

中文摘要 為改善轄內河川水體水質、提昇環境品質,除延續以往對水污染源稽查管制工作外,亦將依照各河川水體的特性及污染來源積極推動水域環境整體性管制規劃,以延伸出全面性安全、舒適及美好的河川遊憩空間。故於本(104)年度擬訂104年彰化縣河川、海洋污染防治暨重點流域污染總量管理計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希望藉由本計畫之執行,掌握本市轄境內水污染源資料,以利後續管制作業之進行。 本計畫招標規範工作期程自決標日(104年04月28日)次日起至104年11月30日止;而擴充採購招標規範工作執行期程自簽約日(104年07月20日)起至104年11月30日止。截至104年11月05日各工作項目均已完成辦理。茲將期末報告成果摘要如下: 一、持續辦理水體污染總量管理前置作業相關事宜 有鑑於近年來糧食安全議題備受重視,為確保東西二、三圳農地特定保護之水體水質無虞、保護糧食安全及落實健康流域管理,本計畫協助環保局依據東西二、三圳鄰近農地污染潛勢區域、污染事實坵塊分布、灌溉水源水質及灌溉小組水系等資訊,進行「彰化縣東西二、三圳農地特定保護之水體水質總量管制區」之劃定及管制區級別建議。依水質分析結果,將東西二、三圳主流及分流渠道上之水質測站、測站水質、灌溉小組及渠道分布進行套疊分析,發現超標測站主要集中於中下游河段,顯示東西二、三圳中下游河段為重金屬污染主要之區域,且該區域有多處農田屬重金屬污染控制之場址,各測站重金屬超標項目主要為銅、鎳、鎘及總鉻。本計畫目前初步利用灌溉小組分布位置、農地污染場址座落位置、東西二、三圳水路分布、環保局及農田水利會水質監測結果等相關資料進行綜合分析及劃定總量管制區域,由於劃定範圍內多數水質測站監測結果有超過灌溉用水標準,因此,初步劃定之總量管制區全區均屬第一級管制區。總量管制區包含彰化市及和美鎮等部分村里,劃設面積為13.56平方公里,管制區內共有26家屬水污染防治法事業分類及定義之列管事業,以及56家屬水污染防治法事業分類及定義之未列管事業。其管制方式係參考環保署建議之相關規定訂定,包含加嚴放流水標準管制、水污染防治許可證(文件)管理及設置放流水水質水量自動監測系統等,藉以督促既設之事業及污水下水道系統提升改善水污染防治措施,有效削減重金屬排放量,以改善東西二、三圳灌溉區域內農田污染情形。 另針對舊濁水溪流域部分,本計畫延續上年度執行成果,評估以三溪橋至三和橋間為實施河段,並利用水質模式推估該河段之涵容能力,同時評估其容許排放量。依據評估結果,三溪橋至三和橋間BOD涵容能力為1,629.4 kg/day,NH3-N涵容能力為651.8 kg/day;容許排放量BOD為8,864.3 kg/day,NH3-N則為1,423.3kg/day。因此,為降低該河段之污染排放量,以達水體涵容能力對應之改善目標,建議加速污水下水道系統興建、推動重點河段或支流排水設置水質淨化設施、化糞池定期清理、加強污染源稽查管制、推動區域性沼氣中心設置及沼渣、沼液作為農地肥分使用…等污染整治措施及計畫之推動。期至110年可藉由前述措施之逐年推動,使舊濁水溪溪湖橋測站之BOD濃度由中度污染改善為輕度污染,NH3-N濃度由嚴重污染改善為中度污染;惟未來仍須持續配合相關措施推動,以逐年改善水體水質。 二、落實水污染源許可強化管理 (一)協助辦理各類許可申請案件文件審理及現場審查作業 本計畫完成825件次許可申請審查,依申請案件種類分析,以排放地面水體許可證為最多共284件,占34.4%,其次為簡易排放許可文件共212件,占25.7%;依審查方式統計分析中,申請案件以書面審查方式為最多共671件,占所有申請案件81.3%,其次為「書面審查+現場查核」。單一案件檢送進局後至審查完畢需耗費之平均審查天數21~30天案件為最多共77件,占27%,其次為16~20天共65件,占22.8%。 (二)提供專線電話,協助提供法令諮詢及輔導申辦服務 本計畫已辦理協助諮詢件數共1,174件,係因部份事業進行單次諮詢時會同時詢問相關問題,於1,174件諮詢案件中已回覆事業問題1,301項。依諮詢月來看,定期申報以8、9月份詢問件數為最多,多數事業於7月申報前優先詢問相關問題,並於8~10月審查期間本計畫人員經審查請事業補正後,事業針對補正之問題進行詢問,故諮詢而定期申報相關問題於8月份件數增加,並於9~10月逐漸下降。7月開始徵收水污染防治費故詢問件數增加,其係因本計畫協助環保局於7月23日辦理水污染防治法暨水污染防治費徵收辦法說明會,故於8月降低詢問度,但於9~10月逐月增加,其可能原因為事業申報後繳費後未將繳費收據再確認上傳至系統,而導致事業因未繳費成功而收到催繳公文,進而以電話諮詢方式詢問未繳費成功之原因。自動連續監測設施於5~6月諮詢度為最多,有逐月下降之情形,其可能原因為事業針對自動連續監測設施經本計畫提供諮詢後,已更為了解相關規定,故諮詢度降低。 (三)辦理廢(污)水檢測申報資料審查及建檔 本計畫已協助完成2,102筆定期申報建檔及勾稽審查作業,其中包含每季申報28家,半年申報2,051家,每年申報23家。其中屬書面申報對象共1,405家、網路申報對象共697家,於申報期間申報資料皆由本計畫協助審查及諮詢輔導後,再經逐筆確認後認可,目前尚未認可家數共48家,其係因部分事業為未依規定進行預申報作業或所申報之水質超過放流水標準,重新採樣需等待檢測公司重新排定採樣及檢測時間,待報告完成後才可進行補正作業,故於此尚未補正完成。 (四)辦理水污染防治相關電腦資料庫及文書建檔管理 計畫執行期間協助完成資料建檔種類包括水污染管制資料建檔47件(2%)、水污染源主動申報文件建檔1,223件(46%)及稽查處分資料建檔1,371件(52%)。依文書資料種類區分,在「水污染源主動申報文件」中,以定期監測檢測申報紀錄最多,為1,045件;「稽查處分資料」中,以稽查記錄952件最多。總建檔件數最多之月份為104年9月,主要為水污染源主動申報文件其中又以定期監測檢測申報紀錄523件最多。建檔資料中以定期監測檢測申報紀錄1,045件最多,花費總時數為1,045小時;各項許可申請文件與水污染防治措施計畫為單件花費時間最多,每件平均約5小時,總時數分別為700小時與65小時。 (五)確保水污染源管制資料庫定期申報異常項目正確性 環保署每季對資料庫之許可及定檢資料進行勾稽比對及異常分析,針對異常分析項目進行篩選資料庫內不完整及有疑義資料名單,下載異常資料後,即進行環保署所篩選之異常資料種類及特性分析,進行修正,如無法修正之名單,由環保局發文至事業單位,由事業單位依現場實際狀況說明異常原因。第一季總異常筆數為229筆,已完成修正229筆,完成率100%;第二季異常筆數為269筆,異常欄位數為549筆,已完成509欄位數修正,完成率92%。 (六)辦理水污染防治法規說明會 本計畫已完成4場次說明會,說明會內容包括「水污染防治法修正說明」及「水污染防治費徵收方式」等兩大主題,期望以辦理說明會的方式讓與會人員瞭解法令修訂內容事項及落實水污染防治之精神,並加強宣導水污染防治費徵收辦法相關規定和後續針對廠家進行水污染防治費徵收內容查核,提高廢水處理及水污染防治費申報效率。四場說明會出席率為52%~65%,造成此原因主要是業者於說明會召開前,紛紛來電表示之前已參加過環保署所召開之水污費徵收宣導說明會。 三、事業廢水查核管理工作 本計畫完成查核工業區污水廠督察專案3家,工業區納管事業查核191家,污染熱區事業查核55家次,水污費微收對象查核30家次,工業區雨水道巡查133點次,本計畫皆已完成目標數報成率100%,處分家數為25家,截至目前為止處分金額為2,630,000元。 四、水污染防治費徵收事宜 (一)試算本縣水污染防治費費額 於第一年(104年)水污染防治費所收取之5~6月之費用並有50%之優惠方案,預計可收取729,630元,7~12月之費用為2,122,791,直到第三年畜牧業開徵時收取費用比例為70%,本縣事業多數因含有重金屬項目使水污染防治費經增收項目費額達5,895,499元,然彰化縣畜牧業列管事業亦為眾多,即使不需重金屬項目亦可使收取額度達11,637,777元約為總額66%,預計可收取17,533,276元,而第四年所開徵之公共污水下水道、其他指定地區或場所專用下水道系統及社區專用下水道系統,係因本縣所列管之以上下水道系統僅有30家,故其於第四年徵收雖已徵收80%也僅有379,097元,相較於事業及畜牧業少許多,經本計畫試算結果,於開徵第六年收取額度100%時,預計可收取25,591,326元,再根據水污染防治費中央與地方分配辦法,本縣最多分配款項為15,354,796元,最少分配款項為8,956,964元。 (二)水污費徵收對象查核 本項工作自擴充採購工作簽約日(07月20日)起至10月29日止,已完成30家事業查核,查核工作包含紀錄完整性查核、排放水量查核及水樣水質檢測報告查核,且現場由環保局承辦人員採集原廢水及放流水送驗分析。查核30家中,19家事業查核結果均多處違反水污法規定,現場立即處分,其餘11家事業原廢水及放流水水質皆與許可相符,且皆符合放流水標準。本計畫依據業者104年1月至6月所申報之水質水量進行業者申報費額之計算,再將水污費徵收對象查核結果,依水污染防治費收費辦法第12條第4項及第11條第1項第1款規定計算查核後需繳費額,進行比對後即可得知該業者是否需補繳及補繳金額,依分析結果彙整顯示有17家業者須補繳水污費,且金額高於25,000元的有4家,高於5,000元的有3家,其餘皆低於5,000元,補繳總金額為210,563元。 五、確保自動監測(視)及連線傳輸對象與環保局正常連線 本縣目前5家連線對象放流水監測項目包括懸浮固體、化學需氧量、氫離子濃度指數、水溫、導電度及水量。自計畫起始日04月29日至10月29日截止,連線對象以彰濱工業區鹿港區監測率為最低,其4月份時監測率僅有89.6~90.8%,9月份亦僅有89.6~90.6%,而重大違規對象於8月連線率99.5%至10月已趨於穩定,各水質水量項目監測率皆已達100%,其餘連線對象監測率皆達90%以上。 於計畫期間經16次異常情形, 於04/29~10/29期間因CWMS系統人員開發之截檔程式產生異常,造成事業於該期間數據無法上傳至局端伺服器,本計畫人員積極於聯絡環保局承辦人員、資訊室人員、CWMS系統人員、環保署承辦人員進行系統修復,並於修復後確實確認各事業皆重新上傳該期間所監測之數據,於10/29已確認所有事業數據皆正常上,本計畫人員經每日檢核時發現異常立即通知事業並確認異常原因,匯報承辦人員後持續關注修復情形,於修復完成後通報承辦人員。
