

中文摘要 桃園市擁有全國知名觀光景點,如復興區小烏來及大溪區慈湖等,同時本市為國際機場所在,素有國門之都的美譽及重要貨運轉運站,交通流量逐年提高。截至105年5月底,本市柴油大客車、大貨車輛登記數達21,622輛,柴油小貨車約2萬6千輛,其中老舊柴油車(指88年6月30日以前出廠一、二期柴油車)約占3成,依歷年到檢資料分析,將近10%之一、二期老舊柴油車排放標準未符合之情形。 101年6月世界衛生組織(WHO)的國際癌症研究署(IARC)將柴油引擎排放的廢氣,公告為第一類確定致癌物質,等同砒霜及石棉,柴油車廢氣對環境與人體健康有重大影響,為維護空氣品質,對高污染柴油車加嚴管制有其必要性。本計畫主要針對使用中之柴油車輛稽查及相關宣導作業,由路邊攔檢、目視判煙等稽查方式,通知行駛於轄區內柴油車到站檢驗,藉本計畫之執行,經由宣導與取締等相互配合,督促車輛使用人養成車輛保養維修之習慣,以減少柴油車黑煙之排放,有效控制並改善空氣品質。
中文關鍵字 目視判煙,路邊攔檢,污染度,不透光率


專案計畫編號 104060256 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8705 千元
專案開始日期 2015/07/02 專案結束日期 2016/07/01 專案主持人 許智雄
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 吳秀瑛 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度桃園市柴油車排放黑煙污染防制計畫期末報告.pdf 15MB

2015 diesel Pollution Prevention Project

英文摘要 There are many well-known sightseeing spots in Taoyuan City, such as Xiaowulai in the Fuxing District and Cihu in the Daxi District, also the international airport is located in this city, hence known as the capital of the Country and important cargo transfer stations, traffic flow increased year by year. At the end of May 2016, 21,622 vehicles of diesel bus/big truck, and about 26,000 vehicles of diesel small truck, registered in this City, about 30 percent of them are old diesel vehicles (the diesel vehicles factory before June 30, 1999), according to the data analysis year by year check, shows nearly 10% of the one/two term old diesel vehicle exhaust do not meet the standards. In June 2012, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the diesel engine exhaust as the first class of carcinogenic substances, same as arsenic and asbestos. Diesel exhaust has a significant impact to the environment and human health. In order to maintain air quality, strict control of high-pollution diesel vehicles is necessary. This project aims at inspecting the diesel vehicles in use and the relevant propaganda. By means of roadside inspection and visual inspection, the diesel vehicles are informed of the inspection of the diesel vehicles in the station. By the implementation of this plan, propaganda and banned, and other mutual cooperation, urge vehicle users to develop vehicle maintenance and repair habits, in order to reduce the emission of diesel black smoke, effective control and improve air quality.
英文關鍵字 Emission visual identification, roadside pull-over emission inspections,pollution level, opacity