

中文摘要 大樹舊鐵橋人工濕地位於高雄市大樹區高屏溪右岸舊鐵橋下,佔地100公頃,為南台灣最大之人工濕地與自然生態親水公園。98年8月8日「八八水災」造成場址遭到淹沒,濕地喪失原有之水質淨化功能,對於濕地環境及生態也嚴重遭受破壞。經由政府及當地志工共同努力復建下,於100年3月舊鐵橋濕地水池及環境景觀復建完成,營運迄今。A系統主要之排水源為永豐餘造紙廠經由該廠處理後之二級放流水,經由重力流流入A1進流口,進入A系統中,B系統由竹寮溪溝排水分為兩路,部分排水由B1池流入,藉由重力流進入濕地系統,最後由出流口流出排入高屏溪。截至103年12月31日本計畫執行成果如下: (一)濕地場址及周界環境調查監測 本計畫於103年執行期間進行水文量測、水文量測,量測點主要為場址內A及B系統進出流口,藉此瞭解A、B系統水文資訊。本計畫截至103年12月31日,已完成3次水質監測、3次水文量測、2次底泥監測及2次生態調查工作。 1. 水文量測結果103年度監測平均值顯示A及B系統處理水量為9,346 m3/d(7,033-10,835 m3/d)及1,632 m3/d(1,418-1,937 m3/d),總水體積約為96,436及1,128 m3,出流量約為4,608(3,024-5,616 m3/d)及1,318 m3/d(1,212-1,371 m3/d),水力負荷量為0.10及0.32 m/d,水力停留時間為10.8及0.7天。 2. 水質監測結果,水中溶氧整體趨勢為3.6-6.6 mg/L,平均為4.2 mg/L,當中以礫間接觸氧化系統出流為最高。 生化需氧量監測結果,A系統年度平均進出流濃度分別為46.5及7.5 mg/L,B系統分別為27.3及15.1 mg/L,礫間接觸氧化系統出流則為32.9及20.2 mg/L。 總磷A系統進出流濃度分別為0.154及0.102 mg/L,B系統分別為0.340 mg/L及0.267 mg/L,礫間接觸氧化系統為1.276及1.018 mg/L,以礫間接觸氧化系統進流水濃度最高。氨氮監測結果,A系統進出流濃度為0.4及0.1 mg/L,B系統為1.3及1.1 mg/L,礫間接觸氧化系統為3.3及0.1 mg/L。 葉綠素a結果,A系統進出流濃度為57.2及17.2 μg/L,B系統分別為50.5及36.4 μg/L,礫間接觸氧化系統為102.7及29.0 μg/L。大腸桿菌監測結果顯示經濕地處理後,皆達到一定程度之去除成效,A系統進出流濃度年度平均濃度分別為7×106及8×105 CFU/100mL,B系統分別為4×106及5×105 CFU/100mL,礫間接觸氧化系統為1×107及4×105 CFU/100mL。 103年度水質監測項目去除效益,A系統整體污染物平均去除效率27%-99%,B系統為17%-88%,礫間接觸氧化系統為20%-100%。地面水體分類因生化需氧量較高則幾乎皆為等級丁。 3. 底泥監測結果,有機質含量平均約為0.4-5.0%,總磷平均為308-592 mg/kg,總氮平均監測值615-1,245 mg/kg。8種金屬中以Fe的含量最高,103年平均值為26,861 mg/kg,低於102年之38,493 mg/kg,因103年5月曾經清淤,故各類金屬皆有呈現減少趨勢。 4. 三樣區歷年累計共記錄31科61種鳥類,4科5種陸域爬行類,兩棲類4科6種,蝶類5科46種,蜻蛉類3科17種,水生爬行類3科3種,魚類11科16種。植物生態調查共記錄54科128種,128植種共含58種(45.3%)外來植種。依據調查結果,舊鐵橋現況之鳥類記錄以舊鐵橋南側之物種較多,而鐵橋北側雖也不少,但變動較大,其餘種類之生物,則大至呈現鐵橋下樣區少於其他兩樣區之狀態。目前本區域之物種組成仍處於受擾動不穩定狀態,且在兩棲類、爬行類及魚類,皆有發現入侵種。水域已呈現外來物種為優勢之情形,建議在入侵外來魚種之繁殖季前以垂釣及網具捕捉,繁殖季期間則使用網具捕撈幼體。增加舊鐵橋濕地物種多樣性之方針,初步可採取增加濕地矮灌叢之種類與面積,以提供鳥類與蝶類棲息環境。 (二)濕地種子教師培訓與民眾導覽解說成果 目前計畫執行團隊結合鄰近民間團體(高雄市舊鐵橋協會、大樹文史協會、瓦窯協會等)、社區(竹寮和久堂社區發展協會等)、學校(九曲國小、大樹國中、輔英科大、樹德科大、中山大學、屏科大等),共同進行濕地維護管理、導覽解說和種子教師訓練等工作。 1. 濕地保育與管理維護 藉由社區民眾及地方志工合作推動舊鐵橋濕地園區之管理與維護作業,需進行6次或至少24處的維護管理作業,截至12月31日已完成32場次,達成至少24次(處)的計畫目標,參與人數達596人次。社區協會與民間團體志工踴躍參與濕地保育與管理維護工作,清除園區內雜草、落葉與大型樹枝垃圾等,且維護人員和志工積極宣導垃圾不落地,因此園區內不設置垃圾桶,希望民眾養成習慣,將垃圾帶回家,保持濕地園區環境整潔,此優質場域廣受遊客好評,更是政府單位和公民營企業及學校團體舉辦各式活動的好所在。 2. 濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習 舊鐵橋濕地園區面積廣達100公頃,期望能以辦理維護單位教育訓練的方式,使在地志工與社區民眾了解與學習對人工濕地的維護管理方式,提升參訓人員日後協助濕地管理和維護作業之能力與知識。依合約規定需辦理12場次濕地管理維護單位教育訓練研習,截至12月31日已完成12場次,達成計畫進度,參與人數訓練研習達434人次,部分受訓人員已實地參與管理和維護工作,並協助大專和國高中學生參與志工體驗活動。 3. 濕地保育種子教師與導覽解說訓練 結合附近社區發展協會與民間團體共同參與舊鐵橋濕地園區的導覽解說訓練活動,藉由本訓練可培育導覽解說之種子教師,以便能更深入到校園或其他單位進行教育宣導活動。依合約規定需辦理14場次,截至12月31日已完成14場次,參與人數達437人,受訓種子教師已有能力擔任遊客溼地導覽解說員並至鄰近中小學推廣濕地保育課程。 4. 民眾參與濕地園區生態及環境教育活動解說導覽 由種子教師及志工進行舊鐵橋濕地園區之導覽解說,帶領參與民眾團體親身體驗人工濕地生態保育及環境教育的功能,並解說濕地如何淨化水質及動植物在濕地中所扮演的角色。目前皆依合約規定每個月執行2梯次以上的民眾解說導覽,依合約規定需辦理12場次,截至12月31日已完成39場次,達成計畫進度35場次,共有1286人熱情參與,本項解說導覽工作主要由受訓之種子教師擔任,實際參與解說導覽活動,以印證課堂上所學得的知識。 5. 濕地復建過程影音紀錄 為使民眾及遊客了解人工濕地之蛻變歷程、環境維護與管理效益、環境教育、生態保育等成果,編製舊鐵橋濕地教育園區濕地環境教育與生態保育影音紀錄,至103年12月31日前,已完成剪輯、配音等後製作業初稿並提送 大局審核。待審核通過後,將送母片至專業工廠壓製,提交100片影音記錄光碟,本年度影音紀錄主要以微電影及空中攝影呈現,以完整忠實記錄本年度舊鐵橋濕地園區濕地保育與管理維護、教育研習與導覽解說訓練、環境教育活動解說導覽等工作之成果。
中文關鍵字 大樹舊鐵橋、人工濕地


專案計畫編號 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2280 千元
專案開始日期 2014/07/16 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 林祐全
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 羅玉雲 執行單位 技佳工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 9_CH6_結論與建議_NSYSU_2015.3.12.pdf 0MB

2014 Wetland of National Importance (Dashu Old Railroad Bridge Constructed Wetland) Conservation Pro

