

中文摘要 本年度計畫主要工作內容可分為四個部分,第一個部分係執行補助申請案件之受理、審查、查核及撥款工作;第二個部分係操作管理氣價補助資料庫,完成資料建檔並進行統計分析;第三個部分係蒐集國內液化石油氣車及加氣站相關資訊;第四個部分係辦理業務聯繫會議,計畫成果說明如下: (一)辦理本年度補助款申請案件受理、審查、查核作業,經由電腦全面審查及交叉比對,並利用資訊系統自動產出核銷彙整表,可確保核撥資料正確無虞。 (二)資訊系統建置可彙整各資料庫資料,透過交叉比對並進行全面檢查,可提升審查之作業效能。加氣站業者亦能透過資訊系統得知申請案件之退補件資訊、氣價補助浮動調整單價公告資訊、有加氣紀錄之車籍查詢(包含車號、燃料別、有效及檢驗日期)以及相關之統計分析。 (三)申請補助案件之加氣紀錄匯入資料庫,可進行相關統計分析呈現現行推動成效或供後續推動參考,其中氣價補助政策自100年起調整為浮動單價補貼方式,彙整97至103年度補助審核通過資料,藉氣價補助政策調整大幅降低推動成本。 (四)103年度計畫正式導入電子金流方式撥付補助款後,月平均撥付總額提升至730萬,申請資料撥付所需時間已縮短至0.5至1個月,效率較原委辦公司檢附600萬保證金代撥方式提升2倍。 (五)受國際油價持續下跌影響,油氣價差持續縮小,自103年8月18日起油氣價差皆小於12.7元/升,補助單價皆為補滿2元/升。而LPG車設籍數及發氣量亦受油價下跌影響,皆呈現下降之趨勢。 (六)彙整交通部提供設籍LPG車數及加氣站提供發氣量,可知103年起環保署改裝補助不再續辦,發氣量及設籍LPG車數逐月緩降,平均車月發氣量為400~500公升。設籍LPG車數與發氣量之趨勢不一致,車數變動部分主要受政策變動與業者推出優惠及宣導影響,發氣量則隨季節波動。 (七)截至103年12月底國內共設置65座加氣站,其中停歇業加氣站計12座,因此營運中加氣站共53座。經與業者詢問,停歇業加氣站表示因不堪長期營運虧損而決定停止營業。停歇業加氣站之特徵為非中油直營之純加氣站、所在縣市加氣站氣量排名最後段、全國加氣站氣量排名中後段。 (八)本計畫分析停歇業加氣站之加氣車輛使用狀況,平均每停歇業1站則該站有20%加氣車輛不再使用,而其他車輛多轉移至鄰近加氣站加氣使用。 (九)本計畫為瞭解民眾意見及建議,針對加氣站業者、改裝廠業者、改裝車主進行現場訪查。其中加氣站及改裝廠業者建議持續提供氣價補助以維持穩定油氣價差,另加強宣導油氣雙燃料車優點。 (十)彙整歷年氣價補助執行成果,可知油氣雙燃料車推廣之加氣量約可取代1%之汽油使用量,顯示氣價補助可分散部分能源之使用。 (十一)本計畫分別於103年10月20日、104年1月23日分別各辦理1場次業務座談會議及業務聯繫會議,會議主題為氣價補助業務說明。邀請對象為加氣站、改裝廠、以及計程車工會。透過會議跟與會人員意見交流並彙整各方意見,供後續推動參考。
中文關鍵字 液化石油氣;油氣雙燃料車;加氣站


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-FA13-03-D045 經費年度 103 計畫經費 5030 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/07 專案結束日期 2015/02/28 專案主持人 林忠宏
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EAP-103-FA13-03-D045 - 公開.pdf 0MB EAP-103-FA13-03-D045 - 公開

The Inspection Project of the LPG Price Subsidy Program

英文摘要 The content of the main work in this year can be divided into four parts. First part relates to implementing the acceptance, review, auditing, and appropriation of grants applications. Second part is about operating the LPG database, completing the data files, and doing statistical analysis. Third part is about collecting information of domestic Hybrid-LPG vehicles and gas refuel stations. Fourth part is about business relations meetings. The results are described below: (1)Conduct the implementing the acceptance, review, auditing, and appropriation of grants applications through comprehensive examination and cross-comparison by computers. And we use the information system to automatically generate verification sheets and ensure the information is correct. (2)Building up the information system can collect all information of the database and using cross-comparison can improve the efficiency of reviews. The dealers of gas refuel stations can know several things about the applications, such as rejection or complement, the information of the subsidy of gas price float-adjusted price bulletin, the information and records of refueling cars (including number, fuel types, and valid examination date) and related statistical analysis. (3)Adding the gas filling record of subsidy applications into the database can conduct related statistical analysis and promote existing outcome or serve as reference for future promotion. According to the information of subsidiary approvals from 2008 to 2014 the adjustment policies can greatly reduce promotion costs. (4)After the official adoption of electronic cash flow in appropriating the subsidy in 2014, the monthly average of appropriating amount has increased to NT$7.30 million and the time required for the application of appropriation has been reduced to 0.5 to 1 month. The efficiency has improved two-fold compared to the appropriating method done by the former commissioned company that required a deposit of $6 million. (5)Caused by the impact of continuous decline in international oil prices, the difference between the price of oil and gas has continued shrinking. The difference between the price of oil and gas has been less than NT$12.7/liter since 18 August 2014. And the subsidy unit price has been topped up to NT$2/liter. Both the vehicle numbers allocated to LPG and gas allocation amount have shown a downward trend as being affected by the plummeting oil prices. (6)According to the information of Hybrid-LPG vehicle numbers and the amount of gas provided by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC), we can know the registered number of Hybrid-LPG vehicles has gradually fallen since the EPA has decided not to continue to provide subsidy for modification. However, the amount of gas emission has a different trend. In addition, the average gas emitted by vehicle per month is between 400-500 liter. It shows the stable use of gas in the market. (7)There are totally 65 domestic gas refueling stations by December 2014, including 12 that has been close. Therefore, those still opening are 53. After inquiring with the dealers, they indicate their decision to close down because of long term losses. These are characterized by not being the directly operated pure gas refueling stations of CPC, opening a station in the counties with the least amount of gas. (8)Analysis of the impact of the gas refueling stations ceasing to operate shows that 20% of vehicles no longer be used it when one station nearby stops opening, while the other vehicles move to neighboring gas refueling stations. (9)To understand public views and recommendations, on-site visit to gas refuel station employer, refitting factory employer, and Hybrid-LPG vehicle owners. The gas refueling stations and refitting factories suggest to continue providing gas price subsidy to maintain the price gap between LPG and gasoline. In addition, the advantages of Hybrid-LPG vehicle should be strengthened by promotion. (10)Compiling the outcome from the past years of price subsidy, we can find the promotion of Hybrid-LPG vehicles can replace 1% of gasoline usage. It indicates gas subsidy can diversify the use of energy. (11)The plan had respectively held a business forum and business relations meeting on 20 October 2014 and 23 January 2015, which were focused on the thematic explanation of gas price subsidy matter. Gas stations, modification plants and taxi unions were invited to the meetings. Various opinions from the participants were interchanged, collected and compiled during the meetings to serve as a reference for follow-up implementation.
英文關鍵字 Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG);Hybrid-LPG Vehicle;Gas Refuel Station