

中文摘要 為防治土壤及地下水污染,地方主管機關須針對轄區內土壤及地下水品質進行定期檢測、污染調查與民眾陳情案件查證工作,因此,宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)持續進行轄內土壤地下水潛在污染區域定期監測及調查,包含龍德工業區、利澤工業區、梅洲地區及地下儲槽等,另也針對污染列管場址進行驗證、查證及管制措施。環保局經公開評選後委託艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本團隊)執行「104年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),並依合約書規範於104年12月31日執行完成。 農地調查結果,大同鄉蘭陽溪上游區域有6筆農地檢出銅或鋅超過監測標準,比對過去結果發現土壤中鋅濃度有增加趨勢,推估可能由於雞糞中重金屬中鋅濃度即較銅濃度高,在長期釋出及分解的情況下,相對於銅,鋅在累積情況下更為顯著,另就本年度調查結果,施用禽畜糞肥農地土壤重金屬銅及鋅並無減少情況。壯圍鄉功勞段檢出2筆農地砷超過監測標準,應與長期使用含砷之水源灌溉有關。礁溪鄉開蘭二段116地號及蘇澳鎮永安段1009地號(七星段193地號)皆有檢出鋅超過監測標準,可能與施用禽畜糞肥有關或與灌溉用水及鄰近潛在污染來源有關,真正原因尚待進一步查證。建議環保局依土污法第6條針對前述10筆農地進行持續監測作業。 本年度對於綠芳環境進行土壤污染調查工作(廢棄物回收業),調查結果檢出土壤汞、鎘、銅、鉛及鋅有超過食用作物農地管制標準(土地使用類別為農牧用地)情況,有鑑於此,乃針對轄內廢棄物回收業者進行擴大調查。經篩選、現勘後共計針對7處回收業者進行土壤調查;調查結果檢出重金屬超過監測標準的有,晟達興業廢水集中匯流井區域(採樣點CD-S04)銅測值為222 mg/kg、龍縢實業廢電池回收區(採樣點LT-S01)銅測值為258 mg/kg,以及宏泰冬山廠於綠帶及堆置區檢出銅、鉛及鋅超過監測標準。而TPH調查結果,僅金泓達公司於機動車拆解區(採樣點:JHD-S01)檢出232 mg/kg為相對較高之測值;調查結果顯示轄內廢棄物回收業者具有污染潛勢,建議後續持續進行調查,並進行查核及輔導工作。 12處港口底泥重金屬檢測結果,南方澳漁港、大溪第二漁港及梗枋漁港底泥重金屬檢測結果皆發現有超過底泥品質指標上限值(風險評估啟動值)情況,超過之項目分別有汞、銅、鉛及鋅,建議環保局可進一步進行擴大調查:此外,考量港口疏濬底泥將可能以「陸上填築」最為最終處理方式,建議環保局與港口管理單位進行協商,於進行港口底泥疏濬前應就土壤污染管制項目進行檢測,並依結果選擇適當之處理方式,以避免土壤污染情況發生。烏石港南側養灘區容納宜蘭北側8個港口疏濬後之底泥,為目前縣內主要之養灘地點,調查結果重金屬皆無超過監測標準,此結果與港口底泥調查結果並不相符,推估可能由於底泥進行養灘前已進行混合,高重金屬濃度底泥已受到稀釋,而較無法呈現單一港口重金屬污染狀況;此外,堆置的養灘底泥長期受到風力、海洋、重力及雨水的影響,可能使得高濃度重金屬之較小顆粒遷移,而低濃度重金屬的大顆粒(砂粒)留在原地或表層,因而造成重金屬檢測結果較低。 土石方入境抽測工作,於8月份抽測中發現土壤pH及鋅測值較為異常,故進一步至土石去處咸臨有限公司進行追蹤,場內土壤調查結果並無檢出超過食用作物農地監測標準;而本年度執行抽測工作雖無明確查獲有污染土石入境情況,但對於土石收受單位已具有警惕及嚇阻之功效,建議環保局持續辦理。 由於自然環境造成之差異性(土壤性質、作物品種及灌溉水源),且就1次性單點的分析結果,尚無法說明一般耕作、有機耕作及友善耕作(合鴨米)對於土壤及作物所造成的影響,後續建議可從3個面向擴大調查(1)增加調查之農地數量及採樣點數,調查數據得以以平均值方式呈現,降低土壤不均質之影響;(2)對於各階段耕作期程皆進行採樣,掌握不同時期土壤及作物變化趨勢;(3)對於不同耕作方式之農地,進行長期追蹤調查,建立趨勢資料。 本計畫監測井巡察維護工作,依合約內容每季執行1次,目前4季巡查作業皆已完成,進行維護的有東南鹼業公司三G00066、南屏國小G00071、礁溪國小G00009、蘇澳區域性垃圾衛生掩埋場G00037、頭城家商G00059、萬富國小G00001 、文化國中G00039及廣興國小G00011等8口。9口監測井井況評估結果各監測井結構良好,並無發現井管、井篩及井底部有破損情況,另對於發現井底部有異物之5口監測井進行異物清除,經再次執行井中攝影後,確認異物皆已清除;另對於有淤積情況之7口監測井皆已分別完成再完井(超量抽水方式及井體刷洗)。 完成7口新設井及2口廢井工作,新設井地下水監測結果,檢出超過監測標準之監測井及項目分別為,岳明國小/錳、冬山鄉東興段804地號/氨氮、鐵及錳。另本年度地下水監測結果,無檢出有超過地下水污染管制標準項目,而檢出超過監測標準的項目及口數(上半年/下半年)分別為,氨氮12/11口、鐵7/10口、錳6/10口、總有機碳2/1口、總硬度1/0口、氯鹽(2/2口)及總溶解固體物(2/2口)。綜整歷年監測結果,氨氮濃度較高區域主要集中在龍德工業區、宜蘭市垃圾掩埋場周圍及冬山河沿岸監測井;而鐵、錳及砷濃度較高區域主要集中在龍德工業區、親水公園及冬山河沿岸區域。 5處加油站測漏管查核結果,信宜加油站、蘭陽加油站、大埔加油站及群英加油站皆有檢出油氣超過法規警戒值,已提報環保署進一步進行污染調查作業。新興及府城加油站測漏管土壤氣體第3次監測結果,府城加油站污染潛勢仍屬B2級,依分級標準建議環保局於3個月內再次進行追蹤,追蹤結果如無發現異常則解除管制,如連續2次追蹤有發現異常,則建議環保局進一步進行土壤及地下水污染調查工作。 持續每月對於列管場址進行監督查核,掌握各場址改善進度及最新狀況,並對於污染改善完成之場址進行驗證作業,確認污染場址改善之成效。本年度共計執行5處場址驗證工作,驗證結果通過的有宜蘭市梅洲新段421地號、冬山鄉東興段805地號土壤污染案(A區)及五結鄉五結段970地號(東寶加油站);而五結鄉利工段24及25地號(榮益環保)及蘇澳鎮南正段31-1地號(蘇澳台電場址)驗證未通過。 本團隊已協助環保局完成103年第3次(申報區間為103年9~12月)、104年第1次(申報區間為104年1~4月)及104年第2次(申報區間為104年5~8月)地下儲槽申報審查作業,申報審查率皆為100 %。彙整歷次申報常見問題,業者執行上面臨較多疑慮之問題主要為「土壤氣體監測項目申報」及「網路申報系統操作及其他問題」,後續將於法規說明會中加強宣導,以減少審查作業中複審的頻率及加強業者系統操作。 本年度總計完成3場次土壤及地下水污染防治法相關法規說明會(總參加人數274人)、7場次之土壤及地下水污染防治教育相關宣導活動(總參加人數477人)及10小時環保局內部人員專業課題講座訓練會。參與對象包含一般民眾、在校學生及其他政府機關承辦人員等,其會議效益不僅可加強社會大眾對於土壤及地下水環境保護之認知,參與人員所表達之意見,亦可作為未來環保機關施政之參考。 行政配合部分,完成土水業務宣導影片製作,並於計畫執行期間內將每月持續更新「土壤及地下水污染整治業務網」及「宜蘭縣污染源管理地理資訊系統」。
中文關鍵字 土壤;地下水;監測井;應變;調查;驗證


專案計畫編號 PB10062 經費年度 104 計畫經費 10380 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 陳慶宇