英文摘要 Dashu Old Railroad Bridge Constructed Wetland is located under the Old Railroad Bridge on the right bank of Gaoping River in Dashu District, Kaohsiung City. With an area covering 100 hectares, this wetland is the largest constructed wetland and natural ecological water park in southern Taiwan. The site was flooded by Typhoon Morakot on 8 August 2009 and lost its original function of water purification. Both the wetland environment and ecology also suffered grievous destruction. Collective reconstruction and restoration efforts by the government and local volunteers of the Old Railroad Bridge wetland ponds and environmental landscapes were completed on March 2011. The park has remained operative since then. The main draining source of System A comes from the second grade effluent processed by Yuen Foong Paper Co., Ltd. paper mill. Effluents first pass through the A1 inlet by gravity flow before entering System A. For System B, drainage from the Zhuliao Creek is separated into two. Part of the drainage flows into B1 pond and then enters the wetland system by gravity flow before its final discharge from the outlet into Gaoping River. The following provides the results of this project as of 31st December 2014: (1) Investigation and Monitoring of Wetlands Sites and Boundary Environments Hydrological measurements for this project were conducted during 2014. Major survey sites include the inlets and outlets of System A and System B within the site in order to understand the hydrological information of System A and System B. As of 31st December 2014, 3 water quality monitoring, 3 hydrological measurements, 2 sediment monitoring, and 2 ecological investigations have been conducted for this project. 1. Average monitoring results of the hydrological measurements in 2014 indicated that for System A and System B, volume of water processed were 9,346m3/d (7,033 - 10,835 m3/d) and 1,632 m3/d (1,418 - 1,937 m3/d) respectively; total water volumes were about 96,436 and 1,128 m3 respectively; outflow volumes were around 4,608 (3,024 - 5,616 m3/d) and 1,318 m3/d (1,212 - 1,371 m3/d) respectively; hydraulic loadings were 0.10 and 0.32 m/d respectively; hydraulic retention time were 10.8 and 0.7 days respectively. 2. Results of water quality monitoring showed that the overall trend for dissolved oxygen (DO) was 3.6 - 6.6 mg/L with an average of 4.2 mg/L, of which the gravel contact oxidation system outflow has the highest DO level. Results of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) monitoring indicated that the annual average inflow and outflow concentrations were 46.5 and 7.5 mg/L, respectively, for System A, 27.3 and 15.1 mg/L, respectively, for system B, and 32.9 and 20.2 mg/L, respectively, for the gravel contact oxidation system. For total phosphorus (TP), inflow and outflow concentrations were 0.154 and 0.102 mg/L, respectively, for System A, 0.154 and 0.102 mg/L, respectively, for System B, and 1.276 and 1.018 mg/L for the gravel contact oxidation system. The gravel contact oxidation system had the highest inflow TP concentration. For ammonia nitrogen monitoring results, inflow and outflow concentrations were 0.4 and 0.1 mg/L, respectively, for System A, 1.3 and 1.1 mg/L, respectively, for System B, and 3.3 and 0.1 mg/L, respectively, for the gravel contact oxidation system. For chlorophyll-a monitoring results, inflow and outflow concentrations were 57.2 and 17.2 μg/L, respectively, for System A, 50.5 and 36.4 μg/L, respectively, for System B, and 102.7 and 29.0 μg/L, respectively, for the gravel contact oxidation system. Escherichia coli monitoring results indicate that wetland processing has reached a certain degree of bacterial removal. Annual average inflow and outflow concentrations were 7×106 and 8×105 CFU/100mL, respectively, for System A, 4×106 and 5×105 CFU/100mL, respectively, for System B, 1×107 and 4×105 CFU/100mL, respectively, for the gravel contact oxidation system. The 2014 water quality monitoring results revealed that the average removal effectiveness of total pollutants was 27% - 99% for System A, 17% - 88% for System B, and 20% - 100% for the gravel contact oxidation system. Surface water body was almost rated as grade IV due to the relatively high BOD levels. 3. Results of sediment monitoring revealed an average organic matter content of 0.4 - 5.0%; average TP of 308 - 592 mg/kg; and average total nitrogen (TN) of 615 - 1,245 mg/kg. Of the 8 types of metals monitored, Fe had the highest concentration at 26,861 mg/kg in 2014, which was lower when compared to the 38,493 mg/kg in 2013. Wetland dredging has been carried out in May 2014, which resulted in a decrease in the average content of various metals. 