

中文摘要 本計畫主要延續過去執行績效,遵循今年甄選須知所規範目標,於現行「溫室氣體檢驗測定及查驗機構管理辦法」(以下簡稱管理辦法)法制管理架構及認證與查驗管理制度基礎上,掌握國際查驗管理機制及關鍵策略。同時考量我國認證及查驗推動目標,持續強化我國溫室氣體查驗管理制度,提升查驗品質,以支援環保署及整體國家未來政策之推行。本計畫主要重點工作如下:(一)蒐研國際認證及查驗管理最新發展趨勢,建立雙邊交流及多邊交流可行性及管道基礎,並蒐研國際產業盤查及監檢測規範現況與效益,評估我國產業增列內外產銷之必要性,提供環保署未來推動相關規範政策之決策參考。(二)建置認證及查驗管理相關配套作業程序及文件手冊,同時研訂查核指引,並協助更新查驗人員訓練班教材,辦理認證機構資格及查驗機構資格申請案審查及20件許可證核換發作業。此外,協助成立7名專家之技術小組,辦理8場次認證機構及查驗機構稽查作業,並完成查驗機構評比指標研擬、模擬及評比報告,據以檢討認證及查驗管理機制。(三)完成國家登錄平台子系統各功能及列管污染源系統資料庫之連結與整合,並擴增溫室氣體排放量申報之地理資訊應用系統及申報管理功能。
中文關鍵字 認證機構;查驗機構;認查驗管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA16-03-A163 經費年度 103 計畫經費 11280 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/25 專案結束日期 2015/04/24 專案主持人 胡伯鈞
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 鐘偉瑜 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA16-03-A163(封面-內頁-本文-參考文獻).pdf 15MB

A Project of Enhance greenhouse gas accredited, validation and verification of management system in

英文摘要 While meeting the contracted objectives in the commissioned project guidelines, the Project represents the accumulation of work ranging from the continual policy development of domestic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accreditation bodies(AB) and validation/verification bodies (V/VBs) management. Thus far, the project has successfully delivered the following outcomes. (1) The project has conducted research on international GHG V/VBs management schemes and has built the foundation of multilateral recognition agreement. The Project has conducted research on international industrial GHG accounting and reporting as well as the benefits from mandatory continuous emission monitoring system. The project has also evaluated the necessity of requiring industries reporting the import and export information. (2) The Project has set up procedures and manuals for AB and V/VBs qualification review and regular/irregular inspection as well as created GHG validation and verification guideline with more detailed requirements for V/VBs. This year, the Project completed 1 AB qualification review, 39 V/VBs qualification reviews and 20 V/VBs permitting. In addition, the Project has completed 8 AB and V/VBs inspection cases as well as performance assessment by established steering committee with 7 experienced experts. Moreover, the Project has updated and teaching materials for validators and verifiers education. (3) The Project has connected the every internal subsystem under the GHG Registry and external air pollutant control system. Besides, the Project has applied Geographical Information System to make spatial data visualization in the GHG Registry for GHG reporting and management.
英文關鍵字 Accreditation Bodies, Verification Bodies, Accreditation Bodies and Validation/Verification Bodies (V/VBs) Management