

中文摘要 本計畫分析空氣品質監測結果顯示,103年全國一般測站PSI>100站日數共計288站日(PM10 102站與O3 186站),PSI>100比率為1.32%,低於102年同期1.53%;初步判定全年共發生4次境外傳輸、5次颱風事件,對PSI>100比例造成影響。103年主要污染物PM10、PM2.5及O3濃度均接近102年同期,但低於近五年同期平均濃度。中長期空氣品質濃度預測及氣候預報指出103年臺灣冬季氣候高溫少雨,不利污染物濕沉降且易累積大氣中,秋冬季應注意境外傳輸與本土揚塵,也需留意本地污染物累積。 篩選102年PM2.5高值事件區間配合逆軌跡、ISC擴散模式、鄰近測站濃度統計及月平均趨勢分析空品成因,北部近工業區之測站可見固定源排放影響,市區內測站明顯受交通影響,其中亦有測站顯示污染物濃度變化與當地活動時間吻合,此外各測站若遇風速弱或夜晚混和層高度下降,污染物濃度常會累積上升。研究臭氧趨勢及他國情況,日本、香港及韓國皆與我國測站類似,其臭氧年平均濃度均有逐年上升趨勢,國際研究指出臭氧濃度受氣候變遷影響而上升,政策制定時應考慮其削弱效應。 統計103年1~10月全國PM2.5手動測站(30站)與對應之FRM-like自動測站濃度,進行每日濃度值比較並探討對空品預報事件的影響,提供PM2.5監測建議。根據本計畫研究AOD反演PM2.5濃度,氣膠剖面資訊對於改善AOD與PM2.5相當重要,此外本計畫建置AOD與PM2.5轉換式,並使用高解析度衛星反演臺北市PM2.5分布,以測試評估其可行性。 本計畫彙整世界各國空氣品質指標與對民眾防護建議,召開專家諮詢會探討新式空氣品質指標建置,並取得103年OECD採用世銀PM10年平均濃度推估之臺灣城市資料。另參考國外空品不良應變措施修正「空氣品質不良通報作業程序及因應措施」納入PM2.5通報作業,並配合四季空品拍攝取得珍貴照片,十月底於雲林地區訪問當地民眾對濁水溪及當地污染源影響空品程度看法,獲得第一手民眾感受資訊。本計畫另更新維護空保處網頁與建置PM2.5專頁,配合環保署會議、行政及技術支援,包含召開竹苗空品區交流會議、排放量檢核會議、污防書撰寫重點會議、彙整103年上半年污防書目標執行成果、縣市減量計算手冊與102年空氣污染防制總檢討報告等,成果豐碩。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質指標、細懸浮微粒、氣膠光學厚度


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A063 經費年度 103 計畫經費 7200 千元
專案開始日期 2014/02/19 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA11-03-A063.pdf 79MB 期末報告(定稿本)

Air pollution cause analysis and investigation plan

英文摘要 This project analyzed air quality monitored data in 2014, and the results showed a 1.32% PSI>100 ratio and a total poor quality station-day was 288 with 102 PM10 and 186 O3 station-days with both lower as comparing with last year’s 1.53% PSI>100 ratio and 332 station-days. Four events in 2014 are preliminary determined as foreign pollution influences, and five events in 2014 are preliminary determined as typhoon influences. Major oversea and national PM10, PM2.5, and O3 pollutants concentrations contributing to national monitoring stations’ readings; however, the average of these pollutant concentrations were lower than last 5 average years’ readings and was similar to the pollutants’ readings in 2013. Nonetheless, with long-term air quality concentrations and weather forecast suggested that winter in Taiwan in 2014 was relativity warm with lesser frequency of precipitation, causing the pollutants difficult to settle and cumulated more readily in the atmosphere. Thus, this autumn and winter season, the project results suggested to oversee foreign pollutant transmission, control local fugitive dust, and prevent regional pollutants from accumulation. Through the use of backward trajectories, ISC (Industrial Source Complex) dispersion model, monthly average of surrounding sampling stations concentrations trend to analyze air quality in the selected high PM2.5 concentrations areas in 2013, the results showed the air quality was correlated with emission influence form northern industrial areas and traffic emissions in municipal areas. Moreover, the results showed the pollutant concentrations matched the local activities and discovered the concentrations were likewise affected by wind speed. With lower wind speed favoring accumulation, the concentrations were tended to be high. In addition, the methods of measuring ozone concentrations were indistinguishable to the methods used in Japan, Hong Kong, and Korea, which illustrated regional ozone concentrations had been incrementing each year. Along with international research and scientific evidence indicated the ozone concentrations s were affected by climate change, thus, suggested ozone concentrations reduction policy formulating shall consider climate change’s impairing effect. Regarded PM2.5, the statistic concentrations obtained from 30 FRM stations and FRM-like automatic PM2.5 sampling stations from January to October in 2014 were used to analyze daily concentrations to explore potential early alert events and to provide advice based on PM2.5 concentration distribution. Furthermore, this project also conducted Aerosol Optical Depth(AOD) to inverse and to imitate PM2.5 concentrations since AOD profile information was crucial to PM2.5 monitoring improvement. Therefore, this project created a AOD-to-PM2.5 conversion formula and tested on Taipei PM2.5 distribution with high-resolution satellite to assess its feasibility. This project consolidated other foreign countries’ air quality index and citizen health protection advice to assess Taiwan’s new national quality index through expert consultation conference and successfully obtained 2014 world bank’s approval for establishing Taiwan cities’ annual PM10 average concentration profile. Furthermore, the project referenced foreign countries’ poor air quality contingency measures and revised the SOP of contingency measures for poor air quality by incorporating PM2.5 notification recommendations, control measures with seasonal valuable aerial filming, and interviews of Yun-Lin citizen’s review on Cho-Shui River and other local air pollution source to obtain first-hand information in late October. Lastly, the project not only updated EPA’s websites, but also designed the website for PM2.5 control and completed other relevant major tasks such as conferences administrative and technical support. The conferences held throughout the year included information exchange workshop for Hsin-Chu County, Hsin-Chu City and Miao-Li County Environmental Protection Bureaus, meetings with emissions inventory workgroup, Air Pollution Control Plan and Protocols conference for local Environmental Protection Bureaus. Emission reduction manual, air pollution implementation for first 6 months of 2014, and “The Annual Assessment Report of the Air Pollution Control in Taiwan for 2013” are also compiled in the project, and all reach a great success.
英文關鍵字 air quality index、PM2.5、AOD