4. Across the three sample areas, a total of 31 families and 61 species of birds, 4 families and 5 land species of terrestrial reptiles, 4 families and 6 species of amphibians, 5 families and 46 species of butterflies, 3 families and 17 species of dragonflies and damselflies, 3 families and 3 species for aquatic reptiles, and 11 families and 16 species of fish have been recorded over the years. Investigations on plant ecology have recorded 54 families and 128 species. Of these 128 species, 58 (45.3 %) were non-native plant species that have been introduced. According to the investigations, current records of birds showed that there were more bird species in the southern area of the Old Railroad Bridge, with the northern area having fewer species but greater variability. For other species, the number of species from the sample area underneath the Old Railroad Bridge was fewer than that of the other two areas. Currently, species compositions in these sample areas were still in a state of disturbance and instability. Moreover, invasive amphibian, reptile, and fish species have been found as well. Introduced species seemed to have gained dominance in the water bodies. We recommend catching invasive fish species by angling and netting before their breeding season. During the breeding season, the fish larvae may be collected by netting. For the policy of increasing biodiversity in the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland, initial stages may include increasing the species and areas of wetland scrubs in order to provide habitats for birds and butterflies. (2) Results of Wetland Seed Teacher Training and Public Guides Currently, the project implementation team has joined forces with various civil groups (such as the Kaohsiung City Old Railroad Bridge Association, Dashu Culture and History Association, and tile kiln associations), communities (Chuliao Community Development Association and Chiutang Community Development Association and others), schools (Chiuchu Elementary School, Dashu Junior High School, Fooyin University, Shu-Te University, National Sun Yat-sen University, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and others) in the neighboring areas in order to jointly implement various tasks such as wetland maintenance and management, provide tours and guides, and seed teachers training. 1. Wetland Conservation, Management and Maintenance Collective efforts of community members and local volunteers have helped implement the management and maintenance of the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Park. A total of 6 maintenance and management operations across at least 24 sites was required. As of 31st December, a total of 32 management and maintenance sessions have been carried out, meeting the project objective of at least 24 sessions (sites). A total of 596 individuals participated in the management and maintenance activities. Community associations and volunteers from civil groups have actively participated in wetland conservation as well as management and maintenance operations, removing weeds, fallen leaves, large tree branches and garbage from the Park areas. The maintenance personnel and volunteers have also actively promoted the trash off the ground principle. Hence, no trash bin has been placed in the park with the hope that the public could develop the habit of taking trash home and keeping the environment of the Wetland Park neat and tidy. The quality of the Park environment has been praised by many tourists, making the Park the perfect place for various activities organized by public agencies, public and civil businesses, and schools. 