

中文摘要 為改善國內港口之空氣品質,同時實現中美合作計畫之承諾,自98年開始環保署推動「港區空氣污染物排放清冊建置及管制策略研擬」計畫,從港區空氣污染物排放清冊(以下簡稱港區清冊)基礎資料建置到港區潔淨空氣行動計畫之研擬,至今已完成98、99、100、101、102五個基準年之排放清冊建置。本計畫延續先期規劃,執行「港區空氣污染物排放清冊建置及減量策略研擬計畫」,本計畫執行重點係以提升港區清冊之廣度、深度及應用面為主軸,參考國際最新做法更新港區清冊,修正既有排放量推估模組並擴大清冊推估範疇。在排放量應用上透過時間及空間之分配結果,作為船舶空污費研擬以及港區排放對於空品影響之分析之參考依據。在管制面上,強調港區事業單位對於空氣污染減量之自主管理,蒐研國際上港區及船舶現行污染物排放控制技術以及相關管制作法,並更新國際公約最新議案,針對國內法制面提供可行之配套作為。本年度計畫工作成果摘述如下: (一)更新各污染源排放量推估相關係數,包含遠洋船舶主引擎和輔助引擎排放係數及各項參數、港區內作業船舶排放係數係數本土化、引用全國排放清冊(TEDS9.0)重型車輛之排放係數等。 (二)本計畫彙整104年度各污染源之屬性資料庫及活動強度,依據各污染源特性,建立資料品質之標準查驗程序,完成屬性資料庫及活動強度資料庫之建置。 (三)本計畫完成建置104年八大商港(包含新增港區-布袋港)、兩座工業港及四座國營事業委員會特殊裝卸碼頭,利用線性方法間接推估103各港空氣污染排放量,並彙整98年至102年港區清冊,分析各港逐年空氣污染排放量變化。 (四)就歷年排放趨勢及各港減量推動成效而言,臺北港、臺中港、高雄港及花蓮港各空氣污染物減量空間有下降趨勢,顯示臺灣港務公司推動船舶減速工作已有顯著成果,惟近年基隆港遊輪進港艘次有逐年倍增情形,且未有法規強制相關船舶遵守船舶減速之規定,故仍須仰賴港務公司及相關單位進行宣導。 (五)本計畫分析未來年可行減量措施對於污染減排之潛勢,若採用岸電取代柴油燃燒之排放減量措施,長榮海運之115、116號碼頭及高明公司之108、109號碼頭之船舶均採用岸電,未來將可減少高雄港各式空氣污染物排放量1.01~2.38%。 (六)關於船舶排放量於總量管制架構下之原則及定位,岸電系統使用之排放量削減量量化是可行的,但船舶減速之削減量認定,執行面仍有困難與爭議,包含船舶減速過程難以定量以及實際施行後減量空間基線難以定義。 (七)本計畫針對船舶空污費擬定推動期程包括三階段,分別為1、研擬推動期(103-104);2、宣導過渡期(105-108);3、執行徵收期(108-115)。且必須掌握四大面向之配套措施,包括政等性、技術性、效益性以及法制性。 (八)本計畫透過港區清冊之時間及空間分配結果,分析各港遠洋船舶排放量時序變化及空間分布情形。結果呈現放量高峰期普遍出現在三月至六月,並未出現在一般空氣品質不良之冬季,但月份間之排放量差距部分區域高達兩倍之多。空間上,往來臺中港、基隆港及花蓮港之船舶主要分布於沿岸區域。 (九)本計畫透過臺中港歷年空品情形及港區清冊之歷年排放趨勢,分析兩者間的相關性,夏季時臺中港電力專業區之濃度與排放量趨勢相同又以氮氧化物較為顯著,在冬季則是臺中港中突提之氮氧化物與排放量趨勢一致,由此可推論臺中港之氮氧化物排放有可能是港區周遭污染貢獻來源之一。 (十)本計畫透過ISC、CALPUFF等擴散模式以及CMAQ網格模式進行船舶排放影響範圍以及空品事件期間之增量貢獻模擬分析。擴散模擬結果,主要影響範圍包括沙鹿、線西、彰化等地區;網格模擬結果,針對衍生性PM2.5於空品事件期間臺中港及麥寮港之最大增量貢獻分別達5.3μg/m3及2.2μg/m3。
中文關鍵字 排放清冊、 港區污染、管制策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA13-03-A302 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8040 千元
專案開始日期 2015/12/30 專案結束日期 2016/12/29 專案主持人 蔡志賢
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 陳惠琦 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA13-03-A302.pdf 45MB

