

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自103年1月3日至103年12月31日止,已完成全部工作項目,包含全部場址水文地質資料、場址周邊環境及歷年相關檢測資料彙整,兩次監測井維護保養作業,其中另進行20口井況評估作業,經維護後監測井狀況維持良好。枯、豐水期採樣作業,其中共有10口次因無水或損壞,經與環保局協商後不予採樣,共計完成117口次。水質檢測結果其中有川流加油站及新開寮地區地下水污染超過管制標準,皆為列管場址管制中。另於5月間完成配合檢測作業公司佳美公司及正修科大之QA/QC查核作業,整體品保內容經審員審查修正後據以執行。於2月份完成南北場址6口廢井作業。列管場址周邊調查於7~10月完成,皆未超過法規管制標準。 查驗證作業共完成8場次,包含柚隆木業、順興企業社、中油里港站、麟信段444地號、中油潮州站、大同加油站、萬丹河堤旁廢油工廠,主要皆應因其可能有污染疑慮進場查證,其中萬丹河堤旁廢油工廠已確認土壤TPH及鋅污染,另完成新時金屬驗證作業,其結果並未通過。緊急應變作業進行7場民眾陳情污染調查,其中6場包含潮州鎮劉厝庄段984地號、鹽埔鄉振寓公司、萬丹鄉地勇公司、竹田鄉六巷段254地號、屏市新興段434地號、崁頂鄉頂孝段428地號,經調查確認無污染,另一場崁頂鄉港東段190地號,懷疑該地區地下水砷濃度偏高情形,後續協請環保署緊急應變計畫進行大面積調查。針對加油站已完成33家測漏管查核作業,其中發現中油里港加油站油氣濃度偏高,後續進場查證未有污染,亦針對稽查作業完成上下半年度查核與12家環保署查核之複查作業,主要缺失為保存資料不齊全等,經輔導後已改善完成。另配合行政作業部份,於3月26日分別針對工業區、底泥水體目的事業主管機關、加油站業者完成3場法規說明會,於5月30日完成第1場針對軍事單位之教育訓練研習會議,另於12月11日完成1場緊急應變演練作業,執行土壤及地下水污染防治宣導完成12場次共宣導近3千人次,另包含發布完成5篇新聞稿、14場次之技術服務諮詢;列管場址巡查完成449場次;1~12月環保署SGM資料庫維護更新以及建置完成一套「巡查通報管理系統」資料庫。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、加油站、監測井


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 10080 千元
專案開始日期 2014/01/07 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 張育祺
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 張鎮榮 執行單位 裕山環境工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 24MB
英文摘要 This project periods was from 2014/1/3 to 2014/12/31, has completed all works, including all site hydrogeological data and the surrounding environment-related test data aggregated over the years, the two times monitoring wells maintenance operations, which were 20 other well condition assessment, monitoring wells after maintenance to maintain good condition. Dry, wet period 117 times the sampling operation, water quality test results including groundwater contamination and Chuan-Liu and Xin-Kai-Laos region over control standards, are all in the control. The QA/QC checks with Jia-Mel Company and Zheng-Xiu HKUST's in May, after the overall content quality assurance review by the auditor to perform the correction, according to. On February 6 complete waste sites north and south well operations. Tube sites surrounding the completion of the investigation in July to October garnered over control standards and regulations. Check verification work completed eight sessions, including Yo-long wood, Shun-Hing business community, CPC Li-Gang station, Lin-Sin section to number 444, CPC Chao-Zhou stations, Datong gas stations,Wan-Dan embankment beside the oil factories, mainly all because of possible contamination concerns should approach verification, another verification completion of the Sin-Shin company, which Wan-Dan embankment beside the oil factory has confirmed TPH and Zn contaminated soil, has been tube procedures, Sin-Shin company were instructed not validated job supplement to improve operations. Emergency operations were seven pollution survey, which contains six sections Liu-Chuang-Chao section to No. 984, Yenpu Township Zhen-Yu companies, Wan-Dan Di-Yong company, Jhu-Tian Township Liu-Xiang section to No. 254, Pingtung City Sin-Sing section to number 434, Kanding Township Ding-Siao section to No 428, the survey confirmed that pollution, another Kanding Township Gang-Dong section to No. 190, after investigation of groundwater As concentrations in the region have high case, please follow the Association of environmental protection Department emergency plan to investigate.33 stations have been completed for the pipe leak check operations, which found high concentrations of oil and gas stations CPC Li-Gang, subsequent verification approach not contaminated, but also on the second half to complete the review and 12 to check for the EPA to check the audit work operations, mainly for the preservation of the missing information is not complete and so, after the completion of counseling has improved. Another part of the job with the administration, on March 26, respectively, for the industrial zone, the bottom mud body competent authority, gas station operators to complete three games regulations briefing, on May 30 to complete the first field of education for the training of military units learning Conference, the other on December 11 to handle an emergency drill field operations, the implementation of soil and groundwater pollution prevention advocacy advocacy completed a total of 12 sessions of nearly 3,000 people, and the other contains a press release issued to complete the 5, 14 sessions of technical Services consulting; tube site inspections completed 449 screenings; 1 to December EPA SGM database maintenance updates and build a complete "inspections notification management system" database.