

中文摘要 氣候變遷之複雜性及不確定性是當前各國決策者因應氣候變遷時最大的挑戰,尤其泛太平洋地區的低窪國家與小島發展中國家,其因應氣候脆弱度與災害曝露度皆高,亟需儘速採取妥當的調適策略。臺灣位居泛太平洋地區樞紐,應從自身經驗出發,促進技術與治理經驗交流,故本計畫旨在推動建立泛太平洋地區國際氣候調適夥伴關係。 本計畫共完成三大項目工作:(一)蒐集國際上既有氣候變遷調適倡議或組織之內涵與運作模式,如聯合國公私部門夥伴關係與太平洋地區氣候變遷組織,瞭解國際作法,並分析適用於我國國情的國際夥伴關係運作模式,據此作為國際會議討論內容之基礎;(二)辦理首屆泛太平洋氣候變遷調適國際研討會,邀請美國、東南亞與太平洋島嶼國家專家齊聚一堂,分享最新氣候調適知識、工具、策略及各國調適現況,並取得與會者對建立氣候變遷調適夥伴關係之共識與支持,亦提出此國際夥伴關係組織籌備與規畫進程;(三)提出我國氣候資訊開放平臺 (climate.gov.tw) 規畫建議,並建立與其他國家氣候開放資料聯盟合作管道,期望提升我國氣候資訊傳遞效率與透明度,協助政府與民間及早評估潛在衝擊、即時因應並將風險與損失降至最低,強化氣候變遷調適量能與效益。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷調適、國際夥伴關係、泛太平洋地區


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA11-03-A310 經費年度 103 計畫經費 9300 千元
專案開始日期 2014/09/19 專案結束日期 2015/03/31 專案主持人 賈新興
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 吳靜薇 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-FA11-03-A310.pdf 22MB

Promoting Strategies for Building International Partnership on Climate Change and Information

英文摘要 Climate change has brought one of the greatest challenges to worldwide decision makers due to its complexity and uncertainty. Many low lying countries and small island developing states in the Pan Pacific region are particularly vulnerable to climate change. As an island country located at the hub of the Pan Pacific, Taiwan could play a crucial role in facilitating technique and experience sharing of climate change adaptation strategies within the region. In view of this, the project was implemented to build up a Pan Pacific partnership on climate change adaptation, and three main works have been done to fulfill the objective of the project. First of all, the project searched for several established international initiatives and partnerships focusing on climate change adaptation in order to form a proper strategy for Taiwan to initiate an adaptation partnership. Organizations that had been analyzed included public-private partnerships (PPPs) under United Nations and Pacific climate-related organizations. Secondly, the project succeeded in holding the ‘2014 Pan Pacific Partnership on Climate Change Adaptation Conference’, which gathered experts and national representatives from the US, Southeast Asia and South Pacific islands to mutually share the most updated knowledge, tools and solutions for tackling climate change. All participants came to a consensus agreeing that an international partnership on adaptation is especially essential for the region as we are exposed to similar threats posed by climate change such as extreme weather events, sea level rise, and so on. Lastly, adaptation solutions could be more effective and efficient by improving transparency of and accessibility to climate-related information and data. Based on the idea, the project proposed a plan for setting up an open climate data portal in Taiwan (climate.gov.tw). With sufficient information for risk assessment, government, industries as well as the public could reduce their lost from climate change as they could adopt immediate responses to potential disasters in advance.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change Adaptation, Pan Pacific Region, International Partnership