

中文摘要 以運具之完整生命週期評估量化耗能與排放,可作為推動相關政策之依據。本計畫依據美國阿崗國家實驗室(Argonne National Laboratory)研發之GREET模型的架構,分為由油井到加油站及車輛運行階段之燃料生命週期子模型(GREER 1),以及代表車體製造及廢棄回收階段之車輛生命週期子模型(GREET 2),建構臺灣車輛之完整生命週期評估模型。今年度主要為建置Taiwan GREET 2模型及強化擴充Taiwan GREET 1模型。車種考量為小客車、公車及機車等最常使用之私人及大眾運具。另考慮行駛階段通常影響整體生命週期最大,故擇部分車種進行車載量測系統道路實測,並運用MOVES方法學,試估算排放量。 今年度主要完成項目與重要發現結論為:(1) 完成四種不同動力別小客車及柴油市區公車之本土化車輛生命週期評估,發現在車輛生命週期(vehicle-cycle)階段耗能與溫室氣體排放較高車種,考量完整生命週期(life-cycle)後未必為較高;以完整生命週期(life-cycle)而言,電動小客車之耗能與溫室氣體排放約為汽油小客車的六至七成,顯示以電動小客車取代汽油小客車具有節能減碳之效益;(2) 完成汽油及電動機車之本土化燃料生命週期(fuel-cycle)先期估算,結果顯示電動機車耗能與CO2排放皆約為汽油機車的三至四成;(3) 完成汽油及油電小客車、柴油及油電以及電動公車之油耗值與排放量道路實測及排放係數試算,小客車初步與國外模式比對趨勢大致相符,而在某些速率區間係數應可校正下修;(4) 以生命週期概念評估交通運具確有其特殊與必要性,應積極發展並開發相關配套應用工具;(5) 完成小客車生命週期耗能與CO2排放簡易試算平台。 本計畫所評估之電動車輛相對於傳統車輛之減量效益,可作為未來政府研擬綠色車輛補助政策的參考依據。
中文關鍵字 車輛生命週期評估、燃料生命週期評估、車輛實際道路排放


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA13-03-A289 經費年度 103 計畫經費 9400 千元
專案開始日期 2014/09/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 梁啟源、郭博堯
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林慧華 執行單位 中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA103FA1303A289.pdf 48MB

Life-Cycle Analysis for Taiwan's Vehicles

英文摘要 The quantification of the energy consumption and emissions of vehicles by a overall life-cycle assessment can be used as the basis to promote related policies. The GREET model, developed by U.S. Argonne National Laboratory, divided into a fuel-cycle sub-model (GREET 1) including the phases of well-to-pump and pump-to-wheels, and a vehicle-cycle sub-model (GREER 2) including the phases of vehicle production, assembly, disposal and recycling, is used for this project to establish localized life-cycle analysis model for Taiwan’s vehicles. The major tasks of this year’s project focused on the establishment of Taiwan GREET 2 and the expansion and strengthening of Taiwan GREET 1. Taiwan’s most commonly used vehicle types, such as passenger cars, city buses and motorcycles/scooters, were taken into account in the project. Since the energy use or emissions of vehicle driving has the greatest impact on the results of overall life-cycle analysis usually, a number of vehicles with different vehicle types were tested with portable emission measurement system in the real-world conditions. The results of real-world emission measurements were analyzed based on MOVES model methodology. The major conclusions include: (1) Taiwan’s localized vehicle-cycle sub-model for four types of passenger cars and for diesel city buses were established and used for analysis. Based on the results, vehicles with high vehicle-cycle energy use and GHG emissions may not necessarily have high overall life-cycle energy use and GHG emissions. Overall life-cycle energy use and GHG emissions of an electric passenger car were estimated to be 60~70% of those of a gasoline vehicle. Therefore, electric passenger cars as an alternative for gasoline passenger cars may have significant effects on energy saving and carbon emission reduction. (2) Localized fuel-cycle energy use and emissions for gasoline and electric motorcycles/scooters were estimated. Based on the estimation, fuel-cycle energy use and CO2 emission of an electric motorcycle/scooter were around 30~40% of those of a gasoline motorcycle/scooter. (3) Real-world on-road measurements for gasoline car, HEV cars, diesel bused, HEV buses and electric buses were performed. Based on the analysis results for real-world vehicle emission, the emission trends for Taiwan passenger cars are roughly consistent with those from MOVES and COPERT models but emission factors for several ranges of speeds for these models were suggested to modify. (4) It is necessary to estimate vehicles’ energy use and emissions based on the life-cycle analysis concept, and developing the corresponding application tools aggressively is suggested. (5) A prototype of the platform for demonstrating simplified calculation for vehicle life-cycle energy use and CO2 emission was established. The resultes of life-cycle energy use and emissions reductions of electric vehicles compared to conventional vehicles estimated are also suggested as the reference for Taiwan’s green vehicle subsidy polices.
英文關鍵字 Vehicle-Cycle Analysis, Fuel-Cycle Analysis, Real-World Vehicle Emissions