

中文摘要 104年「澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫」期程自104年1月14日起至104年12月31日止,主要工作重點包含餐飲業稽查管制作業、推動紙錢源頭減量、露天燃燒管制作業、裸露地調查改善作業及敏感污染源輔導等。茲將執行至104年12月31日之各項作業說明如后: 一、餐飲業稽查管制作業執行成果,針對餐飲業個別輔導共進行215家次油煙防制設備查核及輔導工作,並完成36家次餐飲業者油煙防制改善與減量;並於104年7月辦理共3場次「餐飲業油煙減量宣導會」,透過該場活動之辦理,餐飲業者也將得到最新油煙防制設備的裝設技術並了解防制設備使用及維護的重要性,以提高並真正達到餐飲業油煙減量的效果。列管10家露天燒烤業者中,共計輔導6家設置水霧噴灑系統,未來將持續輔導加強其油煙異味設備效率。另針對本縣屢遭陳情或告發之重大露天燒烤業者、餐飲業者或其他異味污染場址執行異臭味污染物採樣及分析,共計採樣14點次,其中有4點次採樣檢測結果超過法定異味排放標準,且皆為本縣住宅區之露天燒烤業,目前皆已告發處分。 二、推動紙錢源頭減量作業執行成果,已輔導完成45家次寺廟紙錢減量及宣導作業,並於現場張貼共45處海報宣導看板。另本計畫已輔導調查36家次廟宇有單位紙錢減量作為,推估年度紙錢減量重量可達11,847.36 Kg,較原始年度紙錢使用量,可減少21.11 %紙錢量。另辦理2場次「環保寺廟示範推廣觀摩會」,向民眾宣導紙錢減量之重要性及替代方式,也使境內廟宇瞭解其他環保廟宇推動狀況及執行方式,進而提升廟宇環保措施及污染減量觀念,以作為推動環保寺廟輔導方向及依據;另本年度共輔導1處寺廟新設環保金爐1座。 三、露天燃燒管制作業執行成果,計畫執行期間,針對易發生露天燃燒之區域及地點共執行360處巡查;另完成52處露天燃燒好發村里之宣導及看板建立,並請里長協助巡檢及污染通報,使露天燃燒管制績效提升,並有效防止露天燃燒行為。統計計畫執行期間,對於發生案件之主動巡查案件,尚未接獲露天燃燒之陳情案件,相較去年同期1件次,有明顯管制成效,未來將持續執行露天稽巡查管制,有效降低露天燃燒行為發生。 四、裸露地調查改善作業,計畫執行期間,共列管 4處未改善裸露地,合計面積共3,730 m2,改善面積達3,515.7 m2,改善率達94.25 %;另針對歷年12處已列管裸露地持續追蹤維護情形,未發現防制效率不佳或毀損者情形,未來將持續列管追蹤之。 五、敏感污染源輔導,計畫執行期間,針對逸散污染物易發源及敏感污染源共進行48次144件次之巡查及清掃作業,目前尚未發現污染情事,未來將持續追蹤查核。 六、環保宣導作業,為提升民眾對環境保護的觀念及推廣環保署年度重點政策,計畫執行期間,已提供24則媒體宣導新聞,加深民眾之印象,使民眾能共同響應環保局之各項環保政策。另辦理3場次大型環保宣導活動,透過一對一的宣導及活潑互動方式,帶領民眾從生活做環保,一同為了我們美麗的菊島環境盡一份心力;並於活動中向民眾進行調查508份有效問卷,以整合規劃逸散污染源空氣污染改善評估作業方式及提昇滿意度方式之方案。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業管制、露天燒烤、裸露地改善、環保金爐、紙錢減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3005.8 千元
專案開始日期 2015/01/14 專案結束日期 2015/12/31 專案主持人 顏清文
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王美素 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年「澎湖縣逸散污染源稽查管制暨低碳島抑制逸散揚塵專案計畫」.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 104 years "escape Penghu Island and the carbon pollution control inspection suppress fugitive dust development program" 104 years of the process is from January 14 until December 31 104 years, the main focus of work contains catering Inspection Control promote source reduction of paper money, open burning control operation, exposed to investigate and improve the working and sensitive sources counseling. Have to 104 years will perform the job of December 31 as later explained: 1.The implementation of the outcome of the inspection control job catering industry, catering for a total of 215 individual counseling once fume control equipment checks and counseling, and completed 36 views catering industry fume Prevention improvement and reduction; and to 104 in July to handle 3 sessions "catering fume reduction advocacy can" handle through the field activities, catering industry will also be installed fume control equipment of the latest technology and understand the importance of the use and maintenance of control equipment to improve and really achieve restaurants smoke reduction effect. Tube 10 open-air barbecue industry, the total counseling six set water spray system, the future will continue to strengthen its fumes smell coaching equipment efficiency. Another for the county repeated petitions or information of major open-air barbecue industry, catering industry or other odors contaminated sites perform different odor pollutants sampling and analysis, total sampling 14:00 times, including 4:00 sampling test results exceed statutory odor emissions standards, and residential areas of the county are all open-air barbecue industry, now have switched denounced punishment. 2. To promote the implementation of the outcome of paper money source reduction operations, has been completed counseling temples paper money 45 times reduction and advocacy work, and on-site posted a total of 45 posters propaganda billboards. Another of the plan has been counseling the survey 36 times temples reduction unit as paper money, paper money annual estimate weight reductions of up to 11,847.36 Kg, compared with the original amount of the annual paper money, paper money can reduce the amount of 21.11 percent. Another handle 2 sessions "green temples demonstration demonstrations" to the public the importance of advocacy and alternative reduction of paper money, but also about other environmental temples within temples and promote the status of implementation, and thus enhance temple environmental measures and pollution reduction ideas, as to promote environmental protection and in accordance with the direction of the temple counseling; another year, a total of counseling a temple new furnace a green gold. 3.The implementation of the outcome of the job control open burning during program execution, regional and places open burning of inspections for a total of 360 execution-prone; the other to complete 52 open burning predilection village of advocacy and billboards establish and requested assistance in long patrol pollution detection and notification, make open burning control performance improvement, and effectively prevent open burning behavior. During program execution statistics, case for the initiative to inspect the incident, the case has not yet received a petition of open burning, compared with a year earlier times, there are significant control effect, the future will continue to perform regulatory inspections uncovered protracted, effectively reduce open burning behavior occur. 4.Improve investigation operations exposed during program execution, a total of four tube does not improve bare land, the total area of a total of 3,730 m2, to improve an area of 3,515.7 m2, improve the rate of 94.25%; another 12 for the calendar year have been exposed calandria to keep track of the maintenance situation, not found or destroyed by poor efficiency of prevention and control situation, the future will continue to track the tube. 5.During the five sensitive sources counseling, program execution, and easy for escaping pollutants originate and sensitive sources a total of 48 144, followed by inspections and cleaning operations, has not yet found pollution violations, the future will keep track of verification. 6.During the six environmental advocacy work, to enhance and promote the concept of people EPD annual key policy on environmental protection, project execution, has provided 24 news media outreach, a deeper impression of the people, so that people can work together to respond to the EPA's various environmental policies. Another 3 screenings handle large-scale environmental outreach activities, through one of advocacy and lively interaction, from environmental protection to lead the people to do life together to our beautiful island environment daisy make a contribution; and to investigate the activities to the public 508 valid questionnaires, to integrate planning fugitive sources of air pollution to improve assessment practices and ways to enhance the program's satisfaction.