

中文摘要 建構低碳社會以期永續利用有限資源已為國際發展趨勢,而為確保我國未來各項施政均能兼顧低碳建構與永續發展,以引導各部會共同合作落實減碳目標及綠色經濟轉型,維持國家競爭力與環境永續,擬藉由本計畫撰擬上位指導計畫,透過試行認證評等制度,以鼓勵基層之村里社區積極參與建構,並由鄉鎮市區層級逐步累積執行績效,以縣市層級協助輔導推動,同時結合技術專業與行政專責併行之運作體系,據以完備各項低碳永續之具體建構措施。 另為與國際接軌,本計畫已促成國內外成功經驗交流,除擴展與強化相關政府部門中高階人員之視野與規劃能力外,並特別加強地方政府基層執行人力之溝通協調技巧,以及培養社區義志工協助參與建構或維護管理相關行動項目之專業知識,藉以厚植未來全面推動低碳永續家園之建構能力。 最後,為整合本年度各縣市辦理各項低碳永續行動項目之成果,本計畫亦進行相關補助計畫之管考及績效彙整。未來建議更應持續朝向發揮在地特色、發展跨域加值、發達產業人才等方向,研修相關法令與配套措施,並積極引進民間資源擴大參與建構,朝向低碳永續家園之願景目標邁進。
中文關鍵字 低碳措施;永續發展;認證評等


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA07-03-A135 經費年度 103 計畫經費 14000 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/27 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 周林森
主辦單位 方案整合辦公室(停用) 承辦人 陳曉真 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末報告.pdf 47MB 期末報告

Pilot Project to Intergrate, Promote, Certify and Classify the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland

英文摘要 Promoting low-carbon and sustainable society has become a global trend. In order to ensure that low-carbon construction and sustainable development would be taken into consideration when forming future policies to assist each ministry to achieve its carbon reduction goal and promote green economy transformation, this project devised the master plan, and by operating the Certification and Evaluation system, cities\counties, districts(townships), communities and villages were encouraged to develop the low-carbon and sustainable measures. On the other hand, in order to follow the global trend, this project not only facilitated the experiences exchange with other advanced countries, assisting senior executive personnel to enhance their knowledge and planning skills, but helped local governments and general volunteers to build up their abilities to construct Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland. Last but not least, to integrate the performance and achievement of each low carbon and sustainable measures conducted by each local government, the evaluation and achievement of the related project grants were also be collected and performed in this project in accord with the request of Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency. In the future, it is recommended the related measures should keep improving and working to highlight the local characteristics, develop “Cross-Field Value-Adding” and advance industry professionals. Moreover private resources should be introduced to extent the development of Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland to fulfill the goal and vision.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon Measures;Sustainable Development;Certification and Evaluation