
104 年度高污染機車汰舊補助減量及排氣定期檢驗管理計畫

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自104 年8 月18 日貣至105 年8 月17 日止, 期間辦理二行程汰舊補助作業、汰舊換購電動機車補助作業、汰 舊換購電動(輔助)自行車補助作業、烏賊車檢舉審查催檢作業,以 及定檢站管理作業,本計畫重點工作說明如下: 一、補助作業 1.二行程機車汰舊補助作業: 104 年度二行程機車汰舊補助總申請件數15,145 件,其 中13,826 件經審查合格撥款,每輛補助1,500 元,105 年度 二行程汰舊補助作業截至8 月17 日為止,計有13,922 件申 請,其中10,808 件經審查合格,目前仍持續受理民眾申請案 件。 2.電動機車補助作業: 104 年度電動機車補助計有166 件申請,125 件經審查合 格撥款,105 年度截至8 月17 日為止,已有130 件申請合格, 目前仍持續受理民眾申請案件。 3.電動(輔助)自行車補助作業 104 年度新購電動(輔助)自行車補助總件數968 件,每輛 補助3,900 元,皆已完成匯款作業,而105 年度截至8 月17 日為止,已有999 件申請合格,目前仍持續受理民眾申請案 件。 二、烏賊車檢舉案件作業 104 年經複審通過之烏賊車檢舉案件共寄發1,627 件雙掛 號公文催檢通知,經統計累計回檢總數為1,249 輛次,累計回 檢率達76.8%,另外有55 輛次在收到雙掛號定檢公文通知後 進行報廢,報廢比率佔通知數的3.4%,將回檢合格率及報廢 率相加則高達80.1%,而未依規定期限內進行排氣檢驗且合 法送達予總共告發處分167 件達10.3%,由此研判寄發雙掛 號公文催檢通知成效良好。 三、定檢站管理作業 1.品質查核 計畫執行期間共計定檢站查核1,006 站次,其中以「框 線不明確」比例最高達23%,其次為「機車定檢複驗查核單 未開立」佔15%,再其次為「整體環境髒亂」佔12%,針對 查核有缺失定檢站已進行輔導改善及相關教育訓練。 2.檢校查核 104 年度針對老舊排氣分析儀之定檢站進行檢校查核作 業,查核55 站次,共計50 站查核合格,5 站不合格,不合格 比率為9.1%,其中流量及洩漏檢查不合格,主要原因為儀器 內部管路破損、泵浦薄膜老化。 3.實車查核 依新北市實車查核頻率完成36 站次定檢站實車查核作 業,查核對象以攔檢比對異常站發現缺失率最高,共計查核 20 站中有7 站有擅調空燃比行為,1 站在檢驗中催油門,缺 失比例高達40%。 3.訓練及評鑑 已辦理4 場次定檢站人員教育訓練計有1,059 人次受 訓,內容包含「定檢站品質查核管理重點說明」及「定檢站 管理辦法與配合事項說明」,藉由最新資訊訓練,提升定檢 站服務品質,另於105 年1 月進行優良定檢站評鑑,並於同 年3 月26 日舉辦頒獎典禮。 四、汰舊定檢宣導作業 1. 二手車買賣認證 推動二手機車於買賣前完成年度定檢,由二手車商源頭 管制,避免車主購買二手機車後因疏忽定檢導致遭受裁處, 並有效建立車主定檢觀念,已完成50 家簽署。 2.校園市場宣導 鼓勵民眾汰舊高污染車輛改用低污染車輛,特別加強規 劃由烏賊車檢舉數及二行程機車設籍數較高之新莊及中和區 進行汰舊定檢宣導,完成22 所學校、8 處市場及2 場特色宣 導,比較同期二行程機車減少8,747 輛。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 8160 千元
專案開始日期 2015/08/18 專案結束日期 2016/08/17 專案主持人
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林言致 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 104年度汰舊期末報告定稿.pdf 2MB
英文摘要 Summary of Implementation Results This project's implementation period extended from August 18, 2015 to August 17, 2016. During this period, we performed subsidy tasks for the retirement and scrapping of two-stroke motorcycles, retirement of old motorcycles and the purchase of electric motorcycles, retirement of old motorcycles and the purchase of electric (or electrically-assisted) bicycles, review of reported highly-polluting motorcycles and call in for inspection, and motorcycle emission testing station management; the following is an overview of key tasks performed during this project: A. Subsidy tasks 1. Subsidy tasks for the retirement and scrapping of two-stroke motorcycles: During 2015, a total of 15,145 subsidy applications were received for the retirement of two-stroke motorcycles, of which 13,826 cases were approved to receive the subsidy following review. A subsidy of NT$1,500 was provided for each motorcycle. In 2016, a total of 13,922 subsidy applications had been received for the retirement of two-stroke motorcycles as of August 17, of which 10,808 cases were approved following review. We are currently continuing to accept applications from the public. 2. Electric motorcycle subsidy tasks: During 2015, a total of 166 electric motorcycle subsidy applications were received, of which 125 cases were approved to receive the subsidy following review. In 2016, a total of 130 applications had been approved as of August 17, and we are currently continuing to accept applications from the public. 3. Electric (or electrically-assisted) bicycle subsidy tasks During 2015, we received a total of 968 subsidy applications for purchase of new electric (or electrically-assisted) bicycles, and a subsidy of NT$3,900 was provided for each new vehicle; payment of all subsidies has been completed. In 2016, 999 subsidy applications had been received as of August 17, and we are currently still continuing to accept applications from the public. B. Highly-polluting motorcycles report tasks During 2015, we sent out 1,627 official inspection call -in notices via double-registered mail in highly-polluting motorcycle report cases that had passed follow-up review. Our statistics indicate that 1,249 motorcycles