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳旻谷 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度宜蘭縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-環保專案系統.pdf 0MB

The project on Investigation and Verificationof Soil and Groundwater Pollution in Yilan County, 2015

英文摘要 For the prevention of soil and underground water pollution, authority in Yilan must do the regular quality tests, pollution investigation for soil and underground water in this area, also must do verifications for the petition from people live there. Therefore, Environment protection bureau (EPB) in Yilan do regular monitoring and investigation of soil and underground water on potential pollution area continually, including Ronde, Lize industrial zone, Mei Chau area and underground storage tanks, etc. Also do the verification, investigation and controls to those polluted-restrained sites. After public selection, AECOM is commissioned to do “Investigation and verification about soil and underground water in Yilan in year 2015”(referred to as this project),and deadline of this project is December 31,2015. Report of farmland investigation said there have 6 farmlands are detected have copper and zinc, which concentrations are higher than limited standards. Also find concentration of zinc is increasing. It is because the content of heavy metal in chicken fecal is zinc higher than cooper, during long-term release and decomposition, zinc has higher accumulation compare with cooper, obviously. However, investigation report in this year indicates that there has no decreasing of copper and zinc concentration on the farmlands which use livestock fecal as manure. Gonglao rd. Zhuangwei township is detected has 2 farmlands which arsenic concentration higher than monitoring standard since long-term use water source containing arsenic. Therefore, No.116, Kailan Rd., Jiaoxi Township and No.193, Qixingling, Su’ao Township are also detected have zinc which concentration higher than monitoring standard, it should be related with use of livestock fecal, water sources or potential pollution sources, to know the real reason, continuous monitoring on the previous 10 farmlands according with article 6 of soil and underground water pollution remediation act is suggested. Investigation of soil pollution this year on Luifang environmental engineering Co.,Ltd.(waste recycling industry) is done, report indicate that mercury, cadmium, cooper, lead and zinc concentration are all higher than the limited standards of farmland for edible crops’(Category of land use is pastoral land).,For this, expanding investigation for waste recycling industries in this region is done. After screening and survey, 7 industries are chosen for soil investigation, and the investigation report shows that there have 3 industries which heavy metal concentration are higher than monitoring standard. Including Chengda societe wastewater centralized well (CD-S04), which has 222mg/kg Cu; longten industrial battery recycling area(LT-S01), which has 258 mg/kg Cu; and Hongtai industrial, which Cu、Pb and Zn are higher than monitoring standard. On the other hand, on TPH, only vehicle dismantling area in Genhonda corporation(JHD-S01) has 232 mg/kg Cu. Preliminary conclusion that the waste recycling