

中文摘要 本計畫主要目的在調查並篩選現有高科技工業園區及其周遭空污耐受性較高且生長快速之原生樹種,以供日後高科技工業園區綠化推薦樹種之參考依據。本計畫共進行六項工作,包括(1) 蒐集高科技園區及其周遭空污氣污染耐受性較高之原生樹種相關文獻資料,(2) 利用空氣污染擴散模式推估高科技園區空氣污染之擴散範圍及植物淨污之減量成效,(3) 依擴散模式推估擴散範圍調查篩選現有高科技園區及其周遭空氣污染耐受性較高之樹種與原生樹種,(4) 實測高科技園區樹種與原生樹種對主要空氣污染物之淨化能力及惡劣環境之耐受性,(5) 綜合篩選高科技園區及其周遭空氣污染耐受性較高原生樹種及提出配置建議,及(6) 調查篩選對其它惡劣環境耐受性較高之樹種與原生樹種。其中包括以儀器實測常見高科技園區原生樹種淨化污染之能力,並篩選適合於高科技園區之淨污及快長原生樹種。其研究測定之污染物對象為氟化氫、氯化氫、三氯乙烯、PM2.5等4 種。目前已調查之工業區常見原生樹種有樟樹、茄苳、光蠟樹、台灣櫸、苦楝、黃連木、台灣欒樹、榕樹、黃金榕、欖仁、黃槿、白水木、構樹、春不老、台灣海棗、烏腳綠竹等十多種。本計畫已利用ISCST3空氣污染擴散模式,推估主要空氣污染物之擴散範圍,包括新竹科學園區氟化氫235支排放管道、氯化氫219支排放管道及粒狀物21支排放管道,推估其全年濃度之分佈,另為了解單一排放管道之擴散情形,乃選擇氟化氫、氯化氫及粒狀物排放量最大之排放管道各1支,進行其擴散濃度之推估。已再加入主要污染氣體對植物之沉降係數,以評估植物淨污之減量成效,至少3案例。本計畫已調查篩選對其它惡劣環境耐受性較高之樹種與原生樹種,並在溫室實測、比較原生樹種對海水高鹽度、高相對濕度、浸水、高有機物、缺水、強風鹽害等之耐受性。本計畫亦已測定原生樹種對4種空氣污染物之淨化能力,包括氟化氫、氯化氫、三氯乙烯、PM2.5等,並已選取4種代表性植物測試4種污染混合下之淨污能力,大致發現與單一者並無顯著差異。依上述,已綜合評選出高科技工業園區及其周遭耐受污染較高且淨污能力較大之原生樹種,及提出配置之建議。本計畫此些結果將可供未來高科技園區綠化單位選擇優選樹種之參考,以求在科技園區及周遭種植優良樹種之後,能更有效降低空氣之污染,提昇空氣及環境之品質。
中文關鍵字 科學工業園區、原生樹種、快長樹種、污染吸收


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA14-03-A155 經費年度 103 計畫經費 3350 千元
專案開始日期 2014/04/01 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 孫岩章
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 臺灣大學


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期末報告 EPA-103-F14-03-A155期末報告正式版.pdf 27MB 期末報告正式版

Screening and Evaluation of High-pollutant-tolerant Native Trees for Industrial Parks in Taiwan

英文摘要 The purpose of this one-year project is to screen and evaluate the high-pollutant-tolerant native tree species for science industrial parks in Taiwan. There are six major tasks in this project: (1) To review all the literatures related with high-pollutant-tolerant native trees in science industrial parks; (2) Using dispersion model to investigate the dispersion patterns of major air pollutants emitted from science industrial parks, and evaluate the air-cleaning efficiency by surrounding trees; (3) To investigate the high-pollutant-tolerant native tree species in science industrial parks basing on dispersion patterns of major air pollutants; (4) To measure the pollutant uptake rates and stress tolerances of major native tree species in science industrial parks with instruments, (5) Comprehensively evaluatiing and grading all the high-pollutant-tolerant native tree species in science industrial parks for future application; (6) To investigate the high-stress-tolerant native tree species in harmful or hazardous areas. The measurements of pollutant (including HF、HCl、C2HCl3、PM2.5) uptake rates by at least 10 native tree species were conducted in bag branch enclosure chamber. After a preliminary field investigation around Hsinchu Science Park, a total of 17 native tree species were selected and listed for detail measurements of pollutant uptake rates and stress tolerance. They are camphor tree, autumn maple tree, Formosan ash, Taiwan zelkova, China berry, Chinese pistache, flame gold-rain tree, marabutan, golden-leaf fig, Indian almond, linden hibiscus, silvery messerschmidia, paper mulberry, Ceylon ardisia, Formosan date palm, and edible green bamboo. The ISCST3 dispersion model is applied for studying the dispersion patterns of air pollutants emitted from science industrial parks, including that of HF from 235 stacks, that of HCl from 219 stacks, and that of particles from 21 stacks. Also the dispersion from single stack emitting HF, HCl, and particle were studied. Thereafter the deposition velocities of native tree species against each air pollutant were used to multiply the predicted ambient air concentration to produce the air-cleaning efficiency patterns for all the three pollutants from a single stack. The tolerance of native tree species to sea salt, high humidity, flooding, high BOD, drought, and strong wind with salt spray were also tested. The pollutant uptake rates of 17 native tree species against 4 pollutants (HF, HCl, C2HCl3 and PM2.5) were measured. Four typical native trees were selected for measuring and comparing the uptake rates of mixed 4 pollutants with that of single pollutant. Basically there was no significant difference between the mixed set with single ones. The above results are used to generally evaluate the performance of 17 native tree species for growing and deploying in science industrial park. These results will be useful for greening department to choose the better native trees to plant in industrial parks in the future. Therefore, the air and environmental quality can also be upgraded in the future.
英文關鍵字 Science Industrial Park; Native trees; Fast-growing tree; Pollutant uptake