

中文摘要 為落實「污染土地再利用政策」之推動,使國土永續經營獲得更全面的效益,本計畫依據環保署於前期計畫中已完成之受污染農地再利用定義、規範與執行流程為基礎,針對一處標的場址進行示範作業,藉以確認程序設計之完整性、可執行性與可能之限制性評估,據以提出我國污染農地再利用相關執行作法之修正與方案建議,同時搭配問卷調查與專業訪談等溝通工具實際模擬民眾參與作業,藉此獲得民眾對於社區未來發展與污染土地再利用結合方向的看法。在執行層面之必要工具的建構上,則完成我國污染土地估價指引手冊及估價報告範本之研擬,以供未來污染土地可能涉及法院訴訟 (損害求償事件)、銀行融資以及環境保險等時機之應用,以完備執行面之整體內容。在制度設計與政策推動上,本計畫也透過跨部會諮詢協商過程,完成一般污染土地再開發與污染農地活化之再利用執行程序的內容修正,並透國際經驗資料的蒐集與研討會的參與過程,針對制度設計不足點提供建議方向,另協助苗栗縣政府以及能源局、農委會之相關再利用推動議題,提供污染土地再利用諮詢服務與規劃建議。此外,為增加政策推動的能見度,持續建置「污染土地再利用資訊平台」資訊平台之具體內容,預期未來可供民眾查詢相關場址管理與開發資訊。綜合前述工作成果,整體計畫為環保署後續推動「污染土地再利用政策」完成了階段性的策略規劃內容。
中文關鍵字 污染土地再利用、民眾參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA11-03-A161 經費年度 103 計畫經費 6655.75 千元
專案開始日期 2014/05/20 專案結束日期 2015/11/19 專案主持人 蔡婉楹
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蔡惠珍 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 103年污染土地再利用示範場址規劃與推動計畫(期末報告定稿).pdf 84MB

The Demonstration Project of Contaminated Land Revitalization Planning and Promoting in 2014

英文摘要 To implement the contaminated land revitalization policy and land sustainable development, the contaminated land revitalization was promoted. Based on the results of in the former phase, one target site was selected and the case study was completed to confirm the feasibility, completeness and restrictions of the contaminated farmland revitalization processes design. We conducted a face-to-face questionnaire survey to the local citizens for collecting redevelopment policy suggestions. The project also established the contaminated land appraisal guideline and a template for bank financing, litigation and environmental insurance events in order to complete the necessary implementation tools. In addition, the project also revised the general contaminated land and contaminated farmland revitalization processes by inter-ministerial consultations and international conference participating. We also provided local government and other ministries consulting services and plan suggestion for requirement of contaminated land revitalization case. Moreover this project hosted a preliminary website offering contaminated land revitalization information, and the public will be able to search the relevant information in the future. Consolidated results of the aforementioned works completed the strategies to promote the contaminated land revitalization policy for Taiwan EPA.