industries in this region should has polluting potential, and the following investigations, checks and counseling are suggested. The monitoring result of sediment in 12 ports shows that concentration of Hg 、Cu、Pb and Zn in Nanfang-ao, Dasi second and Genfang harbor are all higher than limited standard, for this, expending investigation by EPB is suggested. Furthermore, considering ”land reclamation” as final approach, items which has pollution potential of soil should be detected to choose the most suitable approach of these soil, to do this, discussion between EPB and the local port authority is necessary. The main area to do nourishment in Yilan is Wushi harbor, it contains sediment from 8 different in north Yilan, and the report about concentration of heavy metal here shows that all are in line with limited standards, this result is unmatched with that about sediment since the dilution before nourishment, on the other hand, it also cannot show the real pollutant situation with the specific harbor. However, long-term effect of these sediment by wind power, ocean, gravity and rain has possibility to make movement of those small particles which contain high concentration of heavy metal, also make small particles (sand) which contain low concentration of heavy metal remain in place or surface, this also a reason to make low concentration of heavy metal there. Therefore, pH and zinc concentration are abnormal in sampling test of immigrated earthworkon August, for this, further tracking of Xianlin Ltd. is done, also found there is no sample higher than monitoring standard in agricultural land. Up to now, although no immigration of pollutant soil is found, it also has vigilance and deterrence effect for rocky accepting unit, for this, continuous tracking from EPB is suggested. Because of the difference made by nature(soil properties, crop varieties and irrigation water source), also because of the insufficient analysis(one time), the effects of soil and crops from general, organic and friendly farming method cannot be explained clearly. For this, the following 3 suggestions are proposed to help the expanding investigation, (1) Increasing the amount of farmlands and samples, and the survey data can be presented in the mean way to reduce the unevenness of soil. (2) Doing sampling in each stage to control the trend of soil and crops’ condition in different stages. (3) Doing long-term tracking in farms which use different farming approaches to build the trend information. Frequency of inspection and maintenance of monitoring well in this project is once for a quarter, up to now, inspection for a whole year is finished. Then, the following 8 sites are finishing maintenance, including G00066,G00071, G00009,G00037,G00059,G00001,G00039 and G00011, also shows well condition of structure for each 9 wells. Therefore, removal of all foreign body in the bottom of the 5 wells is done, including the double check by well photography. Otherwise, recompletion (excessive well pumping and well cleaning) of the 7 monitoring wells which has siltation are also finished. After that, works on 7 new wells and 2 abandoned wells are finished, and the monitoring result of underground water which are over the limited standard