

中文摘要 為持續提升對土壤及地下水調查、整治技術,本市希冀透過國際土壤及地下水污染相關交流活動,增進土壤及地下水污染改善技術及經驗,並邀請國內外具有學術研究與實務經驗之知名學者專家進行專題演講及講座,針對國際土壤及地下水法規、技術、管理策略及相關經驗進行交流。爰此,特辦「高雄市土壤及地下水污染示範交流與觀摩計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),以強化污染場址之整治及管理經驗,以作為未來施政之參考。 本計畫依據契約書履約標的,於2015年7月21日至7月27日辦理雲南省環境科學學會來台交流行程,期間於高雄經貿園區與桃園台灣美國無線電公司場址進行調查技術之示範,同時舉辦了兩場次座談會,第一場針對兩岸土壤及地下水現行之法規、技術、管理策略及其他成功整治經驗進行分享。第二場針對兩岸土壤及地下水環境保護協會合作意向架構協議(MOU)進行討論,其中第二場座談會達成了加速雲南與台灣在土壤與地下水技術和法規交流的共識,並當場邀請我方於104年11月回訪雲南。 此外,本計畫為透過污染教育模型強化土水保護觀念,在本計畫製作了一座以高雄煉油廠污染區域之整治與污染傳輸模型,一式80頁的中英文土壤地下水業務宣導手冊「喚回土地生命力」,以及一部20分鐘之影片「見證歷史 展望未來」。
中文關鍵字 交流活動


專案計畫編號 經費年度 104 計畫經費 3804899 千元
專案開始日期 2015/11/29 專案結束日期 2015/11/30 專案主持人 陳慶宇
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇榮宏 執行單位 艾奕康工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 成果報告.pdf 10MB
英文摘要 To promote the technologies of soil and groundwater investigation, remediation, the city expected that through international exchange programs related to soil and groundwater contamination to gain experiences of remediation technologies. Domestic and international experienced experts and distinguished academic researchers are invited to delivery of a course of lectures with subjects of international regulations, soil and groundwater technologies, management strategies and exchange of experience. Therefore the "Kaohsiung City Soil and Groundwater Contamination Demonstration Project" (hereinafter this project) was conducted to strengthen the experience of contaminated sites management and remediation and as the administration reference in the future. According to the objectives of project contract, Environmental Sciences Academy of Yunnan Province was invited to Taiwan from July 21 to 27 2015. During this trip, Kaohsiung City Multifunctional Commerce and Trade Park, and RCA site were visited to demo the investigation technologies. Two seminars were hosted, first seminar was focused on current soil and groundwater regulations, technologies, management strategies and successful experiences. Second seminar discussed the framework of Memory of Understanding (MOU) for soil and groundwater environment protection associations across the Taiwan Straits. An agreement of speeding up exchanges of technical and regulatory between two parties in soil and groundwater environment protection was reached. Invitation to visit Yunnan in November 2015 was also made. In addition, to improve the awareness of soil and groundwater protection, a physical model of Kaohsiung Oil Refinery site was made combing the contamination remediation and transport. An 80-page Chinese and English bilingual handbook of soil and groundwater management "Recover the Life of Land" and a 20-minute film "Witness history and looking into the future" was produced.