2. Educational Training Workshops of Wetland Management and Maintenance Unit The Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Park has a total area of 100 hectares. It has been hoped that education and training of organizations responsible for Park maintenance will help local volunteers and community members understand and learn about wetland maintenance and management strategies in order to enhance the trainees' capabilities and knowledge in supporting future wetland management and maintenance operations. Contractual terms state that 12 sessions of educational training workshops shall be provided for the wetland management and maintenance units. As of 31st December, 12 training sessions have been held with a total of 434 training participants, thereby successfully achieving the required project progress. A number of trainees have participated in actual management and maintenance of the site, and assisted students from colleges, junior high schools and senior high schools in volunteer experience activities. 3. Trainings for Wetland Conservation Seed Teachers and Instructional Guides Neighboring community development associations and civil groups have been involved to jointly participate in tour guide trainings for the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Park. These trainings could help develop seed instructors for tour guides to facilitate subsequent educational and promotional programs in schools and other units. According to contractual requirements, a total of 14 training sessions were required. As of 31st December, 14 sessions have been held for a total of 437 participants. The trained seed instructors have gained the capability of acting as a wetland tour guide and have visited neighboring junior and senior high schools to promote wetland conservation courses. 4. Public participation in Wetland Park ecology and environmental education and instructional guides Seed teachers and volunteers have provided tour guides for the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Park, led participating members of the public to personally experience the functions of ecological conservation and environmental education for constructed wetlands and explained how the wetlands purify water as well as the roles of the animals and plants in the wetlands. Contractual terms stipulate that at least 2 batches and 12 sessions of public instructional guides must be provided every month. By 31st December, 39 sessions have been held, achieving the 35 sessions required of the schedule, with a total of 1286 enthusiastic participants. Instructional guides described in this section were mainly provided by the trained seed instructors who had given actual instructional guides before in order to apply knowledge learned in class in their actual work. 5. Audio-visual Records of the Course of Wetland Reconstruction Audio-visual records of wetland environmental education and ecological conservation of the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Educational Park have been compiled in order to help the public and tourists appreciate the results of the transformations brought about by the constructed wetland, benefits environmental maintenance and management, environmental education, and ecological conservation. By 31 December 2014, post-production processes such as editing and dubbing have been completed to generate a preliminary draft which was then submitted to your agency for reviewing. Once approved, the master copy shall be sent to a specialized factory for encoding and burning. A total of 100 VCDs of the audio-visual records shall be made. For this year, the records were primarily presented in the form of micro movies and aerial photography, providing a comprehensive and faithful recording of this year's results of wetland conservation, management and maintenance, educational workshops and instructional guide training, and environmental education and instructional guiding of the Old Railroad Bridge Wetland Park.
英文關鍵字 Dashu Old Railroad Bridge, Constructed Wetland