中文關鍵字 總量管理計畫、重點流域、104年彰化縣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 11395 千元
專案開始日期 2015/04/28 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 徐錦弘
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳敬岦 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 201601041201569991.pdf 0MB

Environmental Protection Bureau Changhua County Changhua County River & Marine Pollution Control cum Total Load Management Project for Pollution in Major Watershed, 2015

英文摘要 For the purpose of improving water quality in river water bodies and to promote environmental quality in the prefecture, in addition to the continuation of previous work on water pollution control inspections, the active promotion of overall plan for water area environmental control in accordance with the characteristics of each river water body and sources of water pollution is required so as to extend the comprehensive security, comfortable and beautiful river recreation space. Therefore, the Changhua County River & Marine Pollution Control cum Total Load Management Project for Pollution in Major Watershed, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) is hereby proposed in the present year (2015) to hopefully master the water pollution data of the municipal territory to facilitate the follow-up control operation through the implementation of the Project. The tender specification planning for the Project shall start from the day next following the tender awarding date (April 28, 2015) and end on November 30, 2015; and the expanded procurement tender specifications work shall start from the contract date (July 20, 2015 ) and end on November 30, 2015. All working projects have been completed as of November 5, 2015. The results of the final report are summarized as follows: 1. Preprocess Related Matters Regarding Continuously Handling Total Load Management of Water Body Pollution In consideration of the food security issue which has increasingly attracted attention in recent years, for the purpose of ensuring the water quality of East and West second and third field ditches farmland specifically protected water bodies is fine and protecting food security and to practically implement watershed health management, the Project assists the Environmental Protection Bureau in delineation of “East and West second and third field ditch farmland specifically protected water bodies’ water quality total quantity control zone in Changhua County” and recommendations on grade classification of control area in accordance with the information of neighboring pollution potential areas of East and West second and third field ditch farmland, pollution facts about farming patch distribution, quality of irrigation water source and irrigation group water systems, etc. Making an overlap analysis on water quality monitoring stations, quality of monitoring stations’ water, irrigation groups and canal distribution in mainstream and diversion canals of East and West second and third field ditches based on the results of water quality analysis, it is found that monitoring stations exceeding the norm center mainly on middle and lower reaches, showing that the middle and lower reaches are the major regions of heavy metal pollution, and such regions contain quite a few heavy metal pollution control sites. The heavy metals