

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間為102年1月18日至102年12月31日,執行至今皆能完成環保局交付之各項任務與職責,主要工作內容包括空氣品質人工測站之採樣分析與保養維護、自動測站之定期維護、電子看板維護、固定式噪音監測站校正維護、移動式噪音測站監測、噪音管制系統維護與噪音相關報表提交、空品監測資料電子交換作業評估與建議等。 空氣品質人工測站方面,每月針對臺中市9座測站進行1次落塵採樣與分析、2次TSP採樣與分析及維護保養、1次流量單點校正與每季執行1次流量多點校正。豐原人工測站原設置於衛生局,因該局防水工程施工之故,已於2月20日搬遷至豐原高中。此外,梧棲人工測站已於5月7日完成樓梯間防水工程,改善滲水問題,目前各測站儀器設備狀況尚能正常運轉。102年平均測值與101年同期比較,各測站TSP平均值略低於101年。各站102年迄今歷次TSP濃度介於35~194μg/m3,均符合環保署空氣品質標準(250μg/m3)。季節變化以冬季TSP測值較高、夏季較低,TSP已分析之成份(硝酸鹽、硫酸鹽、氯鹽、鉛及正己烷抽出物、Na+、Mg2+、K+、Ca2+、NH4+、砷、汞、鐵、錳),分析的陰離子中以硝酸鹽及硫酸鹽比例較高,而陽離子以Na+及NH4+之比例較高,分析的四種重金屬中則以鐵之比例較高。102年臺中市落塵平均為4.2公噸/平方公里/月,分級屬於極輕微污染,與去年同期之4.4公噸/平方公里/月差異不大。 在空氣品質自動測站部份,經由定期之每週、月、季、半年與年度維護保養,各測站各監測儀器皆能正常運作,且資料可用率均達90%以上。測站硬體修繕部份,文山自動測站於5月28日完成鋼瓶室大門修繕;后里、大甲、太平、霧峰等自動測站則於11月完成氣象鐵塔改裝工作,維護工程師不必爬上鐵塔即可進行維護校正,以增加安全性。 在空品自動測站數據方面,SO2整體以臺電之清水、梧棲、大肚測站濃度較高,應受發電廠污染排放影響,經由歷年各種管制措施之執行,各測站長期則有逐年下降趨勢。NO2濃度明顯以夏季較低、秋冬較高,整體濃度以霧峰站、烏日站、忠明站、大里站較高,主要受鄰近測站之移動污染源影響,長期大致呈現持平趨勢。O3濃度呈現春、秋較高之典型季節變化,大部分測站臭氧濃度大致呈持平趨勢。PM10濃度呈現冬、春較高之典型季節變化,長期呈現下降趨勢。 依據環保署豐原、沙鹿、大里、忠明、西屯測站之監測資料,102年臺中市之空氣品質不良率為0.98%。今年至12月底止中部空品區各縣市不良率,以南投縣(1.23%)最高,臺中市次之(0.98%),彰化縣(0.41%)最低。而統計臺中市所有空氣品質監測站(含環保署、環保局、臺電測站)之監測資料,山、海、屯三區則以屯區之空氣品質不良率(1.42%)最高,海區(0.82%)次之,山區(0.47%)最低。 在噪音監測方面,固定式噪音監測站之校正維護作業及移動式噪音測站監測皆依預定進度執行,固定噪音站之資料可用率均達90%以上。固定式噪音測站以第二類噪音管制區之環境音量測站之不合格率較高,移動式噪音測站則有少數環境音量測站部份時段有不合格情形。在軟體操作維護與資料更新部份,除每月提送管制考評表、每季提交季報表、更新「噪音管制系統」之監測資料庫之外,並協助更新環保局網頁相關資料。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質監測;操作維護;噪音監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 102 計畫經費 7350 千元
專案開始日期 2013/01/18 專案結束日期 2013/12/31 專案主持人 張文旭
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡欽如 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 102年臺中市環境品質監測站操作維護計畫期末(定稿).pdf 6MB

2013 Taichung City Environmental Quality Monitoring Station Operation And Maintance Project

英文摘要 This project was implemented from Jan. 18, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013. All the tasks defined in the contract had been completed including the sampling analysis, maintenance of the Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, regular maintenance of Auto-Monitoring Stations, calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations, Noise Monitoring of Mobile Noise Stations, regular maintenance of Electronic Billboard, Noise Equipment Management, and Assessment of air quality and noise monitoring system, et cetera. In the section of Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations, there are monthly sampling and analysis of dust fall, monthly one-point flow rate calibration, every half months TSP sampling analysis and maintenance, quarterly multiple-point flow rate calibration. All equipments in Manual Operation Air Monitoring Stations are in good working conditions. In contrast with year 2012, the mean concentration of TSP in year 2013 was lower than year 2012. The TSP geometric means of nine Stations all meet the air quality standard in 2013. The concentration of TSP in winter was higher than in summer. There was a declining trend for a long time, in the TSP ingredient is high by the nitrate proportion. The dustfall in Taichung City in 2013 was equally 4.2 ton/square kilometer/month, the graduation was extremely slightly pollute. In the section of Auto-Monitoring Stations, all measurement items were functioning well under weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual maintenance scheme. The data validity all achieved above 90%.The PM10 analyzer and the HC analyzer intalled on January 18 in Holi Station. In the project, we invited experts to perform functions verification and QA check, and we had improved instruments based on critical comments. In 2013, the ratio with PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) over 100 of Taichung City revealing in Taiwan EPA report was 0.98%. As to the Maximum Index Pollutants, ozone contributed the big part. The monitoring data for the mid-Taiwan, the worst one was Nantou County standing for 1.23%, followed by Taichung City (0.98%), and then Changhua County (0.41%). Among Shan, Hai, and Tun, three districts of Taichung City, Tun district had the worst air quality from its highest ratio with PSI over 100(1.42%)and Hai had the best air quality. In the section of Noise Monitoring, the regular calibration and maintenance of Fixed Noise Monitoring Stations were completed according to the contract. The calibration report and monitoring data were submitted monthly and the data validity was above 90%. In the section of the Noise Monitoring of Mobile Noise Stations, that took twice quarterly monitoring tests at each spot, and according to predetermined progress execution. In the section of the Software Operation/Maintenance and Data Update, apart from submitting the self- evaluation forms and updating the database of the Noise Control Information System monthly, it provided EPB with the assistance of calculating and uploading the self-evaluation results to EPA’s Noise Control Information System quarterly.
英文關鍵字 the monitoring of air quality;operation and maintance;the monitoring of noise