

中文摘要 在UNFCCC國家報告相關指南及審議指南皆有重大進展之餘,我國在2012年底由行政院環保署成立了國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議委員及審議會議,迄2013年底已經召開五次審議會,並決議開始編撰我國的國家清冊報告,俾利我國遵循UNFCCC相關規範。 本計畫執行期間自2014年4月2日至12月31日止,本計畫除掌握分析上述規範進展及國際排放趨勢,積極協助環保署在國內建構及推動國家溫室氣體排放清冊系統化運作機制,包括運作國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議會,以2006年IPCC國家溫室氣體清冊為基礎,擴充及維護我國國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台,並邀請國際專家,在國內辦理國內專家訓練課程,及就我國國家清冊報告成果,進行國際諮詢及分析;計畫工作內容涵蓋機制、平台的運作,與強化及建構我國在國家溫室氣體清冊方面技術能力。 本工作計畫已達成主要工作目標包括: 一、 研析UNFCCC國家溫室氣體清冊報告內容規範、審議進展,以及國際溫室氣體排放趨勢。 在國家溫室氣體清冊相關規範方面,研析UNFCCC下附件一國家年度溫室氣體清冊、兩年期報告、國家通訊之技術審議指南,配合UNFCCC「溫室氣體清冊、兩年期報告、國家通訊之技術審議指南」及「非附件一國家兩年期更新報告技術分析之技術專家小組組成、規範及程序」等規範,提出我國UNFCCC兩年期報告編撰規劃。在研析政府間氣候變化專家委員會(IPCC)國家溫室氣體清冊專案組(The Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, TFI)相關工作進展方面,特別就IPCC濕地補充報告及京都議定書LULUCF補充報告之內容與架構作特別分析。 在國際溫室氣體排放趨勢與指標方面,提供國際能源-環境-經濟最新資訊,分析更新溫室氣體及能源使用相關之跨國比較指標、研析德國看守協會與歐洲氣候行動網公布之氣候變遷績效指標(Climate Change Performance Index Results, CCPI)結果等,我國各項指標與國際排名近年差異不大。 對我國之政策啟示及因應做法建議部分,除了提出我國兩年期更新報告編制期程與程序外,亦提出有關UNFCCC及IPCC相關規範之因應做法建議。 二、 協助環保署運作國家溫室氣體排放清冊審議會,提升我國溫室氣體排放清冊統計品質。 本計畫與各部會及智庫總計召開9場次工作會議,討論與籌備國家溫室氣體清冊審議會議;本年度配合環保署作業,協助運作我國清冊審議機制,召開三次審議會議。本計畫除了成功彙整「2014年中華民國(臺灣)國家溫室氣體清冊報告」外,亦彙整其英文版執行摘要、中英文版清冊文宣、視覺化網頁設計、及國家清冊報告網頁等。 根據我國清冊報告顯示,臺灣總溫室氣體(Greenhouse Gas, GHG)排放量自1990年136,681千公噸二氧化碳當量(不包括二氧化碳移除量),上升至2012年270,682千公噸二氧化碳當量(不包括二氧化碳移除量),排放量增加98.04%,年平均成長率為3.15%,而2012年較2011年減少2.03%。另,本計畫亦配合我國清冊審議進展,彙整以2006年IPCC國家溫室氣體清冊指南為基礎的我國1990至2013年溫室體清冊數據(初稿);本計畫在提升我國溫室氣體排放清冊統計品質與運作審議機制方面有卓越貢獻。 三、 擴充及維護我國國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台,完成平台功能測試。 本計畫召開兩次平台功能測試討論會議,及一次說明會議,對本登錄平台擴充七個項目,包括:(1)增加檔案大量上傳功能;(2)清冊審議區與部會輸入區-審議意見回覆,增加「其他」項;(3)部會輸入區-審議意見回覆,擴充增列「意見匯出」功能;(4)部會輸入區-審議意見回覆增列電子郵件提醒功能;(5)AFOLU部門數據表單拆解成4項excel檔;(6)參考資料區中,增列參考文獻頁面;(7)擴充增列歷年上傳檔案清單網頁。登錄平台於11月份開放給各部會智庫,上傳數據年份1990-2013年之數據。另,本計畫亦提出我國國家溫室氣體清冊登錄平台操作手冊(1.0版),供各部會智庫及國家溫室氣體清冊審議委員參考。 四、推動我國國家溫室氣體清冊國際諮詢及分析,辦理國內專家訓練課程,強化能力建構。 本計畫由MRV規範沿革起進行說明與分析,至目前國際分析與審議(IAR)及國際諮詢與分析(ICA)規範、相關UNFCCC審議專家小組、國家適當減緩行動(NAMAs)的MRV程序等UNFCCC現況與進展,充分呈現此項議題的進程。 在辦理國家溫室氣體清冊國內專家訓練課程方面,本計畫成功邀請美日兩位專家分別是Stephen Ogle博士及Takeshi Enoki先生,並與渠規劃訓練課程及ICA會議之議程;但因期程與環保署期程衝突,兩位專家後續因渠參與其他國際事務,無法取得共同時間,而取消兩場會議的辦理,殊為可惜。本計畫仍嘗試與兩位專家保持聯繫,維持已建立之管道。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA16-03-A128 經費年度 103 計畫經費 5290 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/02 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 盧裕倉
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 王俊勝 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 GHG期末報告.pdf 8MB 結案報告

