

中文摘要 本計畫的目的在於建置「臺中市環境品質應變系統」,應用臺中巿空氣品質資訊、污染源管理、強化環保局空氣品質管理品質。今年度已經完成軟硬體與網路建置,維持其正常運作,並完成界接20項系統來源之資料,建置完成3平臺共22項模組,並已經完成1次管理單位與各相關計畫之教育訓練。空氣品質指標平臺可提供管理單位查詢各座空品監站監控數據,執行AQI、PSI、PM2.5、PM10及O3之趨勢分析,以評估短期或長期各指標污染物之超標頻率之影響。污染源管理平臺可藉由介接環保署環保許可管理系統、固定污染源系統及相關監測網如空氣污染監測網、固定污染源連續監測系統(CEMS)及氣象等連續數值資料等系統資料,整合臺中地區事業之管制基線資料,以利管理單位掌控臺中地區各事業之運作情形和污染物排放相關數據資料,結合GIS圖臺應用技術及空品監測數據之趨勢分析,透過風花圖繪製工具及GIS圖臺呈現方式,有效提供使用者可探討不同時間區間之空品監測統計值及最頻風向之關係,以利管理單位作為後續決策模擬之參考。成果展示平臺提供民眾即時瞭解空氣品質監測資訊、表單下載與App宣導訊息。
中文關鍵字 臺中市、空氣品質分析、固定污染源防制


專案計畫編號 P0533 經費年度 104 計畫經費 5556 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/01 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 何平世
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉茲菁 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104EQEC期末定稿本V7(公開版.pdf 13MB

2015 Response plan of environmental quality in Taichung

英文摘要 The purpose of this program is to build "Response System of Environmental Quality in Taichung," which is applying information of Taichung’s air quality, pollution source management and strengthening management quality of the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) air quality. This year we built system infrastructure and maintained its normal operation, and completed integration from over 20 system sources, and built 3 platforms and 22 modules, and completed 1 training course for management level. As to air quality management platform, the users can be execution n AQI, PSI, PM2.5, PM10 and O3 of trend analysis to assess the short-term or excessive frequency and storms of the long-term effects of all criteria pollutants by the data of quality monitoring stations. As to stationary air pollution source control platform, by interfacing continuous numerical data and other system data of environmental license management system, stationary air pollution source system, related monitoring network such as air pollution monitoring network, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) and meteorological of EPA, integrated baseline control the cause of the Taichung area, in order to facilitate the management of each business unit to control the operation of the Taichung area situation and pollutant emissions related data. Combined with the trend analysis of GIS platform application technology and air quality of monitoring data, and used wind rose chart drawing implement and GIS platform presentation, to effective supply user to investigate different intervals of time with the statistics value of air quality monitoring and most frequent wind direction, the order benefit management unit as a reference simulation of subsequent decisions. AS to results demonstration platform, it provide users with operating system functionality, with system alert allowing users to immediately understand the air quality monitoring information, and file download and app information
英文關鍵字 Taichung, Air quality analysis, Stationary air pollution source control