exceeding the norm in each monitoring station mainly are copper, nickel, cadmium and total chromium. The Project makes a comprehensive analysis and delineates total quantity control zones preliminarily by using the relevant information about irrigation group distributed locations, contaminated sites on agricultural land, watercourse distribution of the East and West second and third field ditches, water quality monitoring results conducted by the Environmental Protection Bureau and the Irrigation Association’s water quality monitoring stations, etc. All regions of control zones are preliminarily designated as class 1 because of the results exceeding irrigation water quality standards within the delineated range monitored by the majority of water quality monitoring stations. The total quantity control zones including some villages of Changhua City, Hemei Town etc. of which the delineated area is 13.56 square kilometers. There are 26 units of restricted enterprises classified and construed by the Water Pollution Control Act as well as 56 non-restricted enterprises classified and construed by the Waters Pollution Control Act within the control zones. Its control mode is set forth referring to the relevant provisions proposed by the EPA, containing tightened controls on effluent standards, water pollution control permit (document) management and establishment of effluent water quality and quantity automatic monitoring system etc. in order to urge improvement of both existing enterprises and sewer system and to upgrade the water pollution control measures to effectively reduce emissions of heavy metals and to better the farmland pollution situation within the irrigation area of East and West second and third field ditches. Additionally, regarding watershed of the old LTK (Loh Tsui Kweh i.e. Jiou (Old) Jhuo Shuei River), the Project continues the implementation outcomes of last year's performance, assesses and evaluates the carrying capacity of the river reach between Sanhsi Bridge and Sanho Bridge and assesses its acceptable discharge amount as well by means of water quality model. Based on evaluation results, the carrying capacity of BOD between Sanhsi Bridge and Sanho Bridge is 1,629.4 kg/day, carrying capacity of NH3-N is 651.8 kg/day; allowable emission of BOD is 8,864.3 kg / day, NH3-N is 1,423.3kg / day. Therefore, in order to reduce pollution discharge amount of such river reach to achieve the target for corresponding improvement of water bodies' carrying capacity, it is recommended to accelerate the construction of sewage systems, and to promote the setup for drainage water purification facilities in important reaches or tributaries, regular septic tank cleaning, strengthening water pollution source control inspection, propelling the setup for regional biogas centers and agricultural land use of biogas residue and biogas slurry ... and other pollution remediation measures and plans. It is expected, by means of gradually promoting the aforementioned measures by 2021, to improve the BOD concentration of Old LTK Hsihu Bridge monitoring station from moderate pollution to mild pollution, NH3-N concentration from gross pollution to moderate pollution; however, it is required to constantly promote with relevant measures to gradually improve water quality. 2. Practically Implement Strengthening Management of Water Pollution Source Permits (A) Assistance for All Kinds of Permit Applications and On-Site Review Operation. 