Establishment of Port Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Drafting of Emission Reduction Strategies

英文摘要 Since 2009, Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan (EPAT) has been conducting “Establishment of Port Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Drafting of Management Strategies” program. This program is created for improving air qualities over port areas in Taiwan, while fulfilling the Taiwan-U.S. collaboration commitment. The program started with the creation of ground-level information for port air pollutant inventory, followed by the planning of air cleaning action initiative for port areas. And to date, the program has accomplished the establishment of five emission inventories based on 2009 to 2013, respectively. This program is a follow-up for implementing “Establishment of Port Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Drafting of Management Strategies”. Major aspects of the program include: enhancing the scope, depth, and application of port inventory, revising current estimating module of emission and expanding the scope of inventory with reference to the latest international practice. As for the application, air pollution fee of ships is analyzed based on their impacts on the air quality. As for the control practice, air pollution self control and management of port institutions is focused. With the information collection of current international control technique and practice of port and ship air pollution, as well as the update of latest international convention, feasible regulations and actions are proposed. Accomplishments of this project are summarized below: 1. The emission factors and related coefficients of all sectors in port area are updated, including the main and auxiliary engine of ocean-going vessels, The mission factors of harbor-craft are localized, and the emission factors of heavy-duty vehicle are also applied. 2. The attribute and activity database for all emission sectors, as well as the standard auditing procedures of data quality, are established based on the 2015 data. 3. The 2015 air pollutant emission of eight commercial ports (including a new port – Budai port), two industrial ports, and four special harbors of state-owned enterprise are implemented. That for 2014 is also interpolated. Both are integrated with the inventory data of port area from 2009 to 2013, to analyze the trend of air pollution emission. 4. According to the emission trend, the available emission reduction amounts of Taipei Port, Taichung Port, Kaohsiung Port, and Hualian Port are decreasing. Showing that the significant result is obtained by promoting the vessel speed reduction. However, the cruises into the Keelung Port increases these years, and there is no regulation complying with the vessel speed reduction requirements, it still relies on the promotion and advocacy from port corporation. 5. Feasible reduction strategies for the future are proposed in this project. If the measure of replacing diesel engine with shore power is adopted, and Harbor 115, 116 of Evergreen Marine and Harbor 108, 109 of Kao Ming terminal use shore power, emissions of several air pollutants will reduce by 1.01 ~ 2.38%. 6. Based on the total quantity control of ship emission, reduction is feasible by adopting shore power. However, the reduction from vessel speed reduction is still difficult to quantify, the baseline of available reduction amount is also difficult to define. 7. Three phases to promote charging the air pollution fee of ships are proposed in this program. Phase 1, research and promote, 2014~2015. Phase 2, advocacy and transition, 2016~2019. Phase 3, implementation and charge, 2019~2026. And, four supporting measures must be considered, including politics, technique, efficiency, and legislation. 8. Through the temporal and location analysis of port inventory, the distributions of emission from ocean-going vessels of every port are analyzed. The results showed that peak emission usually occurred in period of March to June, instead of winter during which the air pollution is usually severe. However, the emission strength might differ by double among months. As for the space distribution, the ships from and to Taichung Port, Keelung Port, and Hualian Port usually occurred near the shore area. 9. Through the trend analysis of inventories of Taichung Port these years, several correlations are studied. In summer, the pollutant concentration in power district of Taichung port is coincident with emission, especially for NOx. In winter, the location transferred to central pier. It implies NOx emission from Taichung Port might impact the surrounding area. 10. Through the simulation by several air quality models, including ISC, CALPUFF, and CMAQ, the impacts of air pollution from ships were analyzed. The results showed that the influence area including Shalu, Xianxi, and Changhua. The CMAQ simulation results show that the maximum impact of secondary PM2.5 from Taichung Port and Mailiao Port reached 5.3μg/m3 and 2.2μg/m3, respectively.
英文關鍵字 Emissions Inventory, Port Area Pollution, Control Strategy