

中文摘要 旗山區農地遭盜採砂石留下近6公頃水池坑,因地主回填大量轉爐石,周邊民眾疑慮有污染環境之虞。本計畫工作內容即為針對回填轉爐石區及周邊內土壤及地下水品質現況實施定期監測,共計完成7口標準監測井之設置,並完成四季土壤、地下水及地面水體定期監測,包含37口次地下水採樣檢測、24組土壤採樣檢測及12組地面水體檢測工作。另配合巡查需要及開庭等計畫需求出車105天,並執行87次現場巡查,訪談業者及場址周邊農民122人次,並協助環保局彙整製作監察院、環保署調查所需之文書資料。 定期監測結果中,僅地表水於大雨期間發現場址排放逕流水pH 達10,此係地表轉爐石與雨水反應所造成,但雨水逕流排放至承受水體後,承受水體pH檢測仍屬正常,故此高pH逕流水未對下游灌溉用水安全造成明顯影響。地下水監測並無污染物超出管制標準,地下水污染物趨勢檢定結果亦無顯著上升趨勢,故暫無污染疑慮。農地土壤監測並無污染物超出管制標準,巡查訪談農民亦未發現農作物遭毒害跡象,故食用作物及農地土壤亦暫無污染疑慮。 由於轉爐石形成之鹼性環境可抑制重金屬污染物移動擴散,對照定期監測及污染趨勢檢定結果,均與學理分析吻合,本區應無土壤及地下水污染疑慮,但過去並無此大規模之轉爐石回填案例,僅一年短期監測可能無法完全解除民眾疑慮,宜持續進行地下水監測,但頻率可調降為每年一次,以避免檢測資源浪費。 
中文關鍵字 土壤,地下水,轉爐石


專案計畫編號 (104)高市環局秘字第053號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3118.931 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/20 專案結束日期 2016/05/19 專案主持人 盛培勇
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪翠霙 執行單位 中環科技事業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 高雄市旗山區回填轉爐石監測計畫(公開部份).pdf 0MB
英文摘要 Because of the illegal mining of sand and gravel, it left about 6 hectares pit-pond on the agricultural land in Qishan district. The Landowners filled the pit-pond with BOF slags. Nearby residents are worried about that the environment is polluted. This project was to monitor the environmental condition of the farmlands and ground water around the site. During this year, we setup 7 monitoring wells and completed 24 sets of soil sampling and 37 groundwater sampling, as well as 12 surface water samplings. We also completed 87 inspections, 122 interviews and assisted the general affairs of the Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government. The monitoring results show that pH of the runoff water from the site increase to 10 during heavy rain. This was because some BOF slags on the ground surface reaction with the rain. But the runoff discharged into the channel, the pH of channel was still normal. The water of the channel fully diluted the high-pH runoff, so the high-pH runoff has no impact of irrigation water. The monitoring results also show that there was no groundwater pollutants exceed the pollution control standards, and the Mann-Kendall test show the pollutant concentration has no trend. The situation was stable. Farmland soil monitoring does not exceed the pollutant control standards, and interviews farmer has not found evidence of crops were poisoned, so the food crops and agricultural land soil pollution concerns should be free temporarily. The alkaline environment of BOF slags can inhibit the mobility of heavy metal contaminants. That‘s why the site could be free of soil and groundwater pollution concerns temporarily. Because no such large scale case in the past, only one year short-term monitoring may not completely relieve the population concerns, so we recommend continue monitoring groundwater. In order to reduce the cost, the monitoring frequency can be reduced to once a year.
英文關鍵字 Soil,Groundwater,BOF Slag