

中文摘要 環保署逐步開徵硫氧化物(SOx)、氮氧化物(NOx)與揮發性有機物(VOCs)後,近年來陸續修正相關法規,確實掌握污染源排放量,本計畫則針對制度與排放係數提供相關方案,促使收費機制更符合經濟誘因,另外確保污染源排放量之正確性,針對環保局進行輔導與稽核,並針對重點污染源查核與開發便利性空污費申報審查系統。 在制度與排放係數方面,共提出4種費率修正方式,包括許可收費方案、查核增額方案、優惠係數修正與費率納入物價指數等;以及提出6種排放係數修正,包括石化製程非常態排放係數、設備元件排放係數改依相關方程式法計算、刪除可選擇2種排放係數之規定、儲槽排放公式修正、質量平衡計算公式修正與燃燒塔排放係數修正等;另外鼓勵業者增設防制設備,修正減免辦法申請期程之彈性與簡化提報程序。 在品質稽核方面,完成22場次縣市環保局執行空污費輔導與查核作業以及10場次重點行業別查核作業,配合公開近7年之排放量並完成修正汽車表面塗裝業之排放量申報表單、提出自廠係數申請作業程序與監督查核表單、以及蓄熱性焚化爐重點查核確認。 在系統修正方面,整併排放量申報與空污費申報為單一平台作業,並開發多種瀏覽器適用之申報審查系統,預計可減少節省9,600小時/年。 後續仍需研擬滾動式費率調整機制、訂定空污費績效指標、持續建置本土化排放係數與掌握污染源排放來源與強化空污費系統友善性功能,落實污染源付費之精神。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制費、徵收制度、監督查核


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA12-03-A056 經費年度 104 計畫經費 20800 千元
專案開始日期 2015/03/02 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 陳辰菖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 固定污染源空氣污染防制費徵收制度研修暨監督查核管核計畫_期末正式報告.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 Since the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) began the collection of the Air Pollution Control Fee on sulfur oxides(SOx), nitrogen oxides(NOx), and Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs), regulations were made to inquire better understanding on the emission inventory. This objectives of this project are proposing revision on the fee collection regulations and emission factors, conducting inspection on local governments and emission hot spot, and developing better emission reporting system. This project proposes revisions on the fee collection regulations and emission factors, ultimately to increase the economy incentive to reduce pollution. Four regulations revision proposal include fee collection based on permitted amount, increasing payment with inspection, revision on discounted indexes, and incorporation of consumer price index in to fee calculation equations. Emission factors revisions includes abnormal petro factory emission, equipment components, storage tanks, flares, and deletion of two optional emission factors. Meanwhile, to promote the installation of pollution control devices by providing a more flexible and simple fee reduction program. To increase the accuracy of emission reporting, 22 inspection was completed on local governments and 7 on emission hot spots; emission calculation and reporting forms were completed of Automobile surface coating industry; Self-calculated emission factor application and inspection program was established; and the inspection focus of regenerative incinerators was established. The online reporting system for emission quantity and the Air Pollution Control Fee was combined, and programmed to be compatible on numerous platforms, estimated to save more than 9,600 hours per year. We suggest that rolling rate adjustment mechanism, performance index in the Air Pollution Control Fee, localization of emission factors, and friendlier fee reporting system could be the objective of future projects to ensure the implementation of the polluters pays principle.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control Fee, Collecting System, Supervision