

中文摘要 本計畫依照「嘉義市低碳永續家園專案計畫─綠牆與垂直綠化設計及照明及能示範及推廣」之規定完成以下工作: (一)推動社區、公共場所建築物綠化: 1.為推廣實施建築物綠化,辦理2場次說明會,讓社區民眾瞭解施作綠牆與垂直綠化所帶來的好處,並說明綠牆之補助申請辦法,提供諮詢服務讓民眾掌握相關資訊以順利辦理補助申請。並遴選出5處社區或公共場所並補助施作成為綠牆之示範點,冀望透過示範點之設立引領在地民眾相互觀摩學習,增進響應與設置意願。 2.製作4,000本「綠牆與綠屋頂之宣導手冊」,使民眾對於綠牆與綠屋頂有更進一步的瞭解,並透過宣導手冊上之建議來評估自身社區施作綠牆或綠屋頂之效益,手冊內有相關建置費用及施作範例,可作為參考依據供民眾評估。 3.建築物綠化觀摩活動:帶領民眾觀摩臺南市政府安平區區公所,引領民眾親身體驗並深入瞭解綠牆與綠屋頂所帶來的節能減碳效益,讓參訪之民眾將觀摩活動之參訪心得分享並應用於自身社區上。 (二)推動照明節能改善作業: 1.針對嘉義市各里長及各社區管理委員會配合綠牆與綠化垂直設計宣導共同辦理2場次說明會,宣導照明節能之重要性,並說明相關補助改善作業。 2.成立嘉義市能源技術輔導團,透過輔導團之評估與規劃,完成17處社區或公共場所之效益評估及照明節能改善作業。 (三)低碳永續家園資訊平台之登錄: 本計畫推動社區、公共場所之建築物綠化及照明節能改善作業成果登錄於低碳永續資訊平台,供民眾參考。 本計畫已完成各項工作之執行,並建立5處綠牆與垂直綠化設計示範點及17處照明節能改善示範社區,以利嘉義市其他在地社區跟進響應,共創嘉義市低碳永續家園。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 3725 千元
專案開始日期 2013/09/23 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 邱重崴
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳怡諭 執行單位 奇威管理顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 嘉義市低碳永續家園專案計畫-綠牆與垂直設計及照明節能示範及推廣(正式報告).pdf 13MB

Project for Development of Low-Carbon and Substantial Homeland: Greening Wall and Vertical Greening Design, and Energy-saving Lighting Demonstration and Promotion.

英文摘要 Abstract The purposes of this project were threefold. Firstly, it aimed to promote the greening construction in communities and public spaces. The settings of greening garden would improve air quality and living condition. The information meetings including two secessions were held to explain the advantageous of setting the greening and vertical garden, as well as to give details about the governmental grants. In addition, to increase the willingness to establish the greening constructions, five settings of the greening constructions as the model could be found in many regions. Moreover, 4000 manuals were made to enhance people’s understandings about the greening constructions like greening walls and greening roofs. The detailed information such as the estimated cost of building greening constructions and the demonstration of energy-efficient public buildings were also included in the manuals. Besides, a number of observational activities were held in Anping District Office in Tainan City. This was to make the visitors understand the efficiency of building green constructions, and then they were encouraged to share what they learned in the activities to others. Secondly, the promotion of energy-saving lighting system would reduce the electricity use. The explanation meetings consisted of two secessions were held by the head of neighborhood and its community management committees in Chiayi city. The purpose of the meetings was to promote the important concepts like saving energy and to give details about the governmental grants. In addition, the Green Teams in Chiayi city were made to evaluate the energy conservation programs in 17 communities and public buildings and to improve the energy efficiency in older buildings. Finally, the information for promoting low-carbon and substantial homeland was recorded, and it could provide people with standards for selecting the energy saving equipment. The achievement of this project would be passed via the platform to promote the establishment of low-carbon and energy-saving building and to enhance the concept of substantial homeland.