825 cases for permit application review have been completed in the Project. Analyzing based on types of cases upon application, surface water discharge permits account for the majority (34.4%), up to a total of 284 cases, followed by the simple discharge permit documents accounting for 25.7%, up to a total of 212 cases; the statistical analysis shows that according to the review methods, application cases in writing review method account for the majority (81.3%), up to a total of 671 cases, followed by “written examination + on-site review”. The average number of days accounting for the majority is those that need to spend 21 to 30 days to review a single case from the time the case sent to the Bureau to the time the case completed, totaling 77 cases (27%), followed by those spending 16 to 20 days totaling 65 cases and accounting for 22.8%. (B) Providing Hotline, Helping with Legal Advice and Guidance on Application Service. The Project has assisted in handling a total of 1,174 advice cases referring to some enterprises making a single query and asking relevant questions at the same time. 1,301 items have been replied to in 1,174 advice cases. In terms of consulting months, advice cases in August and September account for the majority of regular reporting. Most enterprises make queries before July’s reporting and commence enquiries on matters of additions and corrections during the review period between August and October after review and additions and corrections requested by the Project staff, therefore, cases of advice and related regular enquiries increase in August and decline in September and October. Collection of water pollution control fees begins in July, cases of queries increase because the Project assists the Environmental Protection Bureau in holding the explanation session regarding Water Pollution Control Act and Water Pollution Control Fees on July 23, therefore the inquiry frequency lowered in August, however it monthly increased in September and October perhaps arises from failure to reconfirm and upload the payment receipt to the system after reporting and the follow-up payment, which led to a query by telephone about reasons of unsuccessful payment. Frequency of counseling about automatic continuous monitoring facility accounted for the majority in May and June and declined monthly of which the reason might be the enterprises’ understanding more of the relevant provisions after the Project provided advice of the automatic continuous monitoring facility. (C) Handling Wastewater (Sewage) Testing and Reporting Documents Review and Filing. The Project has helped to complete 2,102 units of periodic reporting filing and auditing review operations including 28 units of quarterly reporting, 2,051 units of semi-annual reporting and 23 annual reporting. Out of them is a total of 1,405 written reporting objects, 697 network reporting objects, and a total of 48 units which have not been approved yet after case-by-case confirmation following the Project’s review assistance and counseling guidance in the reporting period of which the reason is that some enterprises fail to pre-report pursuant to the provisions or the reporting water quality exceed effluent standards and needs to wait for the re-sampling testing company to reschedule the sampling and testing before such enterprises can complete corrections. (D) Handling the Water Pollution Control Related Computer Databases and Document Management. During the performance period, the Project helped to complete archiving data types including 47 cases (2%) on water pollution control, 1,223 cases (46%) on initiative reporting water pollution documentation and 1,371 cases (52%) on inspection and penalty data archiving. To distinguish based on the type of documentation, regularly monitored detecting record accounted for the majority which was up to 1,045 cases in “initiative reporting water pollution sources documentation”; 952 cases of inspection record accounted for the majority of “Inspection and Penalty Data”. The month accounting for the majority of total number of filing was September, 2015, mainly focusing on initiative reporting water pollution sources documentation of which the regularly monitored detecting record accounted for the majority which was up to 523 cases. For archiving data, the 1,045 cases of regularly