

中文摘要 為整治國內土壤及地下水污染,環保署參採美國超級基金徵收方式,自90年11月起以指定公告物質方式,向產生者及製造者徵收整治費,迄今徵收總額已達98億元;用於土水污染調查及整治,對國內環境保護貢獻不言可喻;由於早期徵收對象多以化學物質為主,費基大多偏重於石化業者,業者持續反應基金來源應公平合理;為合理回應各界訴求及反映國內污染場址現況,自100年7月起大幅度修訂徵收制度,除原有化學物質外,廣納鋼胚、煤、13項行業別產生之事業廢棄物、重金屬銅、鎳等列入徵收項目。 擴大費基實施後,徵收對象大幅成長至4,800家,統計近兩年徵收金額平均約9.4億元/年,較以往化學物質徵收方式有大幅度成長,徵收規模已達到規劃目標,而石化業負擔比例亦明顯下降,徵收物種較以往更平均、合理;出口退費因取消產製出口,退費金額已大幅降低;至於投保環境責任險及預防工程退費部分,伴隨徵收對象擴大,本年度申請案件數高達54家,預期未來仍有持續長成長空間,對污染預防應有極大幫助。 面對申報案件倍增情況,為減少審理負荷,自102年度開始針對較小額繳費業者採用完整性審理,較大宗繳費業者方採人工審理,以提升行政效率。收費辦法修訂實施迄今,在徵收實務上發現,現行徵收事業廢棄物衍生不少爭議,建議下年度進行收費辦法修訂時,務必納入檢討、修訂,使整治費徵收可以達到更簡化、公平、合理目的。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水、整治費


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA11-03-A255 經費年度 103 計畫經費 16113 千元
專案開始日期 2014/07/11 專案結束日期 2015/07/10 專案主持人 羅鈞
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 陳育廷 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-GA11-03-D255(公開版).pdf 12MB

2014 Filing for and Verification of Statements of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fees

英文摘要 To remediate the soil and ground water pollution in Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Agency has begun the collection of the soil and groundwater pollution remediation fee from the manufacturers and importers of officially announced substances in accordance with the amounts manufactured and imported by such enterprises. A total of 9.8 billion NT dollars of remediation fee had been collected in the past 10 years. The remediation fund is used in the soil and ground water investigations and remediation projects, providing undeniable benefits to environmental protection. Since, the officially announced chemical substances are mainly organic substances; the remediation fund is mainly collected from the petrochemical industry. Therefore, the industry continued to reflect that the fee sources should be more fair and reasonable. In response with the industries’ demand and to reflect the current statures of illegal dumping sites, a new version of the collection regulation was implemented in July of 2011. Other than the originally regulated substances, steel, coal, copper, nickel, and industrial wastes from 13 industries were added to the regulated substances. The number of fee-payers has increased from 1,200 to 4,800. After the revision, an average of 250 million NT dollars of remediation fee was collected each quarter. The levied scale has achieved the objectives of the original plan. The proportion of the fund came from the petrochemical industry has decreased, which make the fee sources more reasonable. Almost 2 years has passed since the revision of the collection regulation. A lot of problems have derived from the collection of remediation fee based on the production of industrial waste. However, the EPA has successfully resolved these problems in a case-by-case basis according to actual situations. With the hike of the number of fee-payers, the online filling system and database were updated for more comveniant filling and for more rapid compilation of data. The auditing process was also revised to improve administration efficiency. It is recommended that the EPA should establish a more rapid method of data exchange with the custom in order to provide the fee-payer a more convenient and accurate filling process.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater, Remediation Fees