

中文摘要 本計畫於104年4月7日開始執行,工作目標為綠色生活資訊網、環保標章申請系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、環保產品線上採購網等開發維護與管理。在推廣行銷面,著重於網絡經營及推廣,包含粉絲團經營,開發「綠色生活小舖」APP。本年度拍攝宣傳影片,透過網路媒體播放,宣傳綠色消費與環保標章。 針對網站維護管理及更新,環保標章申請系統已邁向產品多元化,達142項產品開放申請,包含今年度新增的服務業產品及第二類環保產品申請。對於機關綠色採購評核系統的維運重點則放在管理功能的提升,協助管理者更容易掌握下屬的申報狀況,以組織化方式管理。今年度也透過教育訓練的辦理收集使用者的回饋,從而調整系統功能,提升各項功能的使用效率。 針對網站內容更新與系統推廣,今年度共完成35篇中翻英訊息、35篇英翻中訊息,發布12則影音訊息;辦理機關綠色採購系統說明會共30場次、0800教育訓練4場次、環保標章申請系統操作說明會6場次,寄發12期電子報與12期電子型錄。 為提高網絡推廣與行銷,本年度完成拍攝「可回收、低污染、省資源,環保標章護家園」綠色消費宣傳影片並辦理行銷活動,獲得民眾熱烈迴響,總觀賞次數近25萬。「綠色生活小舖」APP(iOS)已上架,累計兩大商店下載量達2,451次。此外,「綠色生活」官方臉書粉絲團以多元行銷方式進行推廣,粉絲人數成長了22%,共8,377位粉絲。 整體而言,本年度透過網站內容開發與維運,結合網絡媒體進行行銷綠色消費,取得良好的效應,成功提升民眾對於環保標章和綠色消費的認知。
中文關鍵字 環保標章、機關綠色採購、綠色採購、綠色生活


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-K102-02-103 經費年度 104 計畫經費 4920 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/07 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 林雯妤 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 「104年度綠色生活行銷網絡經營及推廣專案工作計畫」期末報告(定稿本).pdf 8MB

The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2015

英文摘要 This project began on 7th April 2015, focusing on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. In order to further promote green procurement, this project utilize Facebook’s fan page, mobile application (The Green Store) and green-procurement themed short clips as the major promoting tools. In terms of webpage maintenance and update, the Green Mark E-Application System has diverse throughout years, covering 142 types of products, especially for the application of the Type II & Service Green Mark. For the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, the administrator functions were improved in order to reduce workload of the admin of every department. Through the workshop or training, feedback from the users were collected and reviewed. These results were used to improve functions in order to provide better service. For promotion and publicity, 35 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 35 news items in English were translated and published. 40 training sessions were held, including 4 education and training workshops for customer service staff on 0800 toll-free, 6 workshops for Green Mark application and 30 workshops for Green Procurement. To diversify the web contents, 12 web-videos, 12 e-papers, and 12 e-catalogues were sent so far. For promotion purpose, a short clip themed on promoting Green Mark was published, in-cooperated with web celebrity, Cai-A-Ga,. The clip went viral and created 25,000 views. The Green Store mobile application available online in App Store since October, and it was downloaded 2,451 times (combined figure from both mobile stores). GreenLiving’s fan-page on Facebook gained tremendous growth and hit 8,377fans by this year. Overall, the maintenance and promotion efforts received good result, and increased the public awareness on Green Mark and green procurement.
英文關鍵字 Green Mark, Government Green Procurement, Green Procurement, Green Living