘉義大學蘭潭校區附近之蘭潭水庫及仁義潭水庫為主。本計畫於10月19日辦理淨溪活動,參與人數為204人次,共計清理垃圾數量約29公斤。(七)其他配合辦理事項:1.水污染防治法規說明會:本年度於9月16日於勞工育樂中心1樓 大會議廳,辦理1場法規說明會,共計87人次出席。2.生活污水減量說明會:於10月20日假勞工育樂中心1樓 大會議廳,辦理1場生活污水減量說明會,共計104人次參與,並透過夾報文宣宣導。3.巡守隊教育訓練暨聯繫會:於9月30日、10月15日、11月3日及11月14日辦理四場次教育訓練暨聯繫會,課程內容包含河川巡守需知、污染判別與巡守安全、Eco Life教學、生活省水減污、環境生態保護慨念等。4.巡守隊外縣市觀摩:於11月20日前往參訪臺南市大港社區進行觀摩學習,大港社區巡守隊長期監測鹽水溪的水質情況,且與真理大學、中華醫事及NGO團體共同調查魚及鳥類的生態調查,並建立大港社區的生態資料庫,其發展模式可做為本市社區巡守隊之學習對象。5.辦理水污染整治規劃推動小組會議:邀集相關單位及專家學者組成水污染整治規劃推動小組,已於7月4日、9月30日及11月18日召開103年度小組會議,請相關單位加強辦理,整合相關資源,改善水環境,以打造城南生態休閒空間景觀。6.水體水質監測工作:辦理嘉義市牛稠溪、八掌溪流堿、蘭潭水庫水體之水質定期監測作業,水質測站共計19 站,每月採樣檢驗1次。7.污染量推估:污染量推估結果顯示,嘉義市於牛稠溪、八掌溪流堿之主要污染來源皆為生活污水,其所占比例皆高達90%以上。
中文關鍵字 流域污染總量管理與削減工作、污染源許可管制、事業及污水下水道稽查管制、暗管查緝及封管、事業廢(污)水處理設施功能評鑑、經營河川巡守隊


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2014/06/09 專案結束日期 2014/11/30 專案主持人 劉澤融
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王辰文 執行單位 環醫工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度嘉義市流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 11MB
英文摘要 The Chiayi City Water Pollution Prevention Project is divided into the following parts:water quality monitoring and analysis, permit review and data compilation, controlling and inspection of water pollution sources, discovery of illegal discharging pipes and the organization of river patrolling team. This project was carried out from June 9th to Nov.30th, 2014. Base on this framework, the following conclusion can be derived.The 牛稠溪 was firstly to implement the total quantity control. Base on simulation result, the water quality was failed to meet Class C water quality standards. Thus, the further amount of allowable pollution assignment and total quantity control are required.During this period, 73 permits were complied. Among them, 19 were permit applications cases and 19 were permit issuing cases that include 6 water pollution control plan application cases, and 13 were discharge permit cases.Totally, 41 industrial units were inspected and 50 wastewater samples were analyzed. The results shown that 2 cases did not meet the water quality standards.2 illegal discharging pipes were discovered and removed in accordance to the article 16 of Water Pollution Act – a public announce shall be made for one week following the discovery of any illegal discharging pipes, the authority has the right to remove the pipes after the aforementioned one week.Performance evaluation of wastewater treatment facility were conducted in two plants, which had been violated the water pollution act.Up to now, Chiayi City has 5 river patrolling teams that include 71 members. Specially, the National Chiayi University establish a river patrolling team, which has 12 members. This team take responsibility for Lan Tan and Ren Yi Tan reservoir. In addition, a river cleanup action held at Oct. 19th and invited 204 participants. Finally, 29 kilogram of waste was collected during this action.One water pollution prevention information session was held at Labour Recreation Center, at Sep. 16th.One workshop on reduction of domestic wastewater was held at Labour Recreation Center, at Oct. 20 th. This workshop had 104 participants. In addition, the print advertisement was made by the newspaper delivery.During this period, 4 River Patrolling Teams Education and Training wereheld at Sep. 30th ,Oct.15th, Nov. 3th, and Nov. 24th, respectively. The subject include river inspect notice, Eco Life, environment and ecology concept. Relevant government units, experts and scholars were invited to participate the water pollution remediation task force meetings, which took place at July 2th, and Sep. 30th. Several issues were discussed with relevant responding units to create a more pleasant ecological and entertainment park at Cheng Nan district.The water quality were monitored at 19 monitoring sites once per month. The estimated result indicated that the major pollution source is domestic wastewater in both (牛稠溪 and 八掌溪). The domestic waste water can contribute 90%.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution Prevention Information Sessions, Workshop on reduction of domestic wastewater, Education and Training for River Patrolling Teams , Water Pollutions Remediation Task Force Meeting , Water Quality Monitoring , Pollution Estimate