中文摘要 | 國內住宅密集近鄰活動所產生出噪音及振動嚴重影響住戶日常生活品質,若能針對低頻噪音及振動的發生機制進行探討,以及瞭解民眾對於低頻噪音及振動的感受度,將有助於相關法規的訂定並提高國內民眾的生活品質。 國內目前噪音管制標準(低頻噪音)主要管制對象為空氣音所產生之低頻噪音,未涵蓋「結構音」所衍生之低頻噪音範圍。 本研究彙整國外振動量測或評估方法,所提出之振動建議值及適用範圍不盡相同,於振動建議值多著重在交通運輸以及建設活動方面,且多數國家依據ISO2631-2訂定振動的相關建議值及評估方法。為與國際趨勢一致,我國振動量測方法及標準之訂定可朝此方向研訂。 本研究於低頻噪音陳情案件研究結果發現,主要低頻音來源為結構振動所引起之結構噪音,結合人體實驗調查結果得知振動量大於52dB,人體會感受到振動與噪音,而陳情案的振動值大多超過52dB,兩者之調查結果大致相符。 後續研究可依此振動值作為參考基準,進一步收集更多陳情案例與人體試驗結果,確認振動管制值的基準及相關管制方法,以使國人生活品質進一步提升。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 低頻振動,低頻噪音,結構噪音 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-103-U1F1-02-107 | 經費年度 | 103 | 計畫經費 | 1100 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2014/04/14 | 專案結束日期 | 2014/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 許榮均 |
主辦單位 | 空保處 | 承辦人 | 林慧華 | 執行單位 | 國立臺灣海洋大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-103-U1F1-02-107近鄰低頻噪音及振動研究計畫期末定稿公開版.pdf | 5MB |
Investigation of neiborhood low-frequency noise and vibration and research projet for improvement me
英文摘要 | Because the building desity is getting higher, the activities in the neighborhood causes low frequency noise and vibration and affects daily life greatly. Therefore, if the mechanism of low noise and vibration and their correlation with the perception of the general public is understood, then, it will help the establishment of the related regulation on vibration and improve the quality of living of the general public. The current low frequency noise regulations only regulate low frequency air-borne noise, the low frequency noise generated by structure-borne mechanism is not included. First, the literature on the low frequency and vibration measurement methods and regulations are reviewed worldwide. The vibration laws in foreign countries targets construction activities and traffic systems, and mostly uses ISO2631-2 as their guideline for vibration measurement, Therefore, this ISO standard can also be used as a guideline as our measurement standard for vibration. And in this project, as the complaint cases of low frequency noise gathered, it is found that it is predominately caused by vibration. And together with the jury tests in the laboratory, we found that 52dB is the threshold of feeling of both noise and vibration, and this is inline with the the complaint cases that in most cases vibration exceeds 52dB. Therefore, in future project, more complaint cases will be collected and more jury test will be conducted to help setting up the vibration limits and its regulation, and hopefully to improve the quality of our daily life. | ||
英文關鍵字 | low frequency vibration,low frequency noise,structure borne noise |