

中文摘要 本計畫為「推動工業區土壤及地下水品質管理4年行動方案」中之主計畫,主要負責政策推動及制度研修工作,目前為第三期計畫,茲分項摘述本期計畫主要執行成果: (一)蒐集評析全國編定工業區及工業用地基本資料 本計畫針對144處編定工業區之運作歷史、環境背景及監測管制資料進行更新評析,以完備工業區基線資料掌握,並新增擴大蒐集全國338處非編定工業區(含都市計畫工業區及丁種建築用地)之基本資料,以作為後續擴大推動品質管理政策之基礎,並提升對全國事業用地之掌握度。 (二)研修推動分級燈號管理制度及擴充更新工業區品質管理專區 在研修推動分級燈號管理制度方面,本計畫持續研修推動依管理制度內容,包括各燈號定義、管理目標、具體行動方案、燈號調升降及更新發布機制等,並於第三期再結合管考制度增加推行誘因,以提升工業區燈號管理制度推行成效。經三期計畫持續推動,目前紅燈6處、橘燈29處、黃燈36處、綠燈72處,另有1處社頭織襪產業園區區內廠商仍於建廠中,故暫不判定燈號,由歷年工業區燈號變換情形而言,監測管理情形良好之綠燈比例已有顯著增加,惟紅、橘燈工業區仍有待加速辦理調查查證及污染改善作業,方可達燈號調降目標。此外,本計畫評析歷年工業區燈號管理制度推行成效,提出可再調整、優化之方向,並彙整各縣市所轄工業區監測管理狀態矩陣表,可供各單位推動實施之參考。 在擴充更新管理專區系統方面,本計畫除針對既有系統更新維護外,於第三期中再行擴充事業運作資料登錄查詢、地下水污染傳輸試算、手持式微型應用程式等子項介面功能,均有利於相關單位執行先期應變、調查管制及追蹤監測等工作。此外,新增歷年燈號變換說明及民眾互動問答功能,亦可達成加強政策溝通及彰顯施政成果之效。 (三)調查工業區土壤與地下水品質及提供後續監測管理建議 本計畫持續根據燈號分級與污染潛勢評量篩選機制,統籌分工各單位監測資源,規劃三項工業區計畫進場調查名單,以加速完備工業區調查查證、預警監測及品質調查各項工作。第三期計畫再新增納入備查資料抽查複驗工作,以檢核檢測備查資料代表性及正確性,回饋備查辦法制度研修工作,有效提升自主檢測預警功能。 第三期計畫共計完成8處工業區調查查證、2處品質調查及3處抽查複驗工作,經綜合評析調查成果,據以提出後續燈號變換、監測管理及應變處理建議。 (四)評析備查作業執行成效及研修各項工業區管理配套措施 本計畫持續推動備查作業辦法,申報備查比例已由初期27%逐步上升至97.2%。第三期計畫評析歷年備查作業執行成效及執行問題,於申報主體、檢測作業、備查程序、資料正確性及代表性、法令強制性及執行人員資格等面向提出未來修法方向及配套措施,並配合備查辦法研修進度完成修法草案。 此外,本計畫檢討修訂「工業區監測異常通報及分工處理作業準則」,以因應備查異常情形規範各單位應配合事項及作業期程,並配合修訂地方環保機關工業區管理之績效考評作業指標及地下水監測井商借歸還原則,均可供未來推動之參考。 (五)評析4年行動方案推行成效及提出後續實施策略 本計畫彙整歷年工業區三項計畫執行成果,經檢核4年行動方案原定五大工作目標均已達成,此外運用SWOT分析方法,提出工業區及工業用地管理工作可再加強推動方向及其配套作法,並初擬工業區在短、中、長程管理實施進程及推動目標,提出中程推動方案預期效益,及配合未來推動方向調整計畫分工及執行架構,可供主管機關賡續規劃推動之參考。 (六)辦理本計畫相關工作 本計畫為4年行動方案主計畫,扮演主導政策推動及溝通協調之角色,歷年因應工業區品質管理議題,主辦或協辦各項研商會議及教育訓練,第三期計畫共計辦理22場次,累計已達74場,已達成政策宣導、減少爭議及協商合作目標。
中文關鍵字 工業區分級燈號管理、土壤及地下水調查、監測異常處理程序、工業區短中長期管理規劃


