

中文摘要 本計畫屬延續性計畫,計畫初始以採樣分析為主,採樣分析目的在建置臺中市各式污染源PM2.5指紋資料及排放清冊,隨年度進程,逐年增加管制規劃工作比重。104年採樣工作包含管道PM2.5及大型逸散(裸露地、營建工地、道路揚塵) PM2.5檢測。管制工作包含原生逸散PM2.5減量措施及目標規劃、預警分級及應變規劃、分區及熱區管制規劃以及柴油機具排煙管理。 管道PM2.5採樣之排放係數推估顯示,台中電廠燃煤鍋爐過濾性PM2.5(FPM)排放係數為2.09 ~8.52 g/ton。中龍鋼鐵(電弧爐、燒結廠、煉焦爐、高爐出鐵間、轉爐、熱風爐)FPM排放係數為0.08~2.10 g/ton。值得關注的是燃油鍋爐,FPM排放係數介於17.9~482 g/KL,因此燃油鍋爐是本市PM2.5防制首要對象之一。 PM2.5管制措施採分區規劃,本市目前11座PM2.5空氣品質自動站,以此為分區基礎。區域中含工業區者,對具有原生性PM2.5>5公噸/年或SOx>15公噸/年或NOx>20公噸/年之工廠予以優先管制,再輔以推廣電動機車以及1~3柴油車加裝濾煙器交通源管制措施。無工業區的人口稠密區域以推動交通源減量為主,包括推廣全電動公車、禁行二行程機車、禁行未加裝濾煙器1-3期柴油大貨車。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、細懸浮微粒管道細懸浮微粒採樣、可過濾性細懸浮微粒、可凝結性細懸浮微粒、逸散性懸浮微粒採樣、逸散性懸浮微粒採樣、PM2.5指紋資料


專案計畫編號 P0526 經費年度 104 計畫經費 7798 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 程萬里
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 趙重周 執行單位 台灣綠碁科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 P0526.pdf 8MB

PM2.5 Control Plan of Taichung city in 2015

英文摘要 The project is a continuity plan. It focuses on particulate sample to establish the fingerprint system and emission inventory in Taichung city. The data bases increasing year after year. It investigates the PM2.5 for stack emission and fugitive dust (construction site, exposed area, road dust) in this year. The control strategies include fugitive dust control measures, rating system and emergency management, hot zone management, non-road diesel engines management. According to the results of stack sampling, the FPM emission factor for coal-fired plant is 2.09 ~8.52 g/ton in Taichung coal-fired power plant. The FPM emission factor for the steel industry (arc furnace, clinker plant, coke oven, blast furnace, converter, and air heating furnace) is 0.08~2.10 g/ton. The FPM emission factor for fuel oil boiler furnace is 17.9~482 g/KL which the highest. Therefore, the future control strategies will focus on fuel oil boiler furnaces. The rating system control strategies base on eleven PM2.5 monitoring stations in Taichung city. The priority given to control are factories which emission primary PM2.5>5 ton/year, SOx>15 ton/year, or NOx>20 ton/year. If the factories are in industrial area the priority control strategies is to promote electric vehicle and tier-1 to tier-3 diesel engines with diesel particulate filters. Otherwise, the priority control strategies is to reduce traffic source including the promotion of electric bus and forbidding two-stroke motorcycles and tier-1 to tier-3 diesel engines without diesel particulate filters.
英文關鍵字 Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5), Stack Sampling, Filterable Particulate Matter(FPM), Condensable Particulate Matter(CPM), Sampling of Fugitive Dust, Fingerprints Data-base of PM2.5