

中文摘要 本計畫為延續102年「高雄市大坪頂污染土地永續利用可行性評估計畫」成果,規劃後續展開與推動大坪頂綠色整治示範區場址調查及管理推動。藉由各工作項目的執行,展開後續推動方案的研擬與可行性評估。本計畫完成之主要工作內容包括:完成模場預定區域污染土壤及廢棄物調查,所有以土壤進行總量分析樣品中,共計十七個樣次超過土壤污染管制標準,均來自回填土壤及廢棄物混雜層,主要分佈於九個地號內,污染物項目以銅、鎘、鉻、鉛、鋅等重金屬為主。地下水水質調查結果顯示皆尚未超過地下水污染監測標準或管制標準。另外,為協助研議中間處理示範技術評鑑試行平台之建置策略,本團隊完成擬定中間處理技術示範場設施之招標遴選工作程序及招標方式、管理規範及查核作業行程、查核事項、查核重點及查核紀錄表等相關內容。 大坪頂特定區後續開發工作涉及大規模污染土地的永續利用,其中大部份是私有土地,同時未來朝褐地再利用的開發角度推動時,部份區域污染物未移除的土地,將可能在風險評估後以適當開發,因此,本團隊依整治計畫提出階段、整治執行階段及再利用執行階段等,擬定民眾風險溝通執行流程建議。後續綠能設施設置用地,考量底層仍有廢棄物,建議設置基礎採用筏式基礎且深度須大於1m。而根據台灣地形氣候及電力併網的普及性,建議示範區域採用較可靠且具投資價值的太陽光電發電系統,並透過土地招租的方式,提供太陽光電系統業者投入設置太陽光電系統,吸引業者投資,並建議採用單一電廠設置容量進行招商,對於電廠經營管理及土地分區等問題較為單純。
中文關鍵字 大坪頂;綠色整治;褐地再利用;太陽能發電


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-GA11-03-A179 經費年度 103 計畫經費 18000 千元
專案開始日期 2014/05/05 專案結束日期 2015/11/04 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 林行志 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-GA11-03-A179.pdf 32MB

Project of investigation and management of green sustainable remediation pilot site in Dapinding Spe

英文摘要 The objective of this project is to build up a preliminary action plan for the green sustainable remediation pilot site in Dapinding Specific Urban Planning Area, Kaohsiung City, after the works of the project entitled “Feasibility Study for Sustainable Development of the Contaminated Land in the Dapingding Specific Urban Planning Area, Kaohsiung City” in 2013. In this project, soil and waste samples were analyzed for contaminants in the green sustainable remediation pilot site. Among them, some contaminants such as copper, cadmium, chromium, lead and zinc of seventeen samples exceed soil pollution control standards. Those samples were form lands with nine different land numbers and were from mixed backfill soil and wastes. Groundwater samples were also analyzed and show that contaminants in the groundwater are under groundwater pollution monitoring or control standards. In order to establish an accreditation platform for evaluating waste treatment technologies in the green sustainable remediation pilot site, protocol of choosing, evaluation, operating schedule and check records of treatment technologies were also proposed. The key of developing Dapinding Specific Urban Planning Area in Kaohsiung City is about the sustainable land revitalization of large areas of contaminated or waste-buried lands owned by local citizens. Future land revitalization will be human health risk-based. Lands of imcompletely removal of pollutants will be used only under specific criteria based on the utilization of the lands and surrounding areas to achieve lowest human health risks. Therefore, protocol of risk communication on different stages of remediation and/or revitalization contaminated land were also proposed. It is recommended that solar photovoltaic power generation systems may be more profitable for retrieving regenerated energy in the green sustainable remediation pilot site. In installing PV utilities in the pilot site, it is better to utilized with mat foundation due to the underlying mixed backfill soil and wastes.
英文關鍵字 Dapingding;Green remediation;Brownfield revitalization;solar power generation