monitored detecting record accounted for the majority of which the spending time was up to a total of 1,045 hours; for various licensing documentation application and water pollution control measures plan, the single piece took the most time, an average of which took about five hours. The total numbers of hours were 700 and 65 respectively. (E) Ensure Correctness of Periodically Reporting Unusual Items of Water Pollution Sources Control Database. EPA quarterly commences licensing database, periodic inspection of data and anomaly analysis. Targeting the anomaly analysis item, it screens incomplete and doubtful data list in database and makes corrections to types and characteristics analysis on irregular data screened by EPA after downloading the irregular data. In the event of the list which can not be corrected, the enterprise shall describe reasons for the anomalies depending on the actual situation of the scene after the notice issued by the Environmental Protection Bureau. The total of 229 irregular cases for the first quarter has been corrected with a completion rate of 100%; the numbers of irregular cases and anomaly fields for the second quarter respectively were 269 and 549 of which 509 fields have been corrected with a completion rate of 92%. (F) Holding Water Pollution Control Laws and Regulations Explanation Sessions. The Project has completed four explanation sessions of which the briefings include two major themes—“Water Pollution Control Act amendments description” and “Water Pollution Control fees collection methods”, hoping to make the participants understand the ordinance amendments, to practically implement the spirit of water pollution control and to strengthen the advocacy of water pollution control fees collection related provisions and the follow-up review on the contents of water pollution control fee collection in order to improve declaration efficiency for wastewater treatment and water pollution control fees. The four explanation sessions had an attendance rate of 52%~ 65% for which the primary reason was that the people in business, one after another, telephoned and indicated that they had already participated in previous water pollution fees collection advocacy briefings convened by EPA. 3. Industrial Wastewater Check and Management The Project has completed a check on three units of industrial zone sewage plant project, 191 units of put-under-management enterprise inspection, 55 units / times of enterprise inspection on pollution hotspots, 30 units / times of water pollution fees collection targets and 133 points / times of storm sewers patrol in industrial zone. The Project has completed the reporting rate of 100% with a number of 25 penalty units amounting to NT$ 2,630,000 as of now. 4. Water Pollution Control Fees Collection Matters (A) Pro Forma Costs of this County’s Water Pollution Control Since the water pollution control fee for May and June is collected under generalized system of preferences getting 50% off, it is estimated that a total of NT$ 729,630 could be collected. The fee for July–December in the first year (2015) will be NT$ 2,122,791 with a collection rate of 70% as of the time when livestock transaction levy begins in the third year. The majority of enterprises in this County included heavy metal items, so that the water pollution control fees amounted to NT$ 5,895,499, however, Changhua County’s livestock industry contains numerous restricted enterprises, the collected amount reached NT$ 11,637,777 accounting for about 66% of the total even without heavy metal items. It is estimated that a total of NT$ 17,533,276 could be collected. Public sewerage, other designated areas or spaces dedicated sewer systems and community special sewer system started collection in the fourth year of which although the levy of the fourth year accounted for 80% totaling NT$ 379,097 only, that was much less compared to