

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的為協助環保署強化空氣污染事件應變能量,並支援地方環保機關應變所需人力、物力,以提升應變能力。主要成果包括:(1)參考國內外空污應變相關法規與制度,建議運作81項物種之高風險製程且運作量達一定門檻之工廠應提出空污事故風險管理計畫書;另參考近年專家學者意見,修訂空氣污染事件應變處理標準作業,提高地方空污應變層級並完備作業項目。(2)完成空污應變聯絡清冊更新,增加南崗工業區之支援清冊建置,提供中央及地方環保機關於空污事件發生時緊急聯繫使用;此外,搭配Google map API,將六輕工業區之空污應變相關資訊呈現於圖台系統,提供地方環保局參考。(3)更新排序前20大製程與工業區名單、完成中油大林廠及塑化麥寮一廠設備元件和儲槽之洩漏篩檢、並依查核高風險製程之預防管理與自主管理作為,提出工業區空污事件預防管理建議。(4)執行兩次通報測試,確認地方環保人員應變作業之熟悉度;另至103年空污事件數量前5大縣市,執行地方環保局現場訪查,了解地方之整備狀況並提出改善建議。(5)整備空污應變常用設備及軟體與執行必要之點檢,並完成懸浮微粒與硫化物(硫化氫、甲硫醇、甲硫醚、二甲基硫等)連續監測儀器評估,以逐步完備空污應變所需器材,另並支援新竹市異味來源之初步調查作業。(6)辦理1場次業務研習會議,說明空污應變執行現況並放映空污應變示範影片,以提升地方環保局相關業務人員之應變能力。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染事件、緊急應變、預防管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA12-03-A081 經費年度 103 計畫經費 11800 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/02 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 任怡芃 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA12-03-A081.pdf 37MB 強化空氣污染事件緊急應變決策支援體系計畫

Enhancement of the decision support tools for air pollution incidents

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to strengthen air pollution incident response capacity for Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) and local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). The results of this project include: (1)The requirements for high risk potential process to prevent accidents are proposed based on the information which collected from United States, United Kingdom, and Japan, as well as domestic air pollution response system; Amendments of emergency response's S.O.P to major air pollution incidents has been established by referring the suggestions of experts, to raise up the hierarchy of the related organizations in government and optimize the operation procedures. (2)The contact information of environmental agencies and other organizations have been updated with additional supporting information for Nangang Industrial Park. Link to google map program, emergency response decision supporting system was established. (3)The list of top 20 industrial parks with high risk potential of air pollution has been updated and 2 facilities field visiting (CPC Corporation- Dalin Refinery and Formosa Petrochemical Corporation-Mailiao Plant) have been conducted in the project. (4)Emergency feedback to EPA from EPB has been executed two times; Besides, on site inquiring of EPB about emergency response has been carried out to air pollution accidents amount top 5 cities. (5)Air pollution sampling equipment, such as canister, sampling bag with vacuum case, CC-FTIR, were to assist EPB in air pollutant sampling while the air pollution incidents have occurred. The information of advance continuous measurement equipment of PM and sulfide compounds was collected. Moreover, an investigation of odor sources was conducted by OP-FTIR in Hsin-Chu Science Park. (6)A workshop of air pollution incident emergency response was conducted on November 26, 2014. The purpose of this workshop is to enhance the ability of local EPB staffs on emergency response. The topics included illustrate of current situation of emergency response for air pollution accident; Case demonstrating movie; Emergency response information center and environmental incidents special team visiting.
英文關鍵字 air pollution accident, Emergency response, Prevention management