Construct and promote systematic working mechanisms for national greenhouse gas inventory

英文摘要 Since the UNFCCC has made significant progress in guidelines and review guideline of national reports; in end of 2012, Taiwan EPA convened the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory committee and hosted several review meetings. Till end of 2013, five consulting review meeting were successfully held. The committee decided to initiate editing procedure for Taiwan National Greenhouse Gas Inventory in order to comply with the rule request of the UNFCCC. To this end, this project will keep following the developing trend of guidelines and international emission situation. The project will also assist Taiwan EPA to construct and promote systematic working mechanisms for national greenhouse gas inventory through hosting consulting review meetings under the 2006 IPCC guideline. The duration for this project is from April 2, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The project will expend and maintain the web registry platform of Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory, invite international experts, perform national expert training courses, conduct ICA for Taiwan’s accomplishment in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory report. The tasks of this project cover comprehensive fields including operation mechanism and web-basis registry platform establishment. It is expected to overall improve technical capacity on national greenhouse gas inventory. The main objectives achieved by this project include: 1. Analyze the regulation content, review progress and international emission trends for national greenhouse gas inventory under the UNFCCC. In the aspect of the criteria of national greenhouse gas inventory, this project analysis the technical review guideline for national greenhouse gas inventory, biennial report, and national communication for annex 1 countries under UNFCCC. Matching the above technical review guideline and the component, criteria, and proceed for technology expert for biennial updated report of non-annex 1 countries, this project suggests the plan for compiling Taiwan biennial updated report under UNFCCC. Beside this project studies the outcome of the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI), including “2013 Supplement to the 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Wetlands” and “2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol” In the aspect of the trend and indicators of international greenhouse gas, this project provides the newest information on international energy-environment-economy, analysis the international indicator comparison of greenhouse gas emission and energy use, and studies the ranking of CCPI and CRI published by GermanWatch and CAN. The ranking for Taiwan is relative steady. 2. Assist Taiwan EPA to organize the consulting review meetings, and improve statistics quality on Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory. This project host 9 discussing meeting with the ministries and their think tanks for discussing and preparing inventory review meetings. This year for matching EPA, this project assists 3 inventory review meetings and helps operating the review mechanism for inventory. The project is successful for compiling “2014 Republic of China (Taiwan) Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report” and its executive summary in English, inventory brochure in English and Chinese, the visionlized webpages, and the website for national inventory report. According to our inventory report, Taiwan’s total GHG emissions increased from 136,681 kilotons of carbon dioxide equivalents (excluding removal) in 1990 up to 270,682 kilotons of carbon dioxide equivalents (excluding removal) in 2012, with emission increased by 98.04% at an average annual growth rate of 3.15%. The total emission in 2012 is lowered than the previous year by 2.03%. Besides, the project also integrates 1990-2013 GHG inventory based on 2006 IPCC Guideline for national GHG inventory for Taiwan. This project makes significant contribution on improving statistics quality on Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory and operation the review mechanism. 3. Expand and maintain the web-basis registry platform of Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory, and complete function tests. This project hosts two workshops and one meeting for discussing the functional test of the web-basis registry platform. For the web-basis registry platform, there are 7 items to be expanding, including (1) file mass uploading function; (2) adding ‘other’ item on inventory review area and sectoral input area; (3) expanding ‘comment output’ function on comment reply of sectoral input area; (4) adding ‘email alarm’ function on comment reply of sectoral input area; (5) decomposing the AFOLU excel file to four parts; (6) adding the ‘references’ webpage on information area; (7) adding ‘uploaded file list’ function on sectoral input area. The web-basis registry platform open to the ministries and their think tanks for uploading the data files for the duration from 1990 to 2013. Besides, this project also provides first edition of handbook for the web-basis registry platform for reference to the ministries and their think tanks and inventory reviewers. 4. Promote ICA on Taiwan’s national greenhouse gas inventory, perform national expert training courses, and enhance overall capacity building. The project studies the MRV criteria under the UNFCCC from its history and the current status, including the guideline of IAR and ICA, expert team under the UNFCCC, and the MRV process for NAMAs. The above analysis reveals the progress of this issue. In the aspect of training workshop for domestic expert on national GHG inventory and ICA meeting, this project is successful to invite two international experts, one is Stephen Ogle from USA and the other is Takeshi Enoki from Japan, for coming to Taiwan. And The relative agenda on Sept. 29 and 30 is to be planned by this project and international experts. Unfortunately two experts cannot come to Taiwan due to schedule conflict with EPAs. The project team still keeps contact with two experts and establish the channel with them.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse Gas