many enterprises and livestock industry owing to the fact that there were only 30 restricted enterprises belonging to the above listed sewer system in this County. Pro forma estimates conducted by the Project show that it is estimated the collected amount could reach NT$ 25,591,326 when the sixth year collection quota accounts for 100%, this County maximum allotment is NT$ 15,354,796 and a minimum allotment of NT$ 8,956,964 in accordance with the central and local water pollution control fees allocation regulations. (B) Water Pollution Fees Collection Targets This work has completed 30 units on enterprise inspection from the expanded procurement contracting day (July 20) as of October 29. The inspection includes record integrity check, check on volume of wastewater and water samples quality testing report, and, the EPA personnel collects on site raw wastewater and effluents for analysis. ution act and received the immediate penalty on the spot. The remaining 11 units’ raw wastewater and effluents were consistent with the water quality permit and were in compliance with effluents standards. The Project calculated the amount of the fee reported by the people in business based on the reported water quality and quantity from January to June in 2015, and then calculated the payment due according to the Paragraph 4 of Article 12 and Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1 of Article 11 in Water Pollution Control Fees Collection Regulations on the results towards the collection target, as a result whether the collection target should make a supplementary payment and the payment amount required would be derived after comparison and verification. The aggregated results of the analysis showed that 17 units were required to make a supplementary payment of water pollution fees, and four units’ amount was higher than NT$ 25,000, three units’ amount was higher than NT$ 5,000, the rest was less than NT$ 5,000. The total amount of supplementary payment was up to NT$ 210,563. 5. Ensure Normal Connection between Continuous Water Monitoring System (CWMS) Objects and Environmental Protection Bureau The County’s currently five connection objects in effluents monitoring items include suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, hydrogen ion concentration pH, water temperature, conductivity and volume of water. From the Project start date April 29 to October 29, the monitoring rate of connection object in Lukang zone of Changhua Coastal Industrial Park was the lowest. Its monitoring rate in April was only 89.6 ~ 90.8%, and only 89.6 ~ 90.6% in September as well, while the major irregularity objects’ connection rate of 99.5% from August to October has stabilized. Monitoring rates of water quality and quantity for each item reached 100 percent, and that of the remaining connection objects were more than 90%. There were 16 times of unusual circumstances during the Project. The cross-sectional program developed by the CWMS personnel was irregular during the period between April 29 and October 29, resulting in the failure of data uploading to the IPTV Channel Server during such period. The Project personnel actively contacted EPA personnel in charge of such matter, information room staff, CWMS personnel and EPA contractor personnel to repair the system, and, after the repair, actually confirmed that each enterprise had re-uploaded the monitoring data of the period, it was confirmed on October 29 that all enterprise data had been normally uploaded. The Project personnel immediately notify the enterprise of the fact and confirm the causes for anomalies when finding irregularities after daily check, and sustain attention on the repair situation after reporting to the personnel in charge, and inform the contractor staff after completion of repair.
英文關鍵字 Changhua County River, Marine Pollution Control cum Total Load Management Project, Water Pollution