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA12-03-A116 經費年度 103 計畫經費 45298.335 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/17 專案結束日期 2015/07/16 專案主持人 郭怡婷
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 張良麗 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理計畫(第三期)-書面正式報告(第一冊及第二冊).pdf 80MB

Soil and Groundwater Quality Management of National Industrial Parks (phase 3 project)

英文摘要 This project is the third phase of the master plan of the action program of promoting soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks. Major accomplishments of this project are summarized below. 1. Collecting and analyzing basic information of industrial parks In addition to updating and analyzing the operating history, environmental background and monitoring information for the 144 designated industrial parks, 338 non-designated industrial parks (such as industrial parks in the urban planning area and D-class construction land) were also included. 2. Promoting the early-warning lights classification management for industrial parks With regard to promoting the early-warning lights classification management, an oversight and evaluation system was integrated to provide incentive in the third phase. Out of a total of 144 industrial parks, 6 are classified as red light, 29 as orange light, 36 as yellow light and 72 as green light. One industrial park, Shetou Hosiery, temporily has no light because the factories in the park are still under construction. The increasing number of green-light industrial parks over the 3 phases has demonstrated good monitoring and management practices. In the meantime, pollution investigation and improvement were still needed for the red and orange-light industrial parks to accomplish the purpose of adjusting down the classified lights. Besides, the implementation of the management system was evaluated, and the optimization suggestions and matrix tables of monitoring and management for the local environmental protection authorities were proposed for future reference. With regard to the function enhancement of the early-warning lights classification management for industrial parks website, data entry and inquiry of the factories operating information, pollutant transport simulation and hands-on device application program (APP) were developed. 3. Investigating soil and groundwater quality Randomly review the quality analysis data submitted by the local industry competent authorities for correctness and representiveness. In this project, 3 types of investigation task were conducted, including pollution investigation and verification of 8 industrial parks, quality investigation of 2 industrial parks and selective review of 3 industrial parks. The adminidtraive control and transition of early warning lights were then suggested based on the results. 4. Evaluating the outcomes of the “Local Industry Competent Authorities Routine Analysis of Soil and Groundwater Quality for Future Refence Regulations” The proportion of quality analysis data submission by the local industry competent authorities increased from 27% in 2011 to 97.2% in 2015. The results, difficulties and benefits of the procedure of monitoring data submission were evaluated and analyzed in several aspects, including subjects of submission, analyzing procedure, submission procedure, data correctness and representiveness, mandatory regulations, personnel qualification. Thus, the draft amendment and supporting measures were proposed. This project also revised the standard operating procedure when dealing with abnormal monitoring incidents, the regulations for borrowing and returning the groundwater monitoring wells and local authorities’ performance evaluation index regarding the management of industrial parks. 5. Analyzing the implementation effectiveness of the action program of promoting soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks According to the 3 major project accomplishments over the past 4 years, the assigned objectives of the action program are deemed to be achieved. In this report, a SWOT analysis was performed and the long-term goals and executing strategies of the soil and groundwater quality management for industrial parks and industrial land were proposed to the EPA. 6. Related work Over the past 4 years, this project has been the master plan of the action program and played a key role of policy promoter and inter-agency coordinator by organizing or co-organizing 74 meetings and training programs regarding the quality management of industrial parks. 22 of the meetings and training programs were held in this project.
英文關鍵字 Light classification management of industrial parks, investigation of soil and groundwater quality, operation procedure of abnormal monitoring results, short-term and long-term planning of industrial parks