

中文摘要 環保署為瞭解環境影響評估技術顧問機構之執行現況與素質,自民國86年開始辦理「環境影響評估技術顧問機構評鑑」工作,期能提升環評書件製作品質,並將評鑑結果公告於環保署網站,供開發單位選擇環境影響評估者時參考。經過整年度評鑑作業及評鑑委員會之辦理,103年度評鑑結果區分出A級9家、準A級11家、B級19家、C級9家以及不予分級46家。「104年環境影響評估技術顧問機構評鑑計畫」自104年1月1日開始執行,截至104年11月30日止,共計彙整338件環評書件及99家業者之評鑑結果。 為提升地方環保機關環評業務之執行成效,本計畫藉由協助辦理地方環保機關環評審查績效考評作業,促使地方政府積極推動環評業務。此外,為強化中央目的事業主管機關、環保機關以及環評審查委員之環評監督、追蹤及審查等環評相關業務之執行能力,本計畫透過辦理環評業務檢討會與交流會,進行溝通與交流,並提供相關建議,促使我國環評業務之執行得以更加完善。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、技術顧問機構評鑑、地方環境保護機關績效考評


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-E103-02-129 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2080 千元
專案開始日期 2014/12/01 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 陳依琪
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 商維庭 執行單位 社團法人台灣環境管理協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-E103-02-129.pdf 7MB

Evaluation of EIA Technical Consulting Organizations in 2015 and Communication Conferences

英文摘要 The Environment Protection Administration (EPA) has been annually undertaking the Evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Technical Consulting Organizations since 1997. The annual evaluation results are announced on the EPA’s website for the developers to choose appropriate technical consulting firms to work with. By aggregating the evaluation scores of 2014 and holding the evaluation committee meeting, the evaluation result of 2014 was decided and announced. Of the 94 assessed firms, 9 were graded A, 11 were graded pre-A, 19 were graded B, 9 were graded C and 46 were ungraded. Through this project, the evaluation procedure was conducted in accordance with the measure of the year 2015 since Jan 1, 2015. By Nov 30, the evaluation scores of 338 EIA reports which belong to 99 technical consulting firms were gathered and calculated. To improve the performance on EIA affairs, the performance appraisal of local environmental protection agencies was conducted in this project and the appraisal results are collected and calculated. By holding review and communication conferences, the central authorities and the competent authorities were gathered to review the achievements of EIA affairs, improve the ability of the authorities to conduct EIA affairs and make the EIA system more mature. In addition, the 10th and 11th EIA reviewing committee members were invited to attend the committee communication conference to exchange their experiences on EIA affairs and make the EIA reviewing system work better.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Impact Assessment, Evaluation of Technical Consulting Organizations, Performance Appraisal of Local Environmental Protection Agencies