

中文摘要 噪音陳情案件為目前主要公害陳情項目之一,民國 90年計2萬3千餘件至102年已增加至8萬餘件。為解決民眾困擾,本計畫主要目標包括:彙整及分析噪音陳情案件、辦理噪音陳情案件輔導改善工作、協助推動營建工程噪音管制計畫、協助推動娛樂或營業場所噪音管制及輔導計畫、協助環保署修正全國噪音管制方案及推動新修正噪音管制標準之相關行政作業及辦理全國噪音管制工作檢討會等。所完成工作內容包括: 1.針對98年至102年噪音陳情案件及重複陳情案件依陳情型態、處理過程、處理結果進行彙整及分析。 2.輔導15件噪音陳情案件,並針對其中5件進行後續追蹤作業,噪音源設施多以空調室外機為主。 3.新增103年5篇噪音相關案件法院判例,並分類置放於網頁供民眾查閱。 4.針對102年度「營建工程噪音管制專案計畫」推動情形及辦理結果,據以修正本年度計畫內容,並製作本土化之隔音防屏。 5.娛樂或營業場所共輔導10件噪音陳情案件,並針對其中3件進行後續追蹤作業,噪音源設施多以卡拉ok設施為主。 6.協助環保署修正「全國噪音管制方案」及協助檢視各縣市噪音稽查記錄單,以確認稽查工作是否符合「噪音管制標準」修正發布之新規定。 7.協助環保署辦理 1場次「全國噪音管制工作檢討會」,與會人員包括各環保局及學術單位。
中文關鍵字 噪音陳情;噪音源;噪音管制


專案計畫編號 EPA-103-F105-02-106 經費年度 103 計畫經費 2050 千元
專案開始日期 2014/03/27 專案結束日期 2014/12/31 專案主持人 余忠和
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 凱鉅科技實業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-103-F105-02-106.pdf 18MB

The project of neighborhood noise control and repeatedly petitioned cases counseling and improvement

英文摘要 The noise complaint is one of the major public environmental pollutions. The number of noise complaint were approximately 23,000 cases in 2001. In 2013, the number went up to 80,000. In order to solve this problem, the objective of this project included compiling and analysis of noise complaint cases, executed of counseling for noise complaint cases, promoted ”Noise control plan of construction sites” and “Noise control plan of entertainment establishment”, completed to amend “National Noise Control Program”, and assisted to conduct related administrative jobs, noise control workshops and national noise control affairs conference. The abstract is as following. 1.Compiled and analyzed the complaint and repeatedly petitioned cases by types, processes, and results for the last five years. 2.Completed 15 cases of counseled noise complaints, and continually tracking 5 cases among these cases. As for noise sources, air-conditioner outdoor unit were the main noise sources of counseled cases. 3.Added five judicial cases of noise complaints that sentenced from 2014, and posted on the website for public to browse. 4.In accordance with the result of “Noise control plan of construction sites for 2013”, this study revised the detail of the plan for 2014, and made a demo soundproof equipment. 5.Completed 10 cases of entertainment premises counseled noise complaints, and continually tracking 3 cases among these cases. As for noise sources, karaoke were the main noise sources of these complaint cases. 6.Assisted EPA to amend “National Noise Control Program” and checked the EPB noise inspection records to make sure the inspector's work conforming to the new revised noise control standards . 7.Assisted EPA to organize the “National Conference on Noise Control” which attendants included EPB officials and academic professors.
英文關鍵字 noise complaint case;noise source;noise control