

中文摘要 本年度計畫延續近二年推動高屏空品區減量計畫,並將總量管制減量計畫之排放量認可試行作業擴大至中部空品區,掌握固定污染源認可排放量及可能減量空間;持續研修總量管制之相關配套作業,如:研擬PM2.5管制之削減優先序、建立移動源及逸散源之污染物減量抵換機制,作為後續總量管制制度推動之參考。主要執行內容如下所述: (一)依據施政規劃及因應地方主管機關管制作法,研修及推動總量管制之相關配套作業。 推動總量管制制度啟動之相關法制配套工作,包括:評析高屏地區總量管制實施後新設或變更之固定污染源取得抵換污染物增量之排放量可能供需情形、參酌我國高屏空品區之污染特性研擬PM2.5管制之削減策略優先序、研擬國內外移動污染源及逸散污染源之減量計算、認定方式及查核追蹤機制、評估電力業及鋼鐵基本工業指定削減之可行性與空間、規劃研擬地方主管機關倘訂定自治條例後總量管制之銜接方式與後續推動作法及研討總量管制實施後可採行之誘因機制等總量管制相關規範與空污法規於實務面對應需配合事項。 (二)落實高屏空品區行動減量計畫與強化地方主管機關之總量管制執行能力。 除持續分析高屏地區空氣品質變化濃度趨勢、彙整PM2.5監測相關資訊外,為落實高屏地區空氣品質改善需求與總量管制推動作業,建立固定污染源排放量認可複審機制與程序,針對林園、大發及大社工業區30家排放量認可試行對象中排放量較大之固定污染源,進行排放量認可複審作業,辦理總量管制訓練會議,協助提升地方主管機關執行能力。 (三)推動高屏空品區外之行動減量計畫與建構地方主管機關之總量管制執行能力。 擴大總量管制試行區域,推動中部空品區既存固定污染源排放量認可試行作業,進行20廠次中部地區固定污染源訪查作業,辦理總量管制制度宣傳會議,輔導試行排放量認可,提供試行對象於空氣污染物削減量差額登錄管理平台測試。 (四)維護並新增空氣污染物削減量差額登錄管理平台相關功能 統計分析空氣污染物削減量差額登錄管理平台之排放量認可試行對象申請及審查現況,包含排放量認可年度、排放資訊等,並配合環保署總量管制資訊網頁更新與空氣污染物削減量差額管理平台內容更新及資料維護等相關操作使用。
中文關鍵字 總量管制;排放量認可;高屏空品區;細懸浮微粒;削減量差額登錄管理平台


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A056 經費年度 103 計畫經費 7400 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/14 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 余志達
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 李宜娟 執行單位 環科工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年度「推動高屏空品區空氣污染改善整合計畫」定稿(公開版).pdf 19MB 103年度「推動高屏空品區空氣污染改善整合計畫」定稿(公開版)

Integration project of air quality improvement for Kao-Pin air quality district

英文摘要 The main purpose of this two-consecutive-year project is to reinforce the system integrity of total quantity control plan, by expanding the trial area of recognizing stationary source emissions from Kao-Pin air basin to Central air basin, predicting offset credits of demand and supply within this area for coming three years. In addition, this project drafts the priority of Kao-Pin air basin’s PM2.5 control strategies, estimate potential emission reductions from major stationary sources, Mobil sources and fugitive sources and the related works. The main results states as follows. 1. Based on the recent project results, reinforce the review process of emission quantity recognition, as well as the draft document of Kao-Pin area air pollutants total quality control plan. Regarding corresponding works above including: (1) Evaluate whether the new entry stationary sources could find enough emission reduction credits(ERCs) by predict of Kao-Pin area’s potential increment from stationary sources within three years from now and estimate ERCs created from various sources. (2) Study and suggest the priority of Kao-Pin PM2.5 control strategies based on Kao-Pin PM2.5 pollution characteristics. (3) Review and analyze the ERCs methodology from moil sources and fugitive sources. (4) Analyze the potential emission reduction feasibility from electricity industry and iron & steel industry within Kao-Pin area. (5) Suggest cohesion and promotion ways between the total quantity control and local autonomous regulations. (6) Study and analyze the economic incentives of emissions reduction after the total quantity control system initiate. 2. Reinforce the capacity building regarding implementation of total quantity control for Kao-Pin local authorities Besides analyzing the trends of Kao-Pin air quality and PM2.5 monitoring data, In order to fulfill the implementation of the total quantity control, this project established emissions recognition application review procedure by reexamine the 30 application cases from Lin Yuan, Da-Fa and Da-She industrial areas. Additionally, half-day training courses regarding the review skills of emissions recognition have been provided during this project period. 3. Capacity building regarding implementation of total quantity control for Central air basin’s major stationary sources. While planning the implementation areas of total quantity control will include other air basins through different phases, this project helps 20 local major stationary sources, within Central air basin which includes Taichung city, Changhua county, and Nantou county, to go through the application process of emissions recognition. Additionally, half-day training courses regarding how to apply emissions recognition have been provided for local stationary sources during this project period. 4. Maintenance and functions modified for Air pollutant emission reduction credits registry(ERCs Registry). Other than routinely update the status of emissions recognition , news regarding other countries’ air pollutants cap and trade sheme, within ERCs Registry has been performed biannual bases, six functions of ERCs Registry have been modified.
英文關鍵字 Total quantity controls, Emissions recognition, Kao-Pin air basin, Fine particulate matter(PM2.5), Air pollutant emission reduction credits registry