returned for inspection, for a cumulative inspection rate of 76.8%. Another 55 motorcycles were reported as scrapped after their owners had received the official inspection call-in notices via double-registered mail, and the rate of vehicles reported as scrapped after notification was 3.4%. The combined rate of motorcycles passing inspection or being reported as scrapped was 80.1%, and a total of 167 (10.3%) disciplinary certificates were delivered in cases when motorcycles were not brought in for exhaust inspection within the prescribed periods. These figures indicate that the sending of official inspection call -in notices via double-registered mail has yielded very good results. C. Motorcycle emission testing station management tasks 1. Quality audits A total of 1,006 motorcycle emission testing station audits were performed during the implementation period. Among unfavorable audit results, "marking lines unclear" was most common (23%), and was followed by "motorcycle re-inspection audit forms not completed" (15%), and "general environment dirty/disorderly" (12%). The motorcycle emission testing stations with audit shortcomings have made improvements under guidance and received relevant training. 2. Calibration audits During 2015, calibration audits were performed on old exhaust analysis instruments at motorcycle emission testing stations. Audits were performed at 55 stations, of which 50 stations passed audit, and 5 failed, for a failure rate of 9.1%. The chief reasons for failure to pass flow and leak inspection were damage to the instruments' internal tubing and the aging of pump membrane. 3. Real vehicle audits A total of 36 real vehicle audits of motorcycle emission testing stations were performed in accordance with the prescribed New Taipei real vehicle audit frequency. Among the audited stations, roadside test abnormality stations had the highest rate of shortcomings, and 7 of the 20 stations of this type that were audited had performed maladjustment of air -fuel ratios; one station sharply turned motorcycle throttles during inspection. The shortcoming rate was a relatively high 40%. 3. Training and evaluation We have conducted four training sessions for motorcycle emission testing station personnel, and 1,059 personnel received training. The content of this training included "Key instructions concerning motorcycle emission testing station quality audit management" and "Motorcycle emission testing station management regulations and coordination matters." By provided the most up-to-date information, this training boosted service quality at motorcycle emission testing stations. Furthermore, we conducted a superior motorcycle emission testing station evaluation in January 2016, and held an awards ceremony on March 26 of the same year. D. Old motorcycle retirement and scheduled inspection awareness tasks 1. Second-hand motorcycle sale certification We promoted awareness that second-hand motorcycles must receive an annual inspection before they are sold, performed source control via second-hand motorcycle dealers, which helped buyers of second-hand motorcycles avoid penalties if they neglect scheduled inspection, and effectively strengthened scheduled inspection consciousness among motorcycle owners. Fifty second-hand motorcycle dealers completed sign-up. 2. School market awareness To encourage the public to retire old, high-pollution motorcycles and switch to low-pollution motorcycles, we conducted special old vehicle retirement and scheduled inspection awareness events in the Xinzhuang and Zhonghe districts, which have high numbers of highly-polluting motorcycles reports and registered two-stroke motorcycles. We completed awareness events at 22 schools and 8 markets, as well as two special awareness sessions. Compared with the same period of the previous year, the number of two-stroke motorcycles in these districts was reduced by 8,747 motorcycles.