on new wells are shown as follows, Manganese and Manganese, ammonia, iron are detected on Yuaming elementary schooland No.804, Dongsing Rd., Dongshan Township, respectively.Otherwise, monitoring result of underground water this year shows no item over the limited standard, and the items over the monitoring standard are shown with the following form“item , number(first half/ second half year)” : Ammonia, 12/11; Iron, 7/10; Manganese, 6/10; TOC, 2/1; Total hardness, 1/0; Chloride, 2/2 and Total dissolved solids, 2/2. Comprehensive the monitoring result over the years, Longde industry, Nearby of Yilan landfill and monitoring wells along Dongshan river have higher concentration of ammonia, and Longde industry, coastal region nearby dongshan river and water park have higher concentration of iron, manganese and arsenic. Result of gas station leak check shows all 5 gas stations are over the warning value on gasoline, as following: Xinyi, Langyang, Diepu and Chinquin gas stations, also do the escalation to EPB to do further investigation. Otherwise, the third monitoring result of gas in soil shows the pollution potential on Xinshin and Fuchen gas station are belong to level 2, also recommend EPB to do further tracking within 3 months according to the grading standard, after recheck, they can obtain deregulation if no abnormal situation happen. Contrary, if abnormal within two consecutive tracking is found, the further investigation of soil and underground water by EPB is recommended. Continuous check monthly, supervision and validation for these polluted-restrained sites are done to confirm the improvement of these sites in this project. However, 5 validations are done this year, No. 421, Meijhou Rd, Yilan city, No. 805, Dongxing Section., Donshan country (section A) and No. 970, Wujie Section, Wujie Country are pass. Contrary, No. 24-25, Ligung Section, Wujie Country and No. 31-1, Nanchen Setion, Suao Town are not pass. AECOM has help EPB finish declaration and review work of the underground storage for three times, 3rd in 2014(September to December in 2014), 1st and 2nd in 2015 (January to April and May to August in 2015), all declaration and review rate are 100%.Otherwise, “Declaration of items on soil gas” and” Operation of the online declaration system” are two critical problems face by operators, for these, do strengthen advocacy in the flowing regal seminar and enhance operation technique of those operators are done in the future. Three times seminar about soil and underground water prevention act (274 participants), 7 times education-related activities about soil and underground water prevention and 10 hours professional training for intramural staff in EPB are done this year. All participants including general public, students and government employees, it can not only enhance cognition about soil and underground water protection of people, but also can archive all comments to be the reference of policy to EPB in the future. In administration, completion of video making about propaganda of soil and underground water and the monthly update of “website for soil and underground water remediation’’ and “ Pollution management geographic information system in Yilan” are listed in this project.