

中文摘要 本場址自民國90年發現三氯乙烯污染後,陸續執行污染改善工作,經92~94年間以高錳酸鉀執行現地化學氧化法後,雖污染濃度低於管制標準,但停止注藥後全場區污染濃度回升,最高污染濃度回升至約4 mg/L。而後為避免污染擴散至場區外,遂於98~100年開始進行地下水污染擴散控制,可有效控制污染團於場區內,但對低污染濃度去除效果有限,因此於101~103年挑選2區高污染濃度進行生物復育模場試驗,灌注生物藥劑後可促進脫氯菌群進行脫氯作用,以降低污染濃度。 本計畫係延續前期計畫,進行全場區生物復育工作,採取分階段生物藥劑灌注,並搭配地下水污染控制,依106年9月自行分析結果,目前全場區地下水三氯乙烯濃度已低於管制標準,且場區外監測井T01亦無污染濃度超標之情形。其中污染源OG井105年2月地下水TCE濃度自0.107 mg/L,至106年9月已無檢出三氯乙烯,約18個月無濃度回升情形;此外,計算地下水污染範圍變化,在105~106年全場區地下水三氯乙烯濃度>0.05 mg/L污染面體積中,三氯乙烯污染體積自349~702 m3降至0 m3,顯示全場區地下水污染濃度及污染體積已獲得改善,且地下水污染物濃度低於管制標準,符合污染削減與污染範圍控制之計畫目標。 此外,以環保署環境足跡計算工具評估不同工法組合之環境足跡,本計畫所採用之「水力控制搭配生物復育法」環境足跡低於「水力控制搭配現地化學氧化」之組合,且執行期間使用太陽能板再生能源共減少3496公斤碳排放量,使整體設備操作可減少約30%電能消耗及碳排放量,並降低運轉成本(電費),符合綠色永續導向型整治概念。
中文關鍵字 三氯乙烯、加強式生物復育法、水力控制、綠色永續導向型整治


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 869.63 千元
專案開始日期 2015/09/22 專案結束日期 2017/09/22 專案主持人 王炳南
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 姚詠翔 執行單位 業興環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果結案報告摘要.pdf 0MB 高雄市大寮區福德爺廟地下水綠色永續導向型整治及監測計畫-公開版

Green and sustainable remediation of a TCE contaminated site: A case study in Kaohsiung.

英文摘要 A TCE contaminated site located in Daliao district, Kaohsiung was identified in early 2001. Different remediation strategies were implemented since 2003, including in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), hydraulic control and enhanced in-situ bioremediation (EIB). After site investigation and pilot test, ISCO was chosen as major remedy for groundwater remediation during 2003~2005. However, TCE concentration rebounded within half year when stopping KMnO4 injection. Therefore, hydraulic control and EIB were applied in this site since 2009. Two hydraulic control wells were installed on the edge of the site to prevent the downstream TCE contamination and to treat TCE in the meantime. After one year pilot test and monitoring, anaerobic dechlorination was observed on pilot area which indicates the potential of EIB. In this study, 3 substrates─Molasses, Sorbitol (Panasonic) and emulsified oil (SetDSEMO) were applied for different tiers. TCE concentration decreased gradually since the application of hydraulic control and EIB, and TCE was biodegraded to Cis-1,2-DCE, VC and end product─ethene. The latest data indicates the TCE concentration is lower than the groundwater control standard in Sep. 2017. Besides, the pollution volume was reduced from 700 to 0 m3 within 2 years. It shows application of hydraulic control and EIB is a effective remediation method in this TCE contaminated site. To promote green and sustainable remediation, environmental footprint was evaluated in this study. A solar energy equipment as auxiliary power supplier electric energy for hydraulic control system could reduce 3,496 kg CO2 emission during 2014~2017, and it could decrease about 30% electricity. Furthermore, the results of CO2 emission of different remediation strategies indicates that the relative CO2 emission of hydraulic control and EIB is lower than hydraulic control and ISCO. It means the remediation strategy of this site is relatively environmental friendly.
英文關鍵字 trichloroethene, enhanced in-situ bioremediation, hydraulic control, green and sustainable remediation