中文摘要 | 本計畫就鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範進行探討,期能經各國建築物管理法規之蒐集與比較分析,了解各國建築物管理的發展趨勢,並檢討我國相關法規配合增修之可行性,同時,藉相關測點現地量測作業確實了解我國鄰近交通系統之建築物所受到的交通噪音影響情形。 計畫執行首先進行各測點交通噪音特性調查,接著以CandaA模式分別進行模式建構及校估,模式校估結果須符合實測值與模擬值兩者差值絕對值≦3分貝之要求,各該模式始可被接受為有效模式。同時參考日本建築聲學室內空間建議值及中國大陸室內容許值,並根據各測點室內使用形式研提各測點室內空間音量建議值,本計畫將各測點交通噪音特性模擬值與室內空間音量建議值之差值定義為各該測點開口部門窗隔音等級需求。接著檢視各測點開口部門窗的實際隔音效能是否能滿足需求,本計畫採用「CNS 15160-5室內外音壓差法」及「CEN/TS 1793-5」量測規範進行現場隔音量實地調查,並進行窗戶形式檢視及漏音調查,比對調查所得之開口部門窗實際隔音效能與隔音等級需求,即可據以判斷開口部門窗實際隔音效能是否足夠。 本計畫實測發現十個測點中僅有二個測點的實際隔音效能高於所需,顯示絕大多數建築物外牆開口部門窗的實際隔音效能可能均未能滿足隔音需求;相對地,這樣的結果也意味著:外牆開口部門窗實際隔減音效能是可以被要求到位的。此外,開口部門窗實際隔減音效能不足之原因,可能來自選用之門窗材質隔減音性質不佳,亦可能來自不良施工品質所造成的漏音問題,因此選材及施工都需注意以提升整體隔音效能。具體而言,本計畫對在與交通系統直線距離約30公尺處的臥房、客廳及辦公室等用途之房舍開口部門窗隔音需求之保守建議值為43, 29及26分貝。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 交通系統 交通噪音 門窗開口部 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-103-U1F1-02-103 | 經費年度 | 103 | 計畫經費 | 1980 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2014/05/12 | 專案結束日期 | 2014/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 劉霈 |
主辦單位 | 空保處 | 承辦人 | 林慧華 | 執行單位 | 逢甲大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-103-U1F1-02-103-鄰近交通系統沿線建築物隔音設施及相關規範研究.pdf | 13MB |
A Study on Soundproof Efficiency and Regulations of Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Systems
英文摘要 | Soundproof efficiency and regulations of façade openings on buildings adjacent to transportation systems are investigated in this study. The aim of this study is to learn the international trend on noise regulation regarding to façade openings through literature review. Meanwhile, real soundproof efficiency of façade openings of buildings adjacent to transportation systems in Taiwan were studied through in-situ noise measurement. Five highway and five rail adjacent sites were selected for noise measurement and noise leaking evaluation. Noise measurement results were modeled through CadnaA for each test site. Model validations were carried out under the requirement of less than 3 dBA absolute error between measured and model simulated data. The soundproof need of specific test site was defined as the difference between simulated noise level and expected interior noise level related to the room usage of that test site. Real soundproof quality of façade openings of these test sites were measured following CNS 15160-5 and CEN/TS 1793-5 codes. Window type, quality of material and workmanship were also recorded during field inspection. From all the measurements, it is found that façade openings of new buildings adjacent to transportation system generally don’t provide sufficient soundproof quality. Meanwhile, most of the test sites are suffered from noise leak indicates that workmanship is also a key factor to enhance soundproof quality of façade openings. It is suggested that allowable noise level for various interior usage of building rooms should be established first as a requirement, code for soundproof quality of façade opening should also be established for architects and building makers to follow. Moreover, 43, 29, and 26dBA as the soundproof quality needed for façade openings of bedrooms, living rooms, and offices were found appropriate through this study. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Transportation Systems Facade Opening (Doors,Windows) |