

中文摘要 為掌握全國排放量趨勢作為管制之參考,國家空氣污染物排放清冊之更新制度為每三年進行一次基準年總檢討計算,並在歷年間做局部更新,資料解析度可達縣市解析。本年度計畫的工作執行重點以推估102年為基準年之新版空氣污染物排放量(TEDS 9)為主軸,完成產出之清冊排放量包含提供給管制單位使用的102年縣市排放量、行業別統計分析結果、未來年自然成長與管制後排放量、模式模擬使用的1 km  1 km網格排放量,以及污染源時間特性權重,其中包括部份污染源8,760逐小時資料庫。本年度計畫工作成果摘要如下: (一)完成102年基準年空氣污染物排放量推估工作,並更新船舶、航空器與餐飲業等污染源推估方法,排放量架構分為點、線、面及生物源,所推估之空氣污染物種為具環境空氣品質標準之法規物種及前驅物種,全國排放量TSP(原生性)、PM10(原生性)、PM2.5(原生性)、SOx、NOx與NMHC排放量分別為392,536公噸、170,915公噸、80,931公噸、125,649公噸、406,617公噸與646,890公噸。 (二)本年度首次引用高速公路局之車輛辨視系統(VD)資料庫進行線源國道活動強度計算與空間分配作業,資料庫為五分鐘解析,國道全線共架設424個VD測點,其分配結果較早期版本以25個收費站端點參考日車流量作為分配依據,在空間與時間資料密度、準確度與精細度均大幅提升。 (三)TEDS 9.0版8,760逐小時分布資料,污染源類別涵蓋包括102年全國CEMS監測資料、國道VD車流量,以及臺北、桃園與高雄國際航空站;月時間變化包括工業、商業、農業與民生用燃燒性污染源、垃圾掩埋指標等項目。 (四)本年度管制情境研擬參考中央環保署、各空品區管制計畫及縣市空污防制書中,針對點、線及面源所進行之管制策略下,預估民國110年時排放減量噸數如下,TSP:25,152公噸,SOx:14,963公噸,NOx:26,718公噸,NMHC:458,459公噸。 (五)蒐集國際上主要排放清冊品保品管程序與內容,使上一版本清冊內部品質控制方法更加完善,在計畫執行期間期中與期末審查時共設立共二次查核點,完成點源、線源與面源品保品管程序架構與執行,對於資料精確性、完整性、相似性與合理性做出完整評估,並完成排放量不確定性分級評等。 (六)本年度探討PM2.5排放量、濃度與人口分布之關係,都會區人口數及排放量都高於全臺平均,主要為受到移動源排放之影響;另以CMAQ空品模式模擬固定源與移動源空污費收費對象對空氣品質之影響,除了基隆市、臺北市明顯以移動源為主要貢獻來源,應視為主要管制目標,其他地區固定源與移動源影響各半,其中高屏空品區受固定源影響較大。 (七)完成縣市排放量提報制度推動及網路系統提報功能更新應用,包括協助與審查縣市執行104年排放量管理計畫工作執行;研擬105年排放量管理計畫工作項目、作業方法及評分標準,並藉由召開105年排放量管理計畫說明會進行工作協調。 (八)完成103年綠色國民所得帳編制,配合主計處編製103年綠色國民所得帳,進行空氣品質質損資料之估算及資料提供,並新增PM2.5排放量帳資料。 (九)「空氣污染排放量查詢系統」網頁內容進行更新與維護作業,並完成新版排放清冊之網頁製作,增加排放量推估教學、污染源活動強度來源,以及空間分配指標頁面,也持續性蒐集相關國外排放量建置消息。 (十)編製新版排放量推估技術手冊,詳細載明包括點源、線源、面源與生物源等推估方法與資料參數來源;於臺北與臺中分別舉辦四場排放量推估教育訓練會,說明新版清冊推估差異。
中文關鍵字 排放清冊、排放量空間分配


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA11-03-A182 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8850 千元
專案開始日期 2015/05/15 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 蔡志賢
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 景丰科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-104-FA11-03-A182.pdf 39MB

Build the new air emissions inventory

英文摘要 Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS), as basic information to national emission control, is reviewed and updated every three years. And, the resolution is down to county’s scale. The focus of the project this year is to produce the new inventory of TEDS based on 2013. The data of this inventory provided to several authorities includes emission statistical information of counties and industries, predicted trend of emission w/o control, and emission data base of 1km x 1km with time profile. The main achievement of this year also includes: 1. Finish the calculation of air pollutant emission of 2013, and improve the estimation of emission from ships, airplanes, and restaurants. The inventory contains point, line, area, and bio sources. Criteria air pollutant species, including TSP(primary), PM10(primary), PM2.5(primary), SOx, NOx, and NMHC, are estimated with total amount of 392,536 tons, 170,915 tons, 80,931 tons, 125,649 tons, 406,617 tons, and 646,890 tons. 2. Database from Vehicle detection system (VD) of Freeway Bureau was adopted this year to improve the estimation of emission from freeway. The results show that the discrepancy to previous method is still acceptable. 3. Data of CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring System), VD of freeway, and airplane schedule from Taipei, Taoyuan, and Kaohsiung airport, are adopted to improve the hourly profile of emission strength. 4. Control scenarios are quoted from the EPA, and SIP of air basins or counties. In case of implementing all control strategies, the estimated reduction of emission in 2021 are 25,152 tons for TSP, 14,963 tons for SOx, 26,718 tons for NOx, and 458,459 tons for NMHC. 5. Collect QA/QC information of inventories overseas to improve that of our previous TEDS, and implement the QA/QC structure and process of point, line, and area sources. 6. Concerning Impacts from air-pollution-control charge of stationary and mobile sources, the CMAQ modeling results revealed except for Keelung City and Taipei City which were mainly affected by mobile sources, other districts were fairly affected by stationary and mobile sources, and the Kou-Hsuang/Ping-Dong area was mostly affected by stationary sources. 7. Updating the county/city emission reporting system: including a) technical support of 2015 county/city emission control projects; b) review, evaluation, and advises to 2015 emission control projects; c) elaboration of evaluation standards for 2016 emission projects. 8. 2014 green national product (GNP), including newly added product from PM2.5 emission, is prepared, and provided to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. 9. Maintain and update the web site of “Air Pollution Inventory Query System”. Elaborate the structure of next version emission inventory web site. Accomplish the web-site contents of estimation teaching of new emission sources, activity of emission, and space allocation index. Continuously collect related information of emission web sites overseas. 10. Finishing new version of TEDS technical manuals which include estimation formulas and references of stationary, mobile, area and biogenic sources; Four training conferences held in Taipei and Taichung and elaborating updates of new version TEDS.
英文關鍵字 Emissions Inventory, Emissions